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Posts posted by dmuja


    While people argue about who and what is to blame, while they play politics, while they wallow in their righteous anger at "those responsible" and scream for "heads to roll" etc.. there is something very real about to hit home maybe for most of you reading this..



    "Unless a sharp uptick in confidence sweeps through the markets, higher rates will cascade across less-solid companies, if they can get hold of cash at all.


    The scary part is that few companies have the same financial cushion as GE. And as their borrowing costs increase, they will have to scramble to cut their fixed costs.


    And what is the No.1 cost of business? People."



  2. statistics show that purchasing power has decreased over the last 30 years for the overwhelming majority of Americans, which means that deregulation has not lead to an increase in purchasing power for anyone relying on wages to earn a living. On the contrary deregulation has enabled the casino economy of today where all economic growth, most of it virtual, debt-ridden or financed by taxpayers, is sucked by the upper 0.1% of the income brackets. In how many countries has deregulation and laissez-faire led to complete ruin in the last 30 years?


    Thats my understanding as well - pretty smart post!


    The mid and lower classes have nothing real left to buy with - ie no money, just credit which = debt.


    You can't sell to people who have nothing left to give.



  3. Everyday is looking better and better to buy some more stock! Just a wee bit longer to hold out....




    You playas are either gonna win the fucking lotto in the next few days or you'll be holding your soup cup out with the rest of us - so at this point what do you have to lose by going all in?


    My mother and father lived through the Depression. It was a time of malnutrition, disease, fear, and, occasionally, violence. There is little good to say about it.


    starving kids in the streets = collateral damage.


    Suck it up climber boy you're either with us or you're against us!


    Dems are in control of both houses so they can do what they want now - maybe come back with a bill with even more regulations and restrictions than the one that just failed. Soon they will have the presidency too... WOO HOO!


    While I generally despise communism (have known some personally) like I said a while ago, the US may NEED to go more socialist if its not going to go down the tubes completely. We have to this point seen ourselves as a bunch of cowboys living in a cowboy utopia circa 1880 (of coarse not everyone). We gotta get our heads out of the past and out of our asses.


    Right or wrong, nothing like a little depression to unite the masses.

  6. I had a martial arts teacher many many years ago who was fucking hard core (semi infamous in those circles). He had done serious time in prison and some of it on a chain gang in Texas in the early sixties. He said Cool Hand Luke was right on the money. He also once showed me a scar on his leg he got in a shoot out with da poleese. :grin:

  7. .



    If you don't like the idea of a doctors visit, roids, cutting or long down time Ive had very good results from the following:


    R-I-C-E for the first 2 days.


    Next (give this about 3 or 4 more days) rest but with alternating hot and cold treatments - add some light massage to the "hot" portions of the treatments.


    Next, before a training or climbing session, soak your arm in hot water, apply tiger balm (not essential but I like it), massage the hell out of it, do warm up movements and stretch and then do your thing.


    Then, instead of "icing it" after the training/climbing session I do this first; soak it in hot water (again), more intense massage, more hot water, more stretching, more massage. Apply Tiger balm and massage it in and then use a vibrate thingy on it for several minutes. Wash off the stinky T balm and then do the R-I-C-E treatment (30 min). You can toss in a Ibupro or Naproxin if you wish.


    Massage Techniques


    Within 2-3 weeks all pain was gone in my case - of coarse this is not intended to replace medical advice.


    The repubs are afraid of being called hypocrites for using the gobment to bail out the private sector. They are playing on the "anger of the people" and are pretending that not bailing the shit out will result in those responsible being punished by their own stupid actions.


    The dems see an opportunity here to change some things. If we don't bail the shit out (even with fake money - ie more debt) the people who will suffer the most are the mid-lower classes as always be the case.


    The rich fucks who caused the shit will be just fine as always be the case and as most rich folks are republican they don't really give a fuck about a recession or depression that effects mainly poor folk.

  9. Guidebooks used to have horrible beta to "preserve the adventure". ... Anyways how much is "not too much and more than not enough"?


    Are you sure the "sketchy beta" was intentional?


    Yes, in many cases, the author's introduction stated that route descriptions were kept short in part to preserve the adventure and ensure that future parties would be able to experience the same route finding challenges as the first ascent party.



    That being the case then, it's just a matter of personal preference and thats pretty subjective and various.


    I guess I like to see as much beta as possible - but I admire it when people are going 'onsight' as well. If your confident, got the skills and experience then certainly going completely "beta-less" has to be more fun right?.

  10. Guidebooks used to have horrible beta to "preserve the adventure". ... Anyways how much is "not too much and more than not enough"?


    Are you sure the "sketchy beta" was intentional? Maybe so (Im not sure myself) but maybe it was because climbing was not quite as popular as today and the authors figured the skill/experience level of those that would follow would be higher than it perhaps is today overall.


    I think if youre gonna bother to write a guide it probably aught to be as clear and accurate as possible. A climber could always choose to not read it and accept the risk of being called a fool for not doing so should something unexpected happen.


    You can always choose to use a static rope and hobnailed boots as well.. wink.gif


    I don't think so. Obama's run is phenomenal and rare, more like JFKennedy than any other politician recently. Sure some people are swayed by the typical politics, but that doesn't explain the "Obama Phenomena". He has gut appeal.


    Dude, this is the most asinine commentary on the current state of political affairs that I've read on this website, hands-down. Our "innate ability to judge from the gut"???? You've gotta be kidding me...


    Asinine? Really? I thought it was fucking brilliant!


    Im sure you can look up the pseudo-scientific psycho jargon that may back up the phenomena that I was referring to but I'll try to spell it out for you.


    Sticking to present context, in our style of politics, (many) people are swayed NOT by following their gut (ie intuition, first impression, instincts, subtle signs and body language etc..) they are instead swayed by being dazzled and confused into THINKING that "this guy makes sense" or "this guy looks like what I THINK OF as a nice guy" or "this guy just spoke all the right WORDS, the ones that I THINK too" or "this guy LOOKS like someone I can trust" etc... This is by design. Its called campaigning and campaign advertising and it works (on some people).


    Its the same technique that persuades people to join cults for example.


    Its not "emotion" that Im talking about so you misunderstood me. What Im talking about is closer to "common sense" or "intuition" or "first impression". Maybe you don't believe it exists but I'll bet you use it every day. It has served me well thus far and I would think a climber would do well to not neglect it.


    Have you ever met someone and instantly KNOWN that they were someone to steer clear of? Salesmen (and many politicians) make an art out of defeating your innate wisdom to instantly make a sound judgement of a situation or person. As you go about your daily life, if you had to think everything through you would barley have a chance to survive because predators (politicians) would find you easy pickins.


    Turn on the TV and have a look at the Sunday morning preachers, what do you think, are they lying to you or will you buy what they're selling?


    At first impression (from the gut) they are OBVIOUSLY salesmen trying to bullshit me. But, ADVERTISING WORKS! So guess what, people send them money and phony preacher boy gets to live in heaven on earth - all because people doubt themselves and doubt their gut instinct.




  13. FW, not to stray too far but a question if you will..


    Is there some kind of principle, a kind of moral or even logical stance behind your utterances? Anything at all? Im just wondering because you so often seem like one of those limp wrist counter punchers judging by your posts and Id like to give you the benefit of the doubt if I could. Id think you were merely a contrarian but I can't even find that much of a pattern to your babble. What exactly do you stand for? Is it political party for party's sake? Is it the mere name "conservative" or "republican" because that is about all that is left of that creed. It can't seriously be "less government and less taxes" in our present circumstance can it? It can't be the up-right religious based ethical values that have mysteriously vanished from the actual practice of right winged politicos with wide toilet stances or affinities for young boy pages can it? I mean what is left behind your pot shot rhetoric really?


    So please, tell me, what do you proclaim, what do you up hold, what do you represent? WHAT DOES FAIR WEATHER STAND FOR?

  14. Inside Job,I don't think so,a sleep at the wheel is more like it!


    Well you could intentionally go to sleep as well. wink.gif



    What people have lost (to one extent or another) is the ability to judge from the gut. Whether it is from the media, from giving in to our own innate greed impulse, from our phony advertising based social environment, or some other aspect of our culture, we have been lead away from trusting our own natural gut instincts to "smell a rat" even when a rat is right in front of us. We try to rationalize our way into social-evolutionary dead ends like communism, religious fundamentalism and as we now can see, free market capitalism.


    My gut tells me that there are things about 9/11 that have not -and probably will not- ever see the light of day. Personally, I don't believe that 9/11 would have happened if Gore had taken office but thats just me.


    While I would not go so far as to claim it as an "inside job" I believe that the Bush administration is capable of ANYTHING and that maybe even Bush is not aware of how he has been manipulated. I believe that there are secret "back room" dealings going on all the time and that if the game is played right human systems operate in a relatively less violent manner than if people of less skill and more greed somehow gain power.


    I also believe that the stakes are getting higher and higher and unfortunately the deception is getting more elaborate all the time.


    As for repubs, I have to agree in general - far more rats.

  15. "An adviser to Senator McCain and a former director of central intelligence under President Clinton, James Woolsey, said..."


    "Earlier this summer, another McCain campaign official mused..."


    "The deputy communications director for the McCain campaign, Michael Goldfarb, said..."


    Maybe it should be referred to as "McCain's" October surprise?


    Or just sit back and watch as the election approaches, gas prices suddenly drop dramatically, the economy suddenly surges ahead, Palin cries a few tears for being "attacked by the media" and voting machines in Florida and Ohio strangely once again "malfunction".

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