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Posts posted by letsroll

  1. The previouse version of mine was that I sewn Sili-nylon (sp?)to the back of a long sleeved shirt. It worked perfect till it started to stink too much and I had to wash it. The sili developed holes.


    THinking the RBH stuff would work good cause you will have nothing under it and you can wash/dry it easier if it is a single layer. I have not made it yet but it is an idea.

  2. Yes that is the idea but the 40below is way too warm for around here. I was thinking of using the RBH material on the back and some other material on the front to make a vest that is next to skin with no insulation.


    I found mesh fabric like you find on the inside of swim shorts but that might have too much stretch.



  3. i didn't use that webbing because it was faded and unusual- i mostly wondered...who puts little stamped medals on zip-tied anchors? the state park? the boy scouts? does it mean 1908? but seriously, I mostly thought the ziptie business just made it harder to inspect. i bet the anchor-screwers of late thought they were doing everyone a service.

    Hmmm. With all due respect, I would posit that people looking at that anchor and thinking twice about it says more about the state of trad knowledge and experience today. The interpretation of "08" is a matter of basic common sense and at the very least should have conveyed the notion that it was an actively maintained anchor. There was nothing about the appearance of the anchor that should have given one pause from a materials standpoint. Two independent 1" sliding-X slings installed in 2008 would be solid to hang your car from for the next five years minimum. Testing has shown one inch milspec sling material is bomb after completely fading out to white, and the fading wasn't significant on the anchor in question. The tie-wraps keep the the tandem sliding-X slings paired and organized and they do actually afford all necessary inspection of the installation. BUT, you do have to some idea what you're looking at and some familiarity with the materials in question. That anyone would think they're better off replacing two independent slings and SS rings of any age with a badly installed single sling and ring combo (or just skipping the webbing and rings altogether) defies all notions of common sense and logic. Bottomline? However well intended, it was a bad judgment call from a trad climbing perspective and one that belies either rank inexperience, gross incompetence, or both. In either case it was done by someone who doesn't realize they have neither the experience nor judgment to be making such calls on such a public and well-travelled venue. But, c'est la vie.


    What he said :grin:

  4. I did not know it was stapped "08" but reguardless those slings looked fine. To replace it with the crap job they did sucks.


    Cleaning on a heavly traveled route like the Corner is also bull. If there is loose stuff leave it. It might be there for a reason.


    Sorry to say that I did not see the offenders, words would have been had!!!!


    Thanks for your work out there Joseph.

  5. At your height and weight I think you are screwed at getting a cheep tent. Most tents just like clothing are built for short people. I have an MK3 that I got for winter conditions when i want to go light. It just fits me at 6'5" and 200 lbs. I spend the night with girlfriends (she is tall as well) and gear and found it just right. No extra room and my feet were on the gear but it was workable...just.....


    As for the cheeper tents I did not look at them because I was looking for more of a tent. But I would not think that they make them any longer than a better tent. My cheeper tent is shorter than the MK3, FYI.


    As for Johndavid...... he can suck it. The OP is talking about tents for tall people and John pulls this wallmart crap. If you were going to really say something John go and look at the lengths of the tents and then post something otherwise....suck it!!!!

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