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Everything posted by sossity
Glad to hear it, Bill. Keep us posted! Jon Bell
We were down at Devil's Lake floating around all day on Sunday. Lots of South Sister climbers coming and going all day, but none picked up a bag with a set of cooking pots, a stove and a fuel canister in it. Let me know if you're missing it.
A last-minute heads up about a reading and slideshow tonight for the book "On Mount Hood." 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the NW REI, 1405 NW Johnson. Pics, words, mountain stories, and signed paperbacks! Find out more about the book at www.onmounthood.com.
Thanks Kev! You've got the very first paperback!
Celebrate all the splendor of Mount Hood with the paperback release of On Mount Hood at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 24, at Powell's City of Books 1005 W. Burnside in Portland. Featuring: Jon Bell — author slideshow and reading Jon Tullis — Timberline Lodge spokesman and editor of the book Timberline Lodge: A Love Story Gary Randall — Longtime Hood photographer and artist For more information, check out www.onmounthood.com
Lake Oswego author Jon Bell presents a reading and slideshow from his book "On Mount Hood: A Biography of Oregon's Perilous Peak," at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11, at the Beaverton City Library. Published by Seattle's Sasquatch Books, "On Mount Hood" is the compelling story of Oregon's greatest mountain: adventures and tragedies, history and geology, people and places, trivia and lore. The Beaverton City Library is at 12375 SW 5th Street in Beaverton. For more information, visit http://onmounthood.com
Lake Oswego author Jon Bell presents a reading and slideshow from his book "On Mount Hood: A Biography of Oregon's Perilous Peak," at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, at the Mazamas Mountaineering Center in southeast Portland. Published by Seattle's Sasquatch Books, "On Mount Hood" is the compelling story of Oregon's greatest mountain: adventures and tragedies, history and geology, people and places, trivia and lore. The Mazamas Mountaineering center is at 527 SE 43rd Avenue in Portland. For more information, visit http://onmounthood.com
The Portland Audubon Society hosts the 31st annual Wild Arts Festival this Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 19-20, at Montgomery Park in NW Portland. The fund-raising festival features more than 70 artists and 30 authors, including Decemberists frontman Colin Meloy (Saturday 1-3) and Jon Bell, author of On Mount Hood: A Biography of Oregon's Perilous Peak (Saturday 12-4). Other NW favorites include William Sullivan, Jack Nisbet, Jean Auel and Paul Gerald. Hours are from 10-6 on Saturday and 11-5 on Sunday. Montgomery Park is at 2701 NW Vaughn. Admission is just $6 for adults, free for kids 16 and under. (Find a two-for-one coupon at the festival web site .) Come check it out.
Short but sweet: The Curry County Commissioners in southern Oregon have proposed destroying one of the most amazing stretches of Oregon Coast — a stretch between Floras Lake and Blacklock Point — by developing it into a couple of golf courses. It's a long shot, because the land they want currently belongs to the people of Oregon (via the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation), but it's a real idea that's being given some real consideration. Read more at the links below and share your opposition with the commissioners, the parks department and anyone else you can. Too much to lose: Floras Lake and Blacklock Point Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation page on the issue Curry County Save Floras Lake
Lake Oswego author Jon Bell presents a reading and slideshow from his book "On Mount Hood: A Biography of Oregon's Perilous Peak," at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, at the Lake Oswego Public Library. Published by Seattle's Sasquatch Books, "On Mount Hood" is the compelling story of Oregon's greatest mountain: adventures and tragedies, history and geology, people and places, trivia and lore. The Lake Oswego Public Library is at 706 4th Street in Lake Oswego. For more information, visit http://onmounthood.com
Thanks Bill!
Lake Oswego author Jon Bell presents a reading and slideshow from his book "On Mount Hood: A Biography of Oregon's Perilous Peak," at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 18, at Annie Bloom's Bookstore. Published by Seattle's Sasquatch Books, "On Mount Hood" is the compelling story of Oregon's greatest mountain: adventures and tragedies, history and geology, people and places, trivia and lore. Annie Bloom's Books is at 7834 SW Capitol Highway in Portland's Multnomah Village. For more information, visit http://onmounthood.com or http://annieblooms.com.
Heading up to the mountain this Friday, June 17? Stop by the Wy'East Book Shoppe and Art Gallery, 67195 E. Hwy 26 in Welches, at 7:30 p.m. for a slideshow and signing for the new Hood book by author Jon Bell, "On Mount Hood: A Biography of Oregon's Perilous Peak." (Sasquatch Books, $22.95) This first-ever narrative biography tells the compelling story of a legendary Oregon mountain through its adventures and tragedies, history and geology, people and places, trivia and lore. The book is already available at Powell's, Amazon, and other outlets where fine books are sold, and signed copies will be available on Friday at Wy'East. For more information, visit onmounthood.com And thanks for checking it out!
Everyone is cordially invited to the official launch of On Mount Hood: A Biography of Oregon's Perilous Peak by Portland author Jon Bell. ( Sasquatch Books, $22.95) This first-ever narrative biography tells the compelling story of a legendary Oregon mountain through its adventures and tragedies, history and geology, people and places, trivia and lore. Though the book is already available at Powell's, Amazon, and other outlets where fine books are sold, the official launch will happen at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 9, at the Hawthorne Powell's, 3727 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR, 97214. Here's the evite. For more information, visit onmounthood.com And thanks for checking it out!
Nice Tim! Looking forward to seeing it in the flesh. In the meantime, I blogged about it on the new Hood web site.
iclimb - Do Adams. It's beautiful and a great intro to the Cascades. But yeah, like some others have said, book a longer trip. Start with Adams, then hit St. Helens or Hood or Rainier. Here's a story and some photos I wrote about a trip up the south side for the Oregonian in 2009. A Day on Mount Adams
Not really of the mountain proper, but a memorable shot: lunar eclipse one day shy of a full moon while heading up South Side last June . . .
Working on a book about Mount Hood that's coming out from Sasquatch Books in June ( On Mount Hood). Not a guidebook, but a biography of sorts. Including some information about the Black Spider, and though I've talked to a few people about routes they've put up, I still want to nail down a few details. Anyone know who climbed over there first and when? (One likelihood is Ted Davis.) Also, who named it and why? (Guessing its similarity to the Eiger/White Spider, but want to confirm.)
Nice pics! Where'd you see the old hauling system gear? Is it up near Crater Rock?
South Climb is a great beginner route. Take crampons and an axe for sure, and know how to glissade. The trip down from the false summit is among the best glissades out there. As for the crowds, yes, they're there, but it's relative. It can make for a fun day too, depending on who you run into. Case in point: Check out this TR I wrote for the Oregonian last summer: http://www.oregonlive.com/outdoors/index.ssf/2009/08/a_day_in_the_life_of_mount_ada_2.html
I only met him once, but he was incredibly friendly and nice and helpful to me. (Helped me set up an interview with Fred Beckey a few years back.) I was shocked and saddened to see the story about him in today's Oregonian. Shocked and saddened, indeed.
Thanks for the update. Glad you had a good trip.
Not kidding, but thanks for the token smart-assery. It's why I keep coming back here...
Cool. Good luck. Will look for your TR...