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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. when ARE you moving to Europe, anyways? You've only been "threatening" for 4+ years.
  2. prole is smoking porter's hog!
  3. pot. kettle. black.
  4. you will not get rationalizations from us
  5. ja ne gyeloboi suka. navernoe on pederast
  6. pravda. schital by prole pizdoj zhopoj glaznoj
  7. we are already taxed. if we need a new bridge, fund it with existing resources/taxes. that's a first priority, not the other shit our money is squandered on where the fuck is our ROI on all those transportation initiatives, anyways? no accountability.
  8. prole would've pissed himself out of joy at that opportunity That soldier would have skull stomped him for being a turncoat pussy anyhow. a ne lyubil by ego kak komunyak-zemlyak?
  9. prole would've pissed himself out of joy at that opportunity
  10. I want, I want, I want I want ROI for my taxes? fuck yeah!
  11. then they could make one line for bikes only.
  12. I do, fuckwad. and they should cover things, at a minimum, like, um, infrastructure. that should be obvious even to a shit like you.
  13. Better than a dead guy (and a dead ideology):
  14. too bad it's not more fast-acting
  15. Wow, gee, they make Obama PJ'S??? Fuck yeah, gotta vote for that guy! And it's so distinguished!
  16. Was it a Leatherman? Made right here in Ptown. No, that was the thing about that story Kev, it was a cheap Chinese knockoff his Aunt had given him for a gift that didn't have hard steel. This was noted when he tried to work the rock down before he was forced to hack the arm. It wasn't up for the job. Hard to say if the better steel of a Leatherman would have hacked the rock and spared the arm...guess well never know unless mythbusters heads over that way. I suppose the moral of the story is "Hack the rock and spare the arm". the moral of the story is tell somebody about your climbing plans and planned return date.
  17. This is were I have problem......IMO no child deserves to be hit. he did. the little fucker.
  18. you're probably more awake after a case of Stroh's than Kevbone is stone-cold sober.
  19. My mother used to hit my little bro with a wooden spoon, preferring the one with a hole (he deserved it).
  20. Bullshit! You started this thread by asking what to DO about a situation you witnessed.
  21. Mattp: you have not paid attention to boner's past comments on parenting.
  22. The companion that hiked out made good time getting help. Hope the injured party recovers completely.
  23. You need to get a permit for Sahale if you overnight, but it's awesome. Great views too.
  24. You can climb Daniel w/o setting foot on a glacier. Also there are bivy sites up high, and they should be more bug-free (anyplace has less bugs than Peggy's Pond in July)
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