yeah but without Vertical limit what would people who dont climb talk to you about when you tell them your a climber...... besides the BIG 3 as i like to call them
1)Do you climb upside down
2)Do you have a bolt gun
3)And do you want to climb everest
Yes i agree with jason..... I was laughing so hard during "take it to the limit" i was crying... no shit. Get a bunch of people together some beer and go at it mystery science theater style.... by far worst climbing movie ever....
Like 5 years when i first started climbing I went there all the time cause i lived in enumclaw. Theres nothing really that hard there might be a 5.11 but everything else is pretty moderate. Yeah theres a route on the end where you use bullet holes for hands and feet...... Before they restarted the rock quarry people used to go there and shoot all the time and i guess teh wall was a popular target. I never ahd a problem with any of the bolts and dont recall any sketchy ones. I havent been there in probably 3 yrs. Be careful on that road though, the log trucks and dumptrucks hall ass on that road.... i had a seriuos near death experience. You can set up topropes from the top on allmost all the climbs and all the leads are well bolted so yeah have fun.
WHAT! its been like 2 minutes and no replys..hmmmm did i mention im extremely attractive blond lingerie model just back from a research project in the congo where i havent seen a man in 2 years.......
Leaving tuesday afternoon YO!! So if you want in let me know... NOW ITS IMPORTANT NOT EVERYONE REPLY AT ONCE I WONT BE ABLE TO SORT IT OUT, SO TAKE TURNS!! the weather is supposed to be good and im not looking forward to driving all by myself.
I havent tried them personally but theirs a guy at the gym whose sponsered by them... hes says he loves them, maybe hes just payed to say that but they seem to work for him considering he hikes around on V10.
This weekend was rad, i think the best possible bouldering conditions i have ever experienced at squamish and it was dry, even the pine needles were dry.. never seen that in the winter. Anyway serious sending took place and life was good.
farther up in the trees there is WAY more bouldering..... theres some seriously hard shizz up there to in the talus. Theres so much potential some say almost as much as squamish.. i dont know about that but its defenitely cool.. and close!
my mom works at nordstroms and the other day they came in and she sold them a down comforter and some pillows..... does this make me cool guys..... i swear it does..... im cool i swear
hey squid thanks for that info, maybe ill look into getting a new foam insert.. and yeah the climb max pads suck. My friend she won one at a comp a year ago and it sucked I could compile a list of negatives for you but im in class and supposed to be listening to my lecture so i dont have time. You get what you pay for and your son will not disown you when he breaks both heals on the 2nd rate pad.
go internet cause you can get better deals. But first go to a store and try on the shoes cause so you dont have to waste time mailing the shoe back to get the right size.
i bought a misty pad 3 years ago and we have become very close. We have spent many cold nights together and I love her dearly. However she has become soft and isnt there to meet my needs anymore. So alas i feel that we have grown apart but i will be purchasing another misty pad plus they even have a carpet type covering so us can clean your shoes and when you sleep on it you sleeping bag doesnt slide everywhere.
Good god dude, 5 days in a row... man you gotta settle down a little. chill for like 3 or 4 days and let your elbow rest. In climbing you not only have to let your muscles rest but your tendons as well. See your muscles are gonna get stronger so in turn you tendons have to get stronger. But this doesnt happen over night. 3 days a week of quality sessions is enough to make youi strong. After a while when your body feels more adjusted yo ucan move to every other day but one day on one day off or two days on two days off is a good schedule to stick to. 5 days on in a row is not allowing your body to recover so its super counter preductive. Resting makes you stronger