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Everything posted by Rich_Sheffield

  1. The flying cat only has 3 legs, and a big tummy.
  2. Anyone have info on the damage on the going to sun Hwy in Montana ?
  3. Rich_Sheffield


    Mtn_mouse is in Alaska
  4. Mtn_mouse is in Alaska
  5. Double E gets an " A " Now what is the log of 1000 to the base 10 ?
  6. Answer the Question !!!!!!! A mirror does reverse left and right , but not up and down.
  7. Rich_Sheffield


    Question ! Why does a Mirror reverse left and right, but not up and down ?
  8. I've been to the summit of El Picacho Del Diablo 3 times.
  9. Yes ! But can Ted do counterclockwize swirles? and has he been to the summit of El Picacho Del Diablo ? both summits!
  10. Thanks all that good help.
  11. Rich_Sheffield


    This is an emergency ! I have been taking meds and have become in constipation. I can't find my laxative. I can't get to the store right now. Does anyone know of anything around the house that I can use as a laxative ? Stopped up and need help! Now ! Constipatingly yours, Canoe
  12. I always ask twice El Piacho Del Diablo
  13. Rich_Sheffield


    I have a question. Do any of you " climbers " know the difference between - sea ice and pack ice ? El Piacho Del Diablo
  14. I have a question. Do any of you " Climbers " Know the Difference between pack ice and sea ice ?
  15. MOSCOW - Climber Fred Beckey will give a slide show and lecture Tuesday at the University of Idaho Law School. The 80-year old-climber,who lives part time in Bellevue,Wash..when not climbing,has more then 100 first ascents to his name. He has been a climber for nearly 70 years and has written several books. The program starts at 7:30 Pp.m.
  16. Not Much Moisture this winter, can I say that again. Not much moisture this winter.
  17. Just one word, Mark Twain <---Hero
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