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Posts posted by Rainierwon

  1. johnny, you are a chufftard .

    I have been lurking here for quite some time and it does'nt take shit to start a spray topic here . Go back to rehab , loser .


    p.s. I'll prove it !

  2. You can't debate the Goat. He is a computer generated wanker setup here to make useless points .

    Part of the alien conspiracy we heard of recently ... HCL.gif

  3. Hey, isn't this a climbing site? Why do all these gun nuts come here to brag about having guns and kicking ass .

    I have a gun, and feel that it is a right much like driving a car is a right .

    Gun guys that brag about having guns and later say they are going to kick someone's ass is just a fine example why other people who don't own guns come to resent those people who do .

    Get it straight, it is a responsiblily that shouldn't be taken lightly. I have read people who brag about guns and kicking ass, and you are the reason that there is opposition to fine gun owners out there, not the liberals.

    I say gun control like they have in other countries, where you are trained, get a license, and act resposible .


  4. Yeah, I heard you cry like a girl when your pack clashes with your climbing outfit and refuse to be photographed!!! Bwahahaha!!!!


    How was rainier redmunk?

    Talk about running the other way . tongue.gif

  5. ok . I don't get it . Why do all these people keep bringing up Clinton? Do you like kicking a dead horse? I just don't understand why "conservatives" keep going back to Clinton when they run out of room attempting to use reason to back up their arguement .

  6. Sean Penn is an idiot. Doesn't he understand that, as a successful Hollywood actor, he is a prime example of what the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and radical Islam, hates? Sean Penn is a pathetic loser.

    I think that Sean Penn is misguided, not a idiot. He is one of the better character actors out there, he can really crawl into what the character really is.

    You shouldn't discount a actors points of view. I look at Ronald Reagan (actor?), Tom Sellek, Arnold Schwartzengger, or the mad city rocker Ted Nugent. This is a stupid two sided my way is right and this is why crap that some use to bolster their beleifs.

    Just a rant after a soso day in the mountians.


  7. Why do you hate America so much?

    To speak out against the current establishment is not saying you hate the US, why do you beleive that everyone beleives this? I love the US but do not like the current establishment very much .

  8. Dru, I'm curious ... are you with us or against us? I don't hear anyone bashing the Canadian government.

    The canadien government doesn't do anything to warrent controversy .

    Are you saying are you with us or against us as a government or the people that beleive in freedom of speach? What *makes* the US great is freedom to speak against the government even if you live in canada, and btw not every US citezen beleives that the current establishment is doing what is really good from many of it's citezens point of view .


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