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Posts posted by Kevin_Matlock

  1. cat pee will sterilize your rope and remove any nasty bugs. wash your rope in a dilute solution of cat urine after every time someone else puts it in their mouth.

    Yes, cat urine doesn't quite get the kudos it deserves:

    -it's caffine free hahaha.gif

    -it's relatively inexpensive crazy.gif

    -it's less habbit forming than beer cry.gif

    -it's less filling; AND tastes great fruit.gif


    So, belly up to the feline... the cat urine is on me (not litterally) bigdrink.gif

  2. Ok, this against my better judgement, but I need to ask... anybody ever buy used gear (from ebay, g-sale, homeless guy under a bridge, etc)? Specifically nut or cams. I have just invested $$$ on some used gear that looks to be in good shape, but just wondering if any other cheap skates out there have done the same.

    I know, I know, I'm risking my life on someone else's hand-me-downs, but if someone was just replacing their old/heavy/out-of-style shit with new stuff, and it's in good shape, then what's the problem?


    Discuss. boxing_smiley.gif

  3. Well, yeah, that's pretty much the stock answer I should have thought of.

    But let me ask it again, is there a "base set" or peices that people usually rack up for most climbs? If so, what is the default set of gear people are taking along. Provided that there are no unusuall requirements, etc.

    Maybe this is impossible to answer?

  4. I'm putting together my first alpine rack. I've read lots of opions of what TO and what NOT to carrying, but how about the overall weight that you are dragging into the mountains. I'm just trying to compare what I have to what others are carrying. Give me your best guesstimates; be it in pounds, kilos, dramms, sixpacks, hamsters, etc.


    In case you wondered, I'm not talking about the rack weight of a certain Mrs. Federline: the_finger.gif



  5. I realize the ignorance of this question, but here goes-

    Why would one want BD nuts AND trango nutz AND stoppers etc etc etc.

    Aren't these all used in the same way: ya' stuff it in a rock crack to save your own crack moon.gif in case of a fall?

    I have a single lonely tricam and a set of BD nuts so I'm still working on building my rack... what point am I missing here?

  6. I get a paraffin wax product with a citrus juice carrier at the local bicycle shop. Smells like orange juice with a candle in it. Can't remember the name of it, tho...


    Uh, Newman's Own salad dressing I think... cantfocus.gif

  7. Yep, that's me. I'm the gangly fucker on the right. You will notice that I've learned my lesson and have nixed the socks.

    BTW, my chalk bag is standing next to me (nice matching glasses!).

  8. WHEW... I'm new to the whole gym scene and I'll be a monkey fucking a football if I'm not guilty of the sock rule! I wasn't sure if that was PC but I saw at least 3 or 4 other complete morons wearing them so I figured...... cry.gif

    Thanks sobo for standing up and saying something and making me feel slightly better. And yeah, you gotta wear shorts over polypro in the mountains. But if some bofuck wore them in a GYM... well, even this newb knows better.


    Oh, and even though it's not mentioned, I left my old 80's neon pink-green-orange chalk bag at home and went and bought a new, more socially acceptable model made in this century. blush.gif

  9. Got your attention? Good. Ok, here's the deal...

    I'm looking for a climbing partner(s) in the Portland area with comparable climbing skills/motivation/free time to pick off some of the awesome peaks we have around here in the great NW.

    In the past I've either hooked up with flakes or friends that are petrified of heights (oddly enough this makes it tough to summit!).


    I guess what this means is that I'm looking for climbers who are in the same age group (I'm 36), who aren't busy with their kid's soccer practice or themselves training for K2, and someone close enough by me so it's not a major logistical challenge to get together. I'm just looking for a plain old everyday Joe (or Jane) who wants to get out there and do a summit or two (or three or four...). However, by no means would I object to hooking up with an experienced rock god; just so long as you don't mind showing me the ropes a little bit. I am happy to be your route bitch.


    My experience is years of hiking and cascade climbs (hood, sisters, washington, adams, etc). I have some limited experience on rock but would LOVE to learn more. Have some gear already and I'm itching to get it dirtier.

    In the past I've done mostly solo climbs but I want to move up the difficulty level a little bit,

    but me and da wife have grown fond of my existence and think I should remain LIVING. And... crevasse rescue by yourself generally sucks ass.


    Some climbing goals? In no particular order: north sister, jefferson, three finger jack, TONS of stuff in WA. Or... whutch you got???


    So, lets summarize: do you like climbing? Do you have the odd weekend on occasion to get out into the mountains? Do you have a warped sense of humor and like to drink beer? bigdrink.gif GOOD, so pick up the phone and call now... oh, well, reply to this post or email me at kevinmatlock (at) yahoo (dot) com .


    Can you squeeze me in between your 1 o'clock PTA meeting and your 5 o'clock Pilates course? Are you a highly skilled climber who smokes so much dope sometimes you can't tell the difference between a carabiner and a caribou? hahaha.gif Do you like the mountains... especially when you see them on postcards? Good... then RUN... RUN in the opposite direction.... run... keep running.... don't stop... run....

  10. Don't mean to tangent off from your post, but any of you other PDXers looking for a partner? I would have loved to have gone with you on Adams (did it last year), but just signed up on this board.

    Have some limited rock experience but always looking to learn more. Have gear already. I have much more experience on snow.

    David, let me know if you want a partner for anything after your Adams trip (three finger jack or mt. washington perhaps?).

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