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Posts posted by Rainierwon

  1. I used to go up there and shoot, but for the most part we were responsible shooters. Shooting with a mound behind the target and such. There are some pretty scary guys up there with big guns and saw them trying to blast a tree down one time---no telling where the bullets from the high powered rifle were headed that missed hellno3d.gif

    Most of the people seemed responsible, but there were many that seemed careless.

    Speaking of careless, one time we were shooting at a rubber boot and we'd hear this wizzing right after we hit the boot--turns out it was richochet off the boot back at us Geek_em8.gif That place was a dump last time I was there and got first hand experience at what it was like to have someone else down the way shooting at our direction rolleyes.gif

  2. scott_harpell said:

    Rainierwon said:

    scott_harpell said:

    murraysovereign said:

    scott_harpell said:

    I don't see where it says in the Fraser Inst. report that violent crime equals gun crime. I know that Vancouver has, or had the last time I reviewed the stats, more stabbings than shootings.....


    isn't that kinda the point; that people will kill each other regardless of the impliments involved? oh and happy un-thanksgiving dru! bigdrink.gifthumbs_up.gif


    It's more a reflection of a much lower incidence of murder-by-firearm. Since a lower proportion of murders are committed using guns, it's inevitable that the proportion involving "other" weapons will be higher, be they knives or baseball bats or poison-tipped arrows or whatever else was handy at the time. But I think you'll also find that Canadians are far less likely to kill one another overall than are Americans, regardless of method used. I don't have a ready explanation for that one, but I expect the Fraser Institute can find a way to portray our lower murder rates as further proof of the inferiority of our criminal justice system and the moral corruption of our political structures. Either that, or they'll ignore it altogether because it doesn't further their agenda.


    but if the violence is the same with or without... then it doesn't really matter does it? seems like anyone who kills someone else is pretty much psycho and will do it with a knife or a spoon if they have to.

    HEy Scottywad, you try to kill me with a spoon I'll kick your moon.gif

    Get a clue ! confused.gif A gun is much easier to kill with thana spoon rolleyes.gif



    obviously you are missing the point ace.

    Usin the old Tomcat approach to argue there, eh Chief rolleyes.gifyellaf.gif


  3. scott_harpell said:

    murraysovereign said:

    scott_harpell said:

    I don't see where it says in the Fraser Inst. report that violent crime equals gun crime. I know that Vancouver has, or had the last time I reviewed the stats, more stabbings than shootings.....


    isn't that kinda the point; that people will kill each other regardless of the impliments involved? oh and happy un-thanksgiving dru! bigdrink.gifthumbs_up.gif


    It's more a reflection of a much lower incidence of murder-by-firearm. Since a lower proportion of murders are committed using guns, it's inevitable that the proportion involving "other" weapons will be higher, be they knives or baseball bats or poison-tipped arrows or whatever else was handy at the time. But I think you'll also find that Canadians are far less likely to kill one another overall than are Americans, regardless of method used. I don't have a ready explanation for that one, but I expect the Fraser Institute can find a way to portray our lower murder rates as further proof of the inferiority of our criminal justice system and the moral corruption of our political structures. Either that, or they'll ignore it altogether because it doesn't further their agenda.


    but if the violence is the same with or without... then it doesn't really matter does it? seems like anyone who kills someone else is pretty much psycho and will do it with a knife or a spoon if they have to.

    HEy Scottywad, you try to kill me with a spoon I'll kick your moon.gif

    Get a clue ! confused.gif A gun is much easier to kill with thana spoon rolleyes.gif


  4. Scot'terx

    Those things blow for reasons not worth going into, on so many levels . I'm sure you know that already as you are prolly trolling .

    Just go to the Home Depot nearest you and get the green bamboo 3' and also get some red duct tape and some relective tape. Way better than those things or even the REI designer wands .

    So many reasons and this has been discussed before Geek_em8.gif

  5. Yeah, like "don't take my guns away" combined with "I'm gunna bust a cap in you " does real good for the gun lobby . I also like the use of force if you disagree with me mentality mostly heard from the "right" who self proclaim they are right thumbs_down.gif .

    Go figure. cantfocus.gif

    Teachers are some of the most spat upon hard workers out there, but the Marysville thing went on way too long.


  6. I'd say that it was supported to a degree. He did place the stuff much like one would cache something on a route. He didn't have people pre-place things for him. Samstad is an animal, and it a cult hero in the mountain biking world . Here's to Blight (& co) and Samstad bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif

  7. Dru said:



    This herb has been used by the local Indians, and is very available in the backcountry hahaha.gif

    It made me more sick than high , though .


    Beck , hope the Lute Gov ain't seeing your posts pitty.gif

  8. Greg_W said:

    erik said:

    greg you are a tool!


    here robobobobo is out getting his life put back together after the incident with the the short bus full of nun's and two of trask's "petting" sheep and you just attack him?


    that is messed up man. typical stone hearted conservative.




    I'm just giving the people what they want. Don't shoot the messenger, bro. I didn't attack him, per se. I offered him up for sacrifice...it's a fine line, I know.


    Brief editorial comment: I like RobBob, but someone has to take the mantle today.

    Yah, ROboB is cool, leave him alone . Why do you have to instigate things?

    Some may think Beckfest blows, but whats the point? mushsmile.gif

  9. A climber friend and I had breakfast with Norm Rice in that greasy restaurant just outside of Enumscrawl on the way to Rainier, he was going to hike and his car broke down . We talked climbing, but it has taken me 5 years to get the guts to post it on a bbs .

    Oh wait, nobody cares

    -not a bootlicker cantfocus.gif

  10. Ok, from Fido's perspective, and after scrambling with dogs on dog routes, I can vouch for this...... hellno3d.gif

    A dog can claw its way up a third class route but would run outta options and not make it up a forth class route. cantfocus.gif

    -J fruit.gif

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