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Everything posted by seatosky

  1. Matt, All of the NP Ranger Stations open at 7am. The reservation form determines the total fee the park will charge up front. Determine your party size as well as which climbers will need an annual climbing permit. The park will charge you $20 for the reservation and $30 for each climber on the reservation whom you don't have a permit ID for. If you want to avoid being charged extra $30 for each unverifiable climber make sure everyone in your party gives you their climbing permit # (or temp #)before you request a reservation. At check-in the ranger (hopefully a Ranger Babe ) requests all of your information again so make sure everyone brings their permit.
  2. I second the HB-dyneema for top of the line. $90+ You might also be interested in the less expensive Camp Silver Star. $65 at mzone.com. You should also check out climbing.com and read their helmet reviews.
  3. I have the Gust and it carries all of the basic mountaineering gear at less than 2lbs. pack weight. Carries comfortably for 2-3 days. I wouldn't put more than the recommended 30lbs. in it without modifying it like some of the others on this post. The pack material is dyneema and I haven't experienced any abrasion/wear issues. If carrying more than 30lbs. I would beef up the shoulder straps with some more foam, the hipbelt doesn't transfer weight terribly well to your hips. I would imagine the smaller go-lite packs would be good summit packs for those that don't need all the straps, pockets and other bells and whistles.
  4. If you want to upgrade the usual stock footbed in most boots the green Superfeet are good. If you can afford them though, I agree with marylou and CBS get some custom orthotics. Mine are carbon fiber and have a lifetime guarantee. Look into seeing a podiatrist for these.
  5. Nice variation on the Spur! The pictures help your TR. You picked a better time to start out. We left T'line at midnight and were caught in poor visibility. Had a difficult time navigating over to Illumination saddle and onward to Leuthold's. We probably saw you at the summit however. We were the three guys parked on top for sunrise.
  6. Fine by me if the numbers decline. More of the mountain for the rest of us. . . But in all seriousness, the economy may be a source of the decline. Fewer people willing to travel and pony up resources to climb Mt. Rainier. There are plenty of other places to go more affordably. We'll see about this theory when the economy gets rolling again. That may be awhile!
  7. Agreed! I just hope he climbs as well as he talks shit! Post plenty of pictures from your next climb together!
  8. Is that a sock full of batteries swinging overhead?
  9. Good times, good food, good people. Snickers and I missed you in the crowd Greg_W, but Bug was representing well! Take it easy on everyone on the uphill, Pandora! Let's do this thing again real soon. Anyone up for a Summer Picnic?
  10. Hey, Bug - Are you bringing the larvae tonight? I'm bring mine.
  11. You can't look tough in purple!!! Are those Elk Steaks purple?
  12. I'm dragging Snickers to the shindig tonight. Should be an interesting reunion with Bug! Let's talk about Rainier -next time we'll kick steps!!!
  13. GregW, aka rheumatism K, was the unfortunate soul that had the boot trudge back down to Paradise. We share your pains, bud, a pair of skis, even in those conditions beat that march any day! It was you, billygoat that had us all confused.
  14. Don't take Snickers comments poorly, Bug! He really means well. We had a great time with you guys up at the hut. The three of us are newbies to CC.com, and just wanted to find out what all the hype was about. From girlclimber aka pandora, to alpine_tom the CC'ers keep Muir hopping! This site is addictive-Now we just have to make sure we stay employed, keep our girlfriends and don't piss bug off again! The upper part of the mountain has accumulated several inches of new snow in the last week. The lenticular cloud bug mentioned formed very quickly around 5 am. We were debating continuing when we met Bugs group downclimbing the route. A summit bid in deteriorating conditions with accumulated spindrift over consolidated snow on the exit chute was not in the cards. Too bad we couldn't have made it further, back at the hut at 6:30am!!! I could have smashed that radio the Reno boys were playing. I had a bad tune in my head all the way down to Paradise. Greg_W, Tentless and Bug -Thanks for kicking all those steps for us below the beehive. That spindrift was 2-3 ft of mashed potatoes/sugary powder combo in places!
  15. Ditto Bugs question.
  16. Hey Mike, have you talked with anyone this week that has been up to Muir? How are snow conditions there?
  17. Any reports from above Muir this week? Has the snowfall been below 10K this week?
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