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Posts posted by Rainierwon

  1. trask said:

    yeah it's monday morning and all the cry-baby liberal short dicks are back to work. a minor setback ..... i'm not worried.

    Well this is a climbing site, so when the climbers came back the real voting began . smirk.gif


  2. Fence_Sitter said:

    Rainierwon said:

    Situational ethics .

    If you hate Clinton, then any way to discredit him goes .

    If you hate Bush, he lies HIS ass off then his supporters turn a blind eye.

    I find it funny that if a democrat lies, it's a horrible miscarriage of truth , but if a republican lies, then it's just for the "greater good" and people try to sweep it under the rug.

    Remember Iran Contra?

    Get a clue, this is the tip of the iceberg . pitty.gif



    eat my cum rag you fuck...dont you see it goes both ways!?!? you fuck-heads do that same thing... wazzup.gif

    Meeooowwgggrrrr looks like someone is sensitive, [read: maybe there is some truth to it if it bugs you this much] . Funny how some conservatives respond with hate and anger.

    Its just a fact that it depends on who's ox is being gored. cantfocus.gif


  3. Situational ethics .

    If you hate Clinton, then any way to discredit him goes .

    If you hate Bush, he lies HIS ass off then his supporters turn a blind eye.

    I find it funny that if a democrat lies, it's a horrible miscarriage of truth , but if a republican lies, then it's just for the "greater good" and people try to sweep it under the rug.

    Remember Iran Contra?

    Get a clue, this is the tip of the iceberg . pitty.gif


  4. scot'teryx said:

    The sun stayed out all the way to Camp Muir, and then the clouds hit just as I got there around 1:30. Then it started snowing, and then the visibility turned to 30 yards, and then the flat light hit. Really pissed me off as there was so many lines that were untouched and as soon as I tried to ski them I had no depth perception. thumbs_down.gif

    Dude, be careful skiing down in a whiteout from Muir .

    That can be very dangerous, even if you are still "on route " or have to stop to figure out which way to go . Skiing down in a whiteout is really dangerous , glad you didn't run into problems . cantfocus.gif




  5. dryad said:

    So it made me wonder, what was the most unique booty item that any of you have found on or near a climb?

    Used Airplane, actually an unusable Airplane .


  6. Sphinx said:

    Why is it that when people are online they get so immature? I swear, the stuff that goes on here is what I would expect from teenagers or pre-teenagers. Races for pagetops, flaming for the sake of flaming, juvenile insults, excuses and chestbeating galore, hyper-inflated egos, etc, etc, etc. AND I have reason to believe that the majority of the posters here are (supposedly) adults. Sure, there are exceptions, Mattp and Colin come to mind, but what's wrong with the rest of you? Need some new meds? grin.gifgrin.gif

    Now that's the pot calling the kettle black . HCL.gifhellno3d.gif


  7. Ursa_Eagle said:


    Has anyone else stopped reading mtngoats replies?

    Long ago . It always goes like this :




    Blahblahblahblah government only should be blahablah blah blah.

    Blahblahblah blah blah weapons of massive fertilizer found blahblah blah .

    Blah blah blahblah I post like a robot blah blah you said 17 hours ago blah.

    Blah blah I dont have anything more to say but blah blah blah. I have no life blah blah blah because Clinton got a hummer blah blah , oh wait, I thought this was the 4wd SUV thread blah blah blah.

    I have never posting anything remotely climbing related because blaah blahblah and blah .

    Blah blah in my moronick rantings there are brief views of pure genious blah blahblah .

    Have a goat day yellowsleep.gif

  8. trask said:

    Rainierwon said:

    trask said:

    I give up. Guess yur all stuck with me for another 8000 posts. So how bout them Mariners? yelrotflmao.gif

    I thought they voted you off the island ? wazzup.gif


    I don't give a shit how they vote. This is America, or haven't you heard? the_finger.gifmoon.gif

    Shit your right - look how Bush got into office ! Geek_em8.gif


  9. trask said:

    I give up. Guess yur all stuck with me for another 8000 posts. So how bout them Mariners? yelrotflmao.gif

    I thought they voted you off the island ? wazzup.gif


  10. .....so my buddy with a Disco loves to drive his rig everywhere, except offroad . One day while finally taking it offroad, driving bad on logging roads, and after much taunting decides to really take it offroad , and almost gets stuck in the mud, backs it into a stump . It made funny noise as he drove it off the stump and he's visably upset all the way home .

    Later takes it to the dealer and $1,800 hellno3d.gif later and a tongue lashing from the dealer he never took it offroad again . Geek_em8.gif

    Defenders are cool, but I don't know anyone rich enough to drive one . hahaha.gif


  11. mikeadam said:

    Hope all you "spray babies" got your fucking asses handed to you at the Federal Building by hippy friendly SPD and Federal Police. Hope all you liberals burn in hell. Hope you try and confront me in person someday so I can choke you out using Daryl Gates favorite hold.

    Well Necroman there's your point number 2 made:


    Necroman said earlier (even if I disagreed until now):

    2) The average solider/marine is of below average intelligence.


    Fun read during lunch even if TC uses the three-legged chair arguement to further de-bunk his case cantfocus.gif .


  12. I haven't made a MEC trek for awhile . Has anybody had a problem getting back into WA with gear bought in BC ? ? cantfocus.gifI usually go climbing while up there and make it look like it's my gear, but short on time and long on orders from friends . the_finger.gif

    -J oh and I heard to take the passport madgo_ron.gif

  13. mister Z ,

    What is the short list of why going to war with Iraq ?

    I would like to hear real reasons in a short concise list rather that because we hate 'em or they are mean to their own people (valid reasons) but why really do you think that we should go to war . BTW the rally last weekend was by normal people , not just hippies like Rush seems to mention .


    Taking time from work to spray

  14. Oh, I step aside for the mental midget.
    johnny you little patriot, i hope that bush really appreciates you .

    You know that saying this about the commander and chief is not cool . smileysex5.gif

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