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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. anytime, bitch Main Entry: bitch Function: noun : a whiny braggart, see Mr E.
  2. EWolfe

    Spewing Vitriol

    I'm trying to channel some Polish Bob here, but it's just not working...
  3. EWolfe

    Spewing Vitriol

    wait! I got tequila coming...it might get more acerbic
  4. EWolfe

    Spewing Vitriol

    You Bitches Don't Know Shit That's the best I can do, right now
  5. Thanks, detrimental Main Entry: 2detrimental Function: noun : an undesirable or harmful person or thing
  6. EWolfe


    I got this post deleted from the Yard Sale: 'You climb framed walls? Weird!' Sure, it was a slam, but Geez! I do that all the time and it's no problem. Complaints, obviously. The psychotics always are the squeaky wheels...
  7. EWolfe


    They're also often the hardest to tolerate due to proximity. Good Onya for seein' the good stuff.
  8. :cry: Thanks for the great TR and pics...next week.
  9. EWolfe


    Lucky hands. Do you need a double for those hands in case of cramping? It's good work if you can get it...
  10. EWolfe

    Tag, you're it

    Nice. Very 5th grade
  11. EWolfe

    man perfume

    Ms. Muffy in the parlor 8D
  12. EWolfe


    Harleys are crap. A stupid fuckin American substitute for real bikes: Ducati, BMW, Norton, etc. Even the custom bikes are inferior to the Euro goods. It's all flash and conspicuous consumption.
  13. EWolfe


    Good stuff. Just stay out of my NP with that shiz, Beeyotch.
  14. EWolfe


    The idea floated around about a decibel meter somewhere on an uphill grade before the park, with some alarm system and video to monitor. Again, enforcement is the real issue here.
  15. EWolfe

    man perfume

    spurt climbing. Climbing in spurts.
  16. EWolfe

    man perfume

    Italian shower!
  17. EWolfe


    ...plus, who wants to be the one telling Hells Angels where they can't go? Not the NPS, I can assure you.
  18. EWolfe


    Ron Kauk was recently bemoaning the same thing at Sunday Morning Tmeadows coffee. He suggested a petition, stating that loud pipes were audible from 7 miles in the back-country. I think the hiker's coalition might be in for this. It IS illegal, BTW, decibal-level-wise, but the Motorcycle coalition is strong and quite wealthy. Good luck.
  19. EWolfe


    I just want to say... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HAI GUYZ!
  20. Mang, youse gots to tie that shizzle off!
  21. He's my regular fuggin' climbing partner, Pal. Keel-haul the short LandLubber! Yarrrr!
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