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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. If you want to sign a petition to try to stop things, I just came across this: https://savemec.ca/
  2. I'd say if a big names are using a service, and you're considering it because they use it...well that is just advertising. i'd bet they don't pay for it, but use it because they got it for free. so consider that. and i'm sure they didn't get the were they are because of this service. that said, sometimes it just comes down to what motivates you to reach your goals. if something like this can do it, and reading a book about relatively the same thing doesn't...maybe it is worth to you. I know i for some odd reason push myself harder when others are around, but can't do that because of COVID.
  3. awesome pics...you hard dudes with the out of print yellow pads! thank you!
  4. seconded! always an epic TR when your car is unusable and you're way out there. i remember that TR where the guys get back to the car and its just a burnt husk. yes that is a radiator cap...unless they got tricky and put a mine under it.
  5. You may be the only person I didn't share this with when I saw it! My son and I were just in that valley earlier this year. Pretty crazy to watch.
  6. Is this a new sport of iceberg flipping???
  7. FAWWWK....wow what an amazing trip, I'm super sorry to hear it ended that way Stewie. So glad you are going to recover fully that is some full on shit! Thank you for sharing this story.
  8. https://www.accessfund.org/take-action/campaigns/save-mount-washington-crags
  9. The Forest Service asked us to take down purmit.com. Looks like they no longer approve of selling or trading permits from a third party. So sorry but nothing we can do...please contact the Forest Service as to what to do with your permits or how to get permits.
  10. I talked to Jon, sorry but the Forest Service asked us to take down purmit.com. Looks like they no longer approve of selling or trading permits from a third party. So sorry but nothing we can do...please contact the Forest Service as to what to do with your permits or how to get permits.
  11. i think purmit.com is dead...that "forum" was just a redirect to that website. we probably could create a permit exchange forum....not sure though, what do you think @jon
  12. wow. thank you for sharing! my cheeks were clenched just looking at those pictures.
  13. fuck this virus
  14. I'm sorry to hear this Kurt. It sounds like he lived very good life.
  15. Stay safe and thank you.
  16. Flying J truck stops and hard tails
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