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Everything posted by seattlechronic

  1. Where is this at> Eric
  2. With the music I am listening to right now and your words...What a great post!!! Glad you had a great Time!!!Can't wait to get there myself.. SC
  3. Lots of hard stuff!!! Just go up there!! SC
  4. Here is an Image From "The Garden" taken today..Bad Photo conditions but what the hey!.. Thanks Kix for the Info! ERic
  5. Self Port..With a timer...No ring.. Eric
  6. Likewise went to Rattle last week and still under water..Went to spy rock today will return tommorrow morn for some pics..Rock seems loose...6 to 8 miles is quite a way with a pad but is it worth it?..I am not Lazy!!!!Maybe I will explore it!! ERic
  7. It's real nice right now! Isnt it!! Stod and GAzed at the Trestle and Thought the Same Thing!!
  8. I found this on COugar Mtn... Out of the REd Mtn Trail Head..
  9. Thanks everyone for the Info...
  10. Thanks..That's about what I thought too but maybe a little harder than 5.9, 5.10a? maybe V1?..Fun Lines none the less..anyone else with more beta?
  11. From the Parking lot go under the Railroad tracks. Stay to your left and untill the bluff You'll see how to get down..There are 3 or four problems on this face..Anyone know more? The Sandstone is super sticky but real hard on the hands...Lot of tourists but I guess I was one too... Would love more info on this area..I also will post a few more pics Eric
  12. I recently saw a photo thread on Larrabee state park washington. So I went there today. I found beta on some problems but not this one..Any one from washington know the name or rating of the problem? Does anyone remember the Photo thread? Thanks people.. Eric
  13. I was up here the other day..This is a "Gold" Mine of Boulders.. I am going back up on tues weather permitting.. eRic
  14. Index was a beaut today..Wish I had a climbing Partner...Saw a few teams on the Lower wall...Ahh the life of a Noob~~ ERic
  15. Exit 38 is dry all over too...Although that may change tonight.
  16. Where is the dry tooling park?
  17. My eldo rules...Love it... Very few problems with condensation..
  18. Picked up a set of Sarken w/spirlock and KayLand Super Ice Boots for 250 for both...Boots Fit Like none other but HAve not really got to try the crampons and Boot Combo...Seems good On a little Dry Tooloing in the Backyard...Super Stiff and nice..Can't Wait!! ERic ERic
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