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Posts posted by dmuja

  1. ... Sometimes I wish people would pull their thumbs, or heads in the case of a few people, out of their asses.


    figure it like this


    (numbers are for demonstration purposes only - they may be off)


    40% voters always would be for Obama


    40% voters always would be for McCain


    Ya aint gonna change that 80%


    Of the remaining 20%


    25% of them have converted solid to Obama from other candidates


    25% of them have converted solid to McCain from other candidates


    That leaves 10% voters in the wishy-washy middle


    Those 10% are what decide elections


    Of those 10%, 49% of them are below the median intelligence

    and "really like Palin" so..


    lets put them with McCain


    51% of the 10% wishy washy middle though are at or above median intelligence and would probably go for Obama.


    That should be enough (by the slimmest of margins) to save us from the Hockey MILF right?


    enter "Diebold" and "malfunctioning" voting machines...



    I felt a shiver go up my leg!


    I think it was the line "And my husband Todd races snow machines.."


    My very bowels are moved by such a rare and inspirational person.


    I wonder if our country really deserves such a brilliant leader?




    sorry to say but, we probably do


    The thing is,


    this is another example of the hypocrisy coming from the authoritarian right.


    They have delusions of superiority based on what they claim are "higher" moral principles and standards. What makes them "authoritarian" is that they want to attempt to enforce their facade of morality on all of us.


    Sort of like communists, but actually more like the Taliban.


    What makes the right hypocrites is NOT that this girl got pregnant (shit does happen, even to republicans). The hypocrisy is that the traditional response by right wingers to this kind of thing is typically first long winded condemnations and moralizing, rants about "sin" and "out of wedlock.." etc, followed by attempted legislation and electoral candidates promoting things like religion in public schools, no sex ed, no sex counseling, anti choice laws, legal accountability of parents, constitutional definitions of family and marriage etc.


    To the religious/political far right, all this is "NOT A PRIVATE MATTER". In fact, it is "a fundamental matter of social and moral values and it is of importance to us all" - or so they would claim.


    But then if the "unexpected" happens to one of their own, especially one of their own who is supposed to be a prominent example of the "moral" facade they are attempting build, well then it becomes a "private matter" and of "no significance".


    And just the fact that the political right in this country so often tries to sell itself off as the party of "conservative, traditional, God fearing values", tries to make things as black and white as possible, good vs evil, us vs them, man-woman-marriage-kids bla bla.., just the fact that in real life, things that are a little ambiguous and a little complicated often get tossed into the mix with (the right wingers seldom acknowledging it until it happens to them), this alone makes this whole situation hypocritical.

  4. Could it be that this whole thing is just another kick back for big oil?


    We can all (most) surely agree that Bush is the "energy president" or the "oil man from Texas" and that a McCain/Palin presidency would simply be more of the same so..


    With "President to be" Palin in the hip pocket of big oil and considering she is an Alaska secessionist with no environmental conscience, might it be that this is the grand elaborate plan to give the state of Alaska to the oil companies?


    jus wunderin

  5. I think it's hilarious that the underage daughter of someone who preaches abstinence-only sex-ed is pregnant.


    Of coarse Gary, this is a "private matter".


    Unless it is the daughter of one of those perverted communist satanic liberal pansies.


    Then we need to shame them, institute school prayer, increase the prison time for premarital teen sex, outlaw choice, arrest doctors and ban contraceptives.


    And as you can see, I'm not being hypocritical about this.


    Dude, c'mon let it go


    Just think, Todd holden snowmobile drag races on the white house lawn while Hockey Mom negotiates missile treaties with Vlad Putin.


    The prospect of such scenarios is pretty fucking entertaining to say the least. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

  7. Every thing about Mcold and the gun toting MILF, everthing republican is basically about deception, illusion, and image - basically LIES.


    And I will say in all fairness, that had Shrillary C gotten the nomination she would have played much the same type of game.


    That is what Obama would like to change about politics in this country. Unfortunately even he will have to play it that way to some extent because that is what people (the media especially) respond to.


    We have an opportunity here to get beyond this type of bullshit if we can first get beyond it in our own mind.


    The litmus test is this:

    With a choice this clear, this stark a contrast, if you vote for more of the same shit, more lies, more deception, more shallow American style politics, in other words if you vote for McCain without a decent, deep, clear and honest understanding of exactly why and what the consequences of doing so are, you can rest assured knowing with complete confidence that YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT!


    That was a cool read!




    During our breakup, I started climbing instead of killing my ex.. sort of the same thing... you know... if you think about it, it is.. really, it is...think about it...




    bye for now..


    umm... thank you for your time...


    I mean...



  9. The WR coooooolar is a direct route to the WR notch. We descended it in the dark this year and with hypothermia and some injuries it felt like the fugging Eiger to me. The right conditions and it would be a fast way up - though not without objective hazards. Good spring-early summer route.


    Can we hear the story? That thing looks effin sketchy to descend in the summer!


    We went in June and twas the standard West Ridge spanking.


    Route finding difficulties - over confidence - moving too casually - late start etc.., we ran out of sun light while still looking for the final pitches.


    We decided getting down from the WR notch was preferable to trying to find the Cascadian coular in the dark. None of us had been there before and we wurnt feeling too confident that we would find it once we topped out - which we still had to do first also in the dark. We had no real bivy gear so I had flashes of Mt Hoodishness '06 going thru my mind.


    Other than back tracking (which did not sound appealing at all) the only route we had heard about that went all the way down was the WR notch so we took what we figured was that - it was.


    I got cold (very cold) and basically was hurtin from a painful swollen knee and no skin left on both heels (basically I became a wussy liability - they should have rightfully cut the rope :lmao: ).


    Lowering, down climbing, rapping, leaving gear, we eventually hit the talus at the bottom WITH THE SUN COMING UP.


    On the way down we noticed very large boulders (numerous smaller rocks) that were rather freshly deposited in the gully - I was glad that it was relatively cold and much of the upper sections had long sections of perfect cramponing snow/snice in it. Remember though, it was a good snow year.


    The West Ridge coulior I think would be a good route - maybe somebody here can tell us about their climb of it?


    It's long - VERY long. I think the biggest issue is that because of it's length you would be in it and exposed for a really fucking long time to anything coming down. I'd pick a cold night. It would be nice if it had some snow in it. I think spring - early summer.


    If a party was going up it that night (instead of going down) they would have encountered perfect 'pon snice interspersed with a few short sections of 4th and low 5th class rock. There was running water in (under) the snow and we constantly worried (but never found) that a water fall would block our path. Also worried that we would break through the snow and get wet. A picket or two would probably be in order unless youre comfy with very exposed solo snow climbing.


    In good conditions I think it would be considered a fairly moderate outing - specially for the more experienced climbers round here. Just don't under estimate anything on Stu - nor over estimate yourself.


    The WR coooooolar is a direct route to the WR notch. We descended it in the dark this year and with hypothermia and some injuries it felt like the fugging Eiger to me. The right conditions and it would be a fast way up - though not without objective hazards. Good spring-early summer route.


    After the shock wears off, this might be what turns the election toward Obama for good. The repubs might just wake up tomorrow going "My god! What have we done?"



  12. The choice is clear now..


    On one side you have a team of two distinguished, articulate, bright and intelligent people with the vision and the plans to take a nation into the future, improve the lives of the vast majority of its citizenry and restore its standing in the world.


    On the other side you have a very old man, and (well, not to be crass, but frankly speaking) a MILF FROM ALASKA! :lmao: - with plans to, keep a nation stuck in politics as usual, make its rich richer, make its middle class and poor poorer, degrade the environment, kill more of its troops to protect corporate interests, dare the rest of the world to stand up to it all, and likely in the end, simply lie about it.


    I for one will NOT underestimate our nations collective decision making abilities by predicting that 'merikins will once again rise to the occasion and go for the old man and the milf.


    So therefore I shall abstain from such a prediction at this time.


    Put money on it though

  13. Two cases involving my co-workers


    CASE #1


    Middle age mother experiencing some declining health symptoms headaches, eyesight etc,


    Diagnosis: high blood pressure (Hypertension)


    Insurance claim status: DENIED - preexisting condition even though she has no medical history of such.


    Prognosis: Not good, she has kids and can't afford the meds out of pocket. Makes "too much" to qualify for any assistance. She can't afford a lawyer to sue "her" "insurance" company.



    CASE #2


    Middle age single male (part time climbing partner) experiencing significant knee pain causing some impairment.


    Diagnosis: torn cartilage (meniscus tear)


    Insurance claim status: DENIED - clause in "fine print" excludes this type of surgery or caps reimbursement at "$1,000" for out patient procedure.


    Prognosis: Not good. Pay for it yourself or let it limit your activity and contribute to overall health decline.


    These are 2 true cases from my co-workers. They pay $110-$140 every month for "health insurance" with a rather high copay that basically does nothing for them but does provide good returns for share holders and ceo's.


    Life in modern 'merica, gotta love it.

  14. ..the government needs to get the hell out of the way and let the oil industry find and refine more oil..


    Why? Because the desperately rich aren't rich enough? Or is it simply payback for getting the "Oil Man from Texas" elected?. Maybe the government should "get out of the way" of the morgage industry as well...wait a second.. that didn't work so well did it.


    PS- there is no "oil shortage" at the moment. The reason oil prices have increased is due to oil futures speculation for the most part and due to unrestrained greed. Gee sound rather "Enron-ish" dudn't it. Remember the California "electricity crisis"..the one that suddenly seemed to happen and then suddenly seemed to not?




    Why is my life energy being sent off to Washington...?


    Why should I pay for schools if I don't have kids?

    Why should I pay for cops when I don't ever call them?

    Why should I pay for roads I never drive on?

    Why should I pay for parks I never use?


    Why shuld I learn to read if I ain never goin ta be a lybarian?


    Dude, you're outdated, extremest, right wing, libertarian opinions are so cliché and yet still entertaining in a boring sort of way. But sadly, they are all too familiar as well. This kind of non-thinking doesn't bode to well for "m'merica" neither as the rest of the world is poised to leave us behind - eventually even militarily, and so even starting another war for oil will not work.


    And don't say, "oh, they didn't have the chances and opportunities that you did." We all, I am sure, have family members who lived through the Depression. How did they make it? By working hard anyway they could.



    :lmao: :lmao::lmao:




  15. Really, the issue here is people like this "leader" taking someone up a route that they weren't ready for and allowing the situation to get stupidly dangerous - or dangerously stupid. Either way, dumbing down yet another route is not the answer.


    RnD is a good route they way it is. It shouldn't become another "sportrad" victim. The route is pretty easy climbing (mostly 4th class even), but that doesn't mean that everyone who has never climbed anything before should just "go do it". Despite the easy rating it can present some challenges especially to the less experienced.



    For any future RnD hard-person comers, I offer the following beta:


    The route has some easy but thoughtful and exposed moves.


    It has some exposed "no fall" ledges that can break bones if you hit them.


    It does not have chains to tell you where the end of a pitch is.


    You can't just "bail" on some bolts (yet?), instead you would have to down climb or leave some of your rack to bail so the best way off is to top out.


    The infamous "crack" pitch is a genuine 5.6 hand jam crack pitch that seems to get 5.8 offwidth until you notice the large hold above your right hand - the one you missed because you were beginning to panic and think "sand bag".


    You need to be thoughtful about where you build your belay anchor above the crack - go too far up and you will have less anchor and be less likely to help your "newb" partner who may have trouble at the "off-width" crack.


    The infamous "Icicle canyon wind" will blast you all day so get ready for it.


    The infamous "boulder" at the top is a good anchor for a quick belay for a SHORT last pitch - NOT for belaying a newb through the crux crack far below you.


    The infamous "boulder" is not there for a rappel anchor so resist the urge.


    The infamous "blank and anchorless" slab at the top sould not be an issue if you have pitched out the route correctly in that the last pitch should require naught much more than a hip belay if you have a competent second.


    People that have never climbed cracks before should not be on RnD.


    People that have not built and hung on (tested) their trad anchors should not be on RnD.


    People (teams) that do not have a clear set of rope signals worked out ahead of time should not be on RnD.


    Leaders who cannot pull a second up nor teach one how to jug a line should not be leading RnD.

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