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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. 1) explain the downturns in temperature over the last 60 years 2) look at the stock market immediately prior to 2000, sure seems like the slope "changed" in a drastic way upwards... until a year or so later
  2. You're avoiding the real issue - Al Gore's hypocrisy. No surprise, since it is an "inconvenient truth".
  3. Wow, 0.6 degrees Celcius in 60+ years! I'm underwhelmed! Exactly how much is due to man alone, and how much otherwise? By exactly I want a number with certainty from peer reviewed journals (ala Foraker). And, if we do nothing then the temperature will rise another 0.6 degrees in 60 more years? or maybe 1 or 2 degrees? Alternatively if we make huge sacrifices in our personal lives in the US for those 60 years we'll do EXACLTY what? Limit the rate of growth by 1%? Maybe 5%? I want hard numbers man. And I want accurate predictions (which we don't get) on EXACTLY what will happen in either case, not the bullshit hand-wringing hyperbole we hear today. And if I am to sign up for huge personal sacrifices, I expect EVERYONE to do the same, including Al Gore, hollywood, and all you fuckers on the list who swallow this line of thought. Yes, that means less unnecessary trips to climbing areas - both in state and around the world - no more trips to Denali, the Dolomites, or whereever.
  4. No, YOU don't get it. Gore is fronting himself as a spokesman for the "crisis" that is global warming and insisting we ALL make drastic changes to avert that crisis, and himself is a profligate consumer of energy. That's out and out hypocrisy. Just as the lefties hold all the conservatives to a higher standard for moral behavior because they take moral stances, so should Gore be held to a higher standard for his position and his hypocritical personal behavior. Bush doesn't go around moralizing to us about energy use so he can be as profligate as he wants. Just as morally corrupt lefties can get away with their moral failings without reproach, since they don't moralize. Like a taste of your own medicine? Bitter, eh?
  5. Fly 2nd class? He can certainly fly 1st class - ON A REGULAR FUCKING PLANE, not his own fucking lear jet. His behavior exemplifies the elitist arrogance of the rich and powerful dictating that WE must make sacrifices to avert "global disaster" (hysterical hyperbolic bullshit in itself), while he does whatever the fuck he wants - and is "entitled" to it. Fuck him.
  6. It makes me think about the whole idea girls have that they have to change for a man. This happens sometimes a girl acts differently around a man until she entraps him, then she "reverts" back to how she "is" and gets all huffy when the man is wondering wtf just happened. Read - "I just met this guy...he's so dreamy...and he's a climber! I'll try climbing now, it will be a fun thing we can do together!" N years later she's not climbing, chunked out because she's secure that he can no longer run off so lay on the wine and chocolats baby, and hell the sweaters just cover up everything anyway, and, well hell just not doing much of ANYTHING anymore. Word. I'm constantly amazed by the number of married women who not only seem to have no interests or passions of their own, but who seem actively avoid cultivating any of their own interests so they can stay at home and pout whenever the hubby actually does something outside of the relationship and use the whole abandonment-guilt angle for emotional blackmail later on. These were all women with no children. If there were kids involved and the guy was constantly cruising off to play while she was left to look after the kids I'd understand, but - nope. These are also the type that seem to double-up on the Ben and Jerry's shortly after the honeymoon is over. Scary stuff. Oh the humanity!!
  7. I never posited any "facts" about the lifespan of animals in captivity; nor did I refute your "facts". Have a nice day, Cliffie! Nope, you just got all 3rd grade on dru and called him a name! That's totally legal. Poop-head. Am not. Are too. Yeah, lots of "3rd graders" call each other Cliff Clavin. Oh, and if the shoe fits...
  8. I never posited any "facts" about the lifespan of animals in captivity; nor did I refute your "facts". Have a nice day, Cliffie!
  9. Thanks Cliff Clavin
  10. I've met quite a few coders who are pigs.
  11. for once, you are right but even a stopped clock is correct twice a day
  12. young is more attractive each year I look at my repulsive form and am reminded of this
  13. Queensryche
  14. Jar O Flies
  15. Hendrix, Heart...
  16. end users never know what they want until you put something wrong in front of them
  17. actually, they're tits. the rocks are in your head... rattling around that empty space
  18. which means all you wankers will have a problem...
  19. KaskadskyjKozak


  20. waaahhh. you're as bad as the chick who can't afford opera tickets and a house in Seattle.
  21. weird, I thought this was a thread about some horny chick smearing peanut butter on her hood
  22. lick sack
  23. Al Gore invented emoticons along with the internet. very ironic since he is clearly made of stone and incapable of any emotion himself
  24. we need to put fixed lines in on Hood from Timberline to the summit.
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