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Everything posted by climbinggirl35

  1. gives a whole new meaning to the word lycra...
  2. That's ok... ...I'm goin' out to the Montreal Jazz Festival for a couple of weeks, so I'll catch you guys back after the 4th of July..maybe head out to exit 32/38...
  3. last I checked, I wasn't she...
  4. Speak to my agent about appearing on camera...
  5. wishful thinking...
  6. #1 Nope, I'm a tourist in Everett , but I must credit a friend who lives in Everett for introducing me to Alligator Soul and Flying pig..#2 is yes...
  7. Ever been to Alligator Soul?
  8. It's all a matter of perspective...we know where yours is coming from...mine was altogether different...
  9. well, i'll be there but i won't know for sure whether i'll have a client or not until then ... so you might have to boulder unless you bring or can find another partner. i'll be wearing la sportiva flip flops ... I'll make sure and check everyone's feet...
  10. between noon and 1:45 sounds good to me.
  11. Niet, I don't speak russian. But I know plenty of french....
  12. Voila! So, anyone in for some gym climbing since the weather will suck so much tomorrow...?
  13. Yep, yep, yep..... Group hug everyone.... - well maybe not... pourquoi non? Ah, vous parlez francais?
  14. Yep, yep, yep..... Group hug everyone.... - well maybe not...
  15. what he really means is "can we kiss and make out?" Yup, can usually see them coming a mile away or so....
  16. wouldn't you like to know....
  17. translation: i am a 65 year old obese woman looking for love in all the wrong places... Fence, looks like you've come across a few of those?
  18. Is this the "field surgery and 1st aid" thread? I feel faint...
  19. Maybe he's trying out to be a crash test dummy for that Segway (post whitehouse work)?
  20. Age is relative - it's a state of mind; though sometimes I wonder where mine is That would thus lead me to a state of disarray...at times; Changing names every year might be handy ...like in leaving behind some "excess baggage" in your life... So now that the weather is supposed to suck all weekend, any ideas of decent places to sport climb?
  21. hehehe. your 'thing'. hehehe. my 'thing' seems to be a source of entertainment... I guess when ya got it, ya got it???!!!
  22. It seems to be a trend to watch these threads ah...digress... ..but I digress...
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