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About cook

  • Birthday 06/28/1983

cook's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Nice work man!! Don't listen to Craig. He and Kat and I once climbed a west face instead of south on accident. And then spent 10 hours desencing and reascending the wrong drainage. Good times
  2. cook


    Now I see what I didn't notice before
  3. cook


    Are we sure of this? Looks a little feminine.
  4. cook


    I also miss Oly like this obviously male dinosaur misses his extinct friends and neighbors. Also: I do have the ability to fill a beer growler (or milk jug) with beer-liquid
  5. cook


    ...more than a robot misses the opportunity to take over humankind when that opportunity has passed
  6. cook


    I miss you more than a (carnivorous) dinosaur misses dinosaur flesh when he or she is trapped in a tarpit
  7. Jessie, it is good to see you here!
  8. Nice job Craig. I was up yesterday and today, looks like we just missed eachother. By this afternoon they had the trees on the road cleared and were agressively working on the mudslide area. Sould be up on time. Kevino, we need to drink beer soon!!
  9. Did you guys know Dave Marrs did the art on that placemat?
  10. PLACEMAT SOLD!!!!!
  11. how much for the placemat only?
  12. cook


    Kat is right, we need more people for our band. I am playing a ukelle(sp?) and think the dirty hippie band is the future of music.
  13. cook


    1. Cut Hair 2. Get Job 3. Not a hippie I heard you like books about vampires.
  14. cook


    Kat you are a Hippie.
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