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We are conducting a research project to investigate how people prepare for climbs of mountains above 6,000 m and, in particular, whether or not they use hypoxic training systems -- which allow climbers to sleep and/or exercise in low oxygen (i.e., hypoxic) conditions -- as part of their trip preparation. If you are 18 years or older and have attempted or successfully climbed a peak over 6,000 m, you can provide valuable information for our study which is being run through the University of Washington. The anonymous, on-line survey will take 15 to 20 minutes to complete and does not require any personal information. Prior use of hypoxic training systems is not required to participate; however, eligible participants should have experience attempting to climb at least one peak over 6,000 m. Click here to be directed to the survey. Please remember to click "submit" at the end of the survey to ensure that all answers are saved correctly. If you have any questions prior to or after completion of the survey, feel free to contact us at aluks@uw.edu, Scott.McIntosh@hsc.utah.edu, Colin.Grissom@imail.org or Cormac.Zachar@gmail.com. Please know that the confidentiality of emails cannot be guaranteed. We appreciate your time and effort completing this survey and look forward to reporting our findings upon completion.
Found a Fitbit device on the Skyline Primitive Trail in Olympic National Park this past weekend. Send me a PM if you think it may be yours
Actually, all law enforcement rangers in the national parks and, I suspect other agencies like the Forest Service and BLM, have to go through formal training that lasts many months at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) and then spend 3 months working in a supervised setting in a national park or the like before they are ultimately deployed to work in their particular park. So, calling them the equivalent of mall cops is probably not accurate. And, given that just about anyone can wander their way into a park, they face many of the same risks as police officers in regular police jurisdictions, as evidenced by the fatal shooting of a park ranger several years ago on New Year's Day by an individual trying to flee from authorities elsewhere.
Found a single, right-foot steel Black Diamond step in crampon a few hundred feet below Camp Hazard on Mt. Rainier today. PM me if you think this is yours.
For Sale: Millet Odyssey 60+10L Backpack. Top-loading pack with zipper access to bottom of pack. Removable top compartment. Two ice ax loops. Side straps for carrying skis. Zippered pouch on right hip belt. Gear loop on left hip belt. Includes pack cover specific for this pack which stores in zippered pouch on bottom of pack. Small tear in back panel needs repair. $70 If interested: andrew_luks@yahoo.com
Keep in mind that "first thing in the morning" may now be earlier than expected. We did a trip a few weeks back and when we showed up on Saturday morning at 6:30AM -- 30 minutes before they open the Ranger Station -- we were already number 10 in line. Forbidden zone permits were gone by the time our number was called and we got to the desk to register. Within a few minutes after 7AM, that line had grown to over 30 parties. If you show up the afternoon before, I believe you can get a permit for a trip starting the following day. Also, once they close the station for the night, they are putting out a box of numbered cards so you can come in the evening and grab a number that puts you in a good spot for the next morning.
Not likely. There are two kinds of strokes: ischemic (loss of oxygen to the brain, which is usually due to arterial vessel blockage) and hemorrhagic (bleeding). Both cause irreversible damage in proportion to the size/area affected. As a long shot, this could be a temporary vessel occlusion (blockage) that is released within minutes of stopping the descent. That would be very unlikely. Add that no permanent effects have yet been detected and it seems even more unlikely to explain this. Maybe Dr Phil can help... I'm a certified Neurologic RN who works with acute stroke victims and I will say that these symptoms are consistent with a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA or Mini-stroke) which only last 1-30 minutes and then completely resolve.. Might be worth a quick Head CT or MRI to rule out any type of vascular abnormalities. These symptoms are in no way consistent with those seen in stroke (hemorrhagic or ischemic) or transient ischemic attacks and there is no indication to do a Head CT or MRI in this situation. Spare yourself that time and expense. A local occlusion of the vessel feeding the affected muscle is certainly possible but the likelihood of that in a young, healthy, non-smoking individual is very unlikely as vessel occlusion like that is typically only seen in older individuals who have smoked for a long time (peripheral arterial disease) and some other less common circumstances.
Black Diamond Carbon Compactor Ski Poles. 125 cm. Brand New. Never Used. Black shaft and handles. $95 (current retail: $120-130) If interested: andrew_luks@yahoo.com
June does have more snow but it's also the warmest part of the climbing season and depending on the snow pack in a given year, the lower Kahiltna glacier can be very broken up, particularly during a return to basecamp at the latter end of the month. I would be wary about skiing un-roped on the lower glacier late in the month, particularly during the middle of the day.
Quick update on conditions for thinking of going out in this current weather window... we did it May 31, two leaks later than the OP's TR. - Some snow on Shannon Ridge and on the way up to the notch. Intermittent snow for the first part after the notch but after rounding the first big bend, continuous snow above that. - The sulphide looked pretty cracked up for this early but staying on the west side of the glacier kept one well away from all of that and there were no major crevasse issues on the way to the summit pyramid - The snow couloir in the middle of the peak was already out. Melted down to rock in spots. What snow remained looked like it was serving as a bowling alley. Once gained, the ridge was free of snow
Timberline is just shy of 6 000 ft, I think that elevation would not make much of a difference, as usually human body is not greatly effected by altitude till about 9000-10000 ft level. It would definitely make for inconvenient commute, with very little of a real benefit. Some of the physiologic responses to hypoxia do actually start around 6,000 feet but the stimulus from that degree of hypoxia is mild compared to higher elevations, which is why one wouldn't gain much benefit from exposure to an altitude like Timberline. The positive study on live high-train low, was done in Utah. The athletes lived in Park City and then came down to Salt Lake City to train. The key aspect of this was that it required a lot of time each day at the higher elevation for there to be any benefit. There has actually been quite a lot of very good high altitude research since Houston's book, which came out a long time ago. It covers a huge range of topics and is not just focused on narrow issues like whether training in a hypoxic room makes a difference.
I'm no expert, but I remember myself and others sometimes getting the dry heaves after prolonged hard exertion. I assumed that was due to a weak diaphragm? Nope... not the reason at all.
There is a notion out there that some of these training strategies like the masks are useful because they help make the diaphragm stronger. Diaphragm strength is not really a limiting factor for normal individuals at heavy levels of exercise. In fact, with heavy exercise, you recruit a lot of other breathing muscles into the process (intercostal muscles, for example) to assist with ventilation. That being said, normal people who lack underlying lung disease are not limited in their ability to exercise by their breathing muscles at all. If you do detailed cardiopulmonary exercise testing on normal individuals you see that at peak exercise, most people have lots of ventilatory reserve (i.e., their breathing muscles have much more to give). They are limited by the ability of their heart to pump sufficient blood to the exercising muscles. That is what reaches its maximum first.
This would probably fall in the category of "things not likely to help, but likely to take some of your money." There has long been interest in the idea of training at high altitude. Years ago, elite endurance athletes did this (for example, cyclists living and training in Colorado). It was found this wasn't effective for race training, however, because maximum exercise capacity decreases at altitude and the athletes were not able to hit and sustain the top speeds they would be racing at lower elevations. Several years back, interest developed in a different model... live high - train low in which people resided at higher elevations but came down to lower elevation to train. The data on this has been mixed with one study out of Utah showing a benefit and another nicely done randomized trial in Europe showing no benefit. The one kicker from the study in Utah is that in order to derive a benefit the athletes had to spend a lot of time living at altitude each day (> 20 hours) and it needed to be done for a while. Altitude rooms like the one at this gym are now popping up and there is no systematic evidence in the research literature that they are of any benefit. The major problem is that the duration of exposure is probably far too short to lead to significant physiologic benefit. A one hour session just a few times a week isn't likely to do much. It's the more sustained exposures to hypoxia that are likely of greater benefit. There is growing evidence that intermittent hypoxic exposures can yield a variety of benefits but no one really knows the exact recipe of those exposures for generating benefit with exercise performance or climbing. A lot of high altitude mountaineers have started to use the high altitude tents as preparation for their climbs. In fact, some guiding outfits are now having clients use these prior to big mountain climbs and using it as a way to shorten acclimatization time on the mountain. The data on this are also very limited with one study showing decreased incidence of acute mountain sickness after 14 days of use when the person went up to 4500 m in elevation. There is no good evidence yet that it leads to benefit at extreme elevations. No harm in using it (aside from the cost and sleeping apart from your partner who may not appreciate the tent much). A key difference between this and the gym that may account for some benefit would be that people spend more time in the tent each night and do it daily as opposed to the random hour here or there at the gym. While we're at it... you might as well give up on the high altitude masks popularized by Marshawn Lynch. The purported explanations for how they simulate high altitude make no sense from a physiologic perspective. They are likely good at making exercise feel miserable however because you're now breathing against far more airflow resistance.
Exposure to high altitude poses a risk of developing one of three forms of acute altitude illness: acute mountain sickness, high altitude cerebral edema and high altitude pulmonary edema. Medications are available to prevent these problems and are commonly used by travelers at moderate elevations (e.g., 3000-5000 m) for this purpose. Recent reports suggest that climbers traveling to extremely high elevations on Mount Everest and other peaks are also using these medications to improve physical performance and/or increase their odds of reaching the summit without developing altitude illness. Despite these reports, little is known about exactly how common these practices are. We are conducting a research survey in order to estimate the number of climbers on Mount Everest who are using medications in this manner. People who have attempted to climb Mount Everest – whether they were successful in summiting or not – are eligible to participate. If are eligible and choose to participate, you will find a link to the anonymous on-line survey at the bottom of this email. The survey will less than 20 minutes to complete and does not require you to provide any personal information. Participation in this study is voluntary. You may decline to answer any question in the survey. All of the information you provide in the survey will remain anonymous and no one will be able to identify you from the information you provide in the survey. Although you will not benefit directly from this survey, we anticipate that information learned from the survey will help guide medical practice with regard to climbers on Mount Everest and other large Himalayan mountains. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at aluks@u.washington.edu, although please be reminded that the confidentiality of emails cannot be guaranteed. We appreciate your time and effort in completing this survey and look forward to reviewing the information you provide. Click here to complete this survey: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/aluks/252982 If the link does not work, you can copy and paste it in your web browser. PLEASE REMEMBER TO CLICK ON "SUBMIT" AT THE END OF THE SURVEY TO ENSURE THAT YOUR ANSWERS ARE ALL SAVED PROPERLY. Sincerely, Andrew M. Luks, MD Associate Professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine University of Washington Luanne Freer, MD Everest ER Himalayan Rescue Association Colin Grissom, MD Professor of Medicine University of Utah Peter Hackett, MD Institute for High Altitude Medicine Telluride, Colorado
The park service doesn't handle the roads on the east side of the Sierra. They are generally handled by CalTrans. The road to South Lake is not open year round. It is a 7-mile or spur off the road to Lake Sabrina and is often closed until into spring depending on the snow conditions. You can get pretty good beta on the road access by giving the folks at Mammoth Mountaineering or Wilson's Eastside Sports a call. You might also check out this discussion board: http://www.whitneyzone.com/wz/
We could still use a few more participants... if you know anyone who might be eligible or are eligible to participate yourself, we'd greatly appreciate the help. Happy holidays!
We're still looking for participants for the study listed in the post above. Thanks for the help!
Looking For Female Participants For a Research Survey on Pregnancy, Exercise and High Altitude Exposure Very little is known about the safety of travel and exercise at high altitude during pregnancy. Furthermore, although exercise is considered safe during pregnancy some activities, such as downhill skiing, are discouraged and many women modify their exercise regimes during pregnancy We are conducting a research project to study what kind of exercise women participate in during pregnancy and whether they travel to high altitude during pregnancy. Our goal is to use the information obtained in the survey results to provide advice to physicians and their pregnant patients who want to travel to high elevations. If you are physically active and have been pregnant you may be able to provide useful information for our study, which is being run jointly through the University of Washington and the University of Colorado. If you choose to participate, you will find a link to the anonymous on-line survey at the bottom of this email. The survey will take 15-20 minutes to complete and does not require you to provide any personal information. Eligible participants are women who have completed a pregnancy and are physically active. You do not need to have been to high altitude during pregnancy to participate. If you are currently pregnant with your first pregnancy, please wait until after delivery to complete the survey. Participation in this study is voluntary. You may decline to answer any question in the survey. All of the information you provide in the survey will remain anonymous. Although you will not benefit directly from this survey, we anticipate that information learned from the survey will help physicians and pregnant women who wish to travel and exercise at high altitude. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at linda.keyes@aya.yale.edu or aluks@u.washington.edu, although please be reminded that the confidentiality of emails cannot be guaranteed. We appreciate your time and effort in completing this survey and look forward to reviewing the information you provide. Click here to complete this survey: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/aluks/204130 If the link does not work, you can copy and paste it in your web browser. PLEASE REMEMBER TO CLICK ON "SUBMIT" AT THE END OF THE SURVEY TO ENSURE THAT YOUR ANSWERS ARE ALL SAVED PROPERLY. Sincerely, Andrew M. Luks, MD Associate Professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine University of Washington Linda E. Keyes, MD Assistant Clinical Professor, Emergency Medicine University of Colorado, Denver
Denali has a similar policy of reserving helicopter rescues for when there is a "threat to life or limb" although there are occasional exceptions to that that are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. A key difference between Denali and what has been the case at Rainier to this point is that Denali has it's own helicopter on call 24/7 during the climbing season on the peak. They contract with a helicopter outfit who provides the helicopter, a pilot (trained for high altitude missions and technical rescues) and mechanic who spend the entire season in Talkeetna. This is very different than what Rainier has done over the years. Occasionally, Denali needs to call in a Chinook from the military for a specific purpose but that is uncommon. One major advantage of the current Denali system is that the helicopter pilot has radio contact with the rangers on the ground coordinating the rescue or other aspects of flight operations. They also do training together prior to and during the season. That is not the case with the Army. When the Chinooks fly, the pilots do not have the same communication which raises the risk of the situation considerably, particularly when one considers the huge winds created by those helicopters when they come in.
Mt. Hunter above the clouds...