You sound as ignorant as Choada_Boy. Maybe you are Choada_Boy.
So...what do YOU do for a living that we can bring up in this topic and ridicule?
Nothing very interesting, I imagine.
Actually, let's get this back on track.
There is nothing wrong with your profession, Dawg, and nothing to mock about it.
What there is to mock is the fact that you dedicate your life to study an ancient people who RAPED the rock while SIMULATEOUSLY engaging in this anti-bolting crusade. Explain just how it is that these ancient peoples are worthy of dedicating your life energy and are seen by you as a positive influence (right?), while anyone who places a bolt is anathema to you? Surely the damage caused to the rock in say, the Valley of the Kings, or the quarries mined to get blocks for the ancient pyramids far exceeds the combined world-wide damage caused by bolts.