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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Or they may just be satisfied with having climbed it, and not care for recognition. There was a period of climbing where NOT reporting was in vogue (in the 70s?).
  2. Now, now...out with it! Surely someone had taken the last cup of coffee from the pot and neglected to brew up a new pot!
  3. Well, CatBirdEat, do YOU have any dirty laundery from work to air out?
  4. This is an example of how prayer can help. Without it, George Sr. would have never caught that fish in that Ecoli infested water.
  5. olyclimber


    Is this his comprehensive plan for Katrina relief?
  6. Colin sighting (third pic from the bottom): http://www.24ur.com/bin/article.php?article_id=2059765&show_media=6053245
  7. well, that much was obvious. And I am Master of the Obvious.
  8. Those wouldn't be expensive enough.
  9. Is there a bolt 3 feet off the ground that has gear in it that he is pulling on?
  10. Stop kissing up! You know I love to hear my own voice!
  11. this is what is wrong with America.
  12. Relax. Smoke a cigar. FEMA will be there in 3 weeks to rescue you.
  13. This is by far the stupidest thread ever. Its like a stupid little club, and you too can be a member. You know what the nodder is? Join the club. Post away. Myself, I prefer elitist stupid jokes that only I get. I'm an artist, and I won't compromise my spray.
  14. Have you ever posted on CC.com when you were sober?
  15. http://www.grivelnorthamerica.com/ambassadors.php?id=2 this is all that is there:
  16. Looks like Steve House and Vince Anderson just got through putting a new route up the Rupal face. I wonder how Colin is doing. Anyone heard from him?
  17. What do yall use/like/dislike. I'm thinking getting g-14s. Must consume, spend, spend, spend, spend it all. The Ultimate Consumer.
  18. olyclimber


    jeez minx. what kind of girl are you? HELLO! Its Thursday!
  19. text book example
  20. olyclimber


    And, besides, its Thursday...too late for that Friday date.
  21. Why did it take you 32 minutes longer than TREETOAD, who is CANADIAN to come up with a witty response?
  22. olyclimber


    Well then its up to you to sow the seeds of discontent
  23. Why do you always have to post something inane right in front of my meaningful posts?
  24. How is living in the past working out for you?
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