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Posts posted by billcoe

  1. Was that me? If that was me that did that: let me apologise, I must have been drunk or stoned. I just found out I was #1 on the fuckhead list, and perhaps it was me, so I've decieded to start all posts from now on with an apology.


    I'm talking a sincere one too. Soooo Trask..I am soooooo sorry if.... well whatever the hell I did I'm really sorry for it OK?????


    I don't think it was me but it's a learning experience just being here, I was hoping it was a site of climbers experincing a communal warm fuzzy and sharing knowledge, alas....sigh...


    Necro: I think I might have done some routes with her, put a harness on there...hmmmm maybe.


    Anyway, sorry and hope I didn't disparage your mother too, shes a fine woman I'm sure.







    BTW: I don't think I touched that sheep either....did I?

  2. Those 2 routes are at the top of my happy list when I think of my favorite routes. BTW: There use to be a shitload of big hexes fallen behind thank god ledge, just out of reach, a coathanger would snag them if they're still there.


    Thanks for sharing:


    Bill (former FH#1 X2)

  3. Well: If you guys are gonna let Klenke show up and get away with putting his name on the top of the list I'm gonna check out. Let me tell you what will happen next if you ignore that action, just let him get away with that, than it's just a matter of time until every fuckhead on this site shows up here and tries to bump every other fuckhead off of the list. I can tell this is going ot lead to Chaos and Anarchy as various fuckheads show up and try to elbow their way on to the list, pushing other fuckheads off: possibly with no justification or explaination.


    Wayne, Pete and Rob, thanks for the attempt's at support. I don't want to see you put on the list as well for being loyal, or worse, being hauled outside and stoned or something (I'm not talking about a peace pipe either). This looks like an unruly out of control mob forming here. Wayne, you've always been damn impressive as a climber, but I'm even more impressed that you showed up after all these years to give a nice word and friendly advice for me. Thank you, sorry you fell into the shithole now too. If you can wind up on the list for a kind, supportive, loyal action, it's just a matter of time until everybody registered on the site winds up on the list IMO. Er...well, unless it was the 1112 that follows your name: perhaps that was what did it to you: I'm new and don't know all of the rules.


    Well I don't know how those others got on the fuckhead list either, perhaps they were all fucking Necros mom or something, and he got all bent, as they otherwise seem like decent folks generally.


    I'll try a smiling BA gremlin for the unruly mob since there is a dearth of middle fingers available, lets see if it works:



    Shit. Well don't think I got it, I'm probably going back to the top of the list for trying and failing. If not, any chance I can make the short list of shitty spellers?





  4. Whohhhhh whoa whoa Pete: appreciate the assist and the kind words and all, but shhhhh.....#1 babe, #1! The votes are in.


    I clearly have Urslas vote too.


    So this is the kind of stuff ya miss out on when you're not online! Who knew?



    PS, what about that "piss poor speler award" now? Hope I make the short list.


    Regards to all the Academy members who voted FOR me: Damn exciting.



    #1 FH X 2

  5. x2 ???!!


    A fuckhead X 2?


    Who knew it could get worse than being #1 on the fuckhead list? Don't think I'm telling mom about this award at this point.

    26 posts, Thanks Rob, whew, I'm gonna be a gumby or a wanker soon if this keeps up. Whooo Hoo!!!


    The only good news about being a "fuckhead, #1 on the list X 2", is that I tend to keep partners for a long long time (Bob Mcmahon = 21 years, last year got dizzy spells after returning from Peru and stopped climbing for a while). So my piss poor reputation I've been able to quickly develop here on CC.com shouldn't hurt too bad in the important areas of my life, i.e., climbing partners.



    PS, I don't want to sound pushy or ungrateful, but I'd like to be considered for any "shitty spellers" lists too. I can easilly get onto the top 10 on that.




    #1 FH X 2

  6. Man I get to be #1 on the fuckhead list.


    Mom would be proud, I'm finally #1 at something, and after only 11 total posts too.


    I'd like to thank all the little people who helped get me where I am today......#1.



    It's sort of breathtaking...


    Regards to all (and thanks for the confidence in me Rob!):




    Bill (the only one here using his real name?) Coe

  7. Mr E said: "I feel bad about not doing anything"


    Don't feel bad: Bad shit happens, even when you do everything in your power, and it's a lot, sometimes it isn't enough, or it might be. You often have no control, you don't know....


    Sorry if my post was rude, didn't mean to be a fuckhead though. Apparently Ursla thinks so.





  8. Fern said: "this isn't a topic to chestbeat about who has seen the most carnage."



    Are you saying I shouldn't bring up the 2 bodies I lowered off of my favorite route at Smith...Trezlar? Grey matter covered the area, the man was 5 feet from the ground and dead, the girl was hanging like a marionette on the rope 20 feet up, blood running down the rock like a spigot like your backyard faucet was left on with her skull exploded and brain exposed....?

    I pulled off the dead guys shoes and put them on, the woman with me suggested it, saying with a laugh" he won't need them now, you do" heading up the descent route rapidly..... grim stuff, but ya have to live. Life continues for the rest of us.



    Is that what you're saying, not now?


    Hmmm, OK, perhaps later Fern? I have better ones too, but later perhaps?



  9. Thats nothing: try giving a bloody dude mouth to mouth for 20 min at the scene of a 60/80 foot auger in while his climbing partner, sister and girlfrind are all wailing and carrying on.


    1 word for the graduate: dead anyway.


    hmmm, 2 words then.

  10. Billygoat said:

    Dru said:

    i have gotten a couple of years of use out of some ropes with unknown history i found stuck on rappel and abandoned in red rocks thumbs_up.gif


    I've only had to carry 1 fella out who had a rope break while rappeling. Body weight only. Femur bone sticking out of his thigh, did the splint and rope stretcher thing and got him to the hospital. He survived and probably still has my favorite shirt as a suvivur today, 25 years later.

    " Most of you all are way too uptight about your ropes... Geek_em8.gif



    Can't agree at all.



    The motto is " when in doubt, throw it out"How can you be "too uptight" about a rope. Buy another one, lifes already way too f*en short IMO. That being said, I have climbed on a rope (someone elses) that had over 200 falls. But they were short ones-from working top of the heap new hard routes. They were not "falls" like the rope mfgs describe, fall factor 2 falls. That rope was under a 1 1/2 old and everything was documented and it still looked and felt good.

  11. Dwayner said:

    "Dru...you're smartass comment, "rap bolt the wailing wall, that'll show them" is ignorant and rude. "


    Yeah Dru: 1 more smartassed remarque like that and you might have the unbiased, gentle members of this site take you out and try to Bibically Stone you. How dare you try to inject some humor into the discussion. This is serious and as all here can attest, some group should be killed over it. That part of the question looks like the crux of the debate here, let me know who that is when you all decide as I'd like to get the hell out of the way first.


    Not to sound unbiased here, but I like Israelis generally, although not when they intentionally use up all the hot water in a Nepali Villiage BEFORE ME (you know who you are!!) and every damn palestinian I've met has been to opposite of what our media portrais them to be. Fine people and good folks generally. But of course, I may be meeting the wrong class of people and it's clear from the learned discussion on this board that one of these groups of people is low-life shit. I will not be telling Kalid, my Palistinian neighbor that, as he is in that group of fine people of Palitinans.


    Now to the important stuff Dru: you know damn well those cracks on the Western Wailing Wall will protect with natural pro, keep those bolts out of there, you can see this is already a restless crowd, so stop throwing gasoline on the fire. This crowd will turn on you so fast if you try to turn it into a "support of sport route" thread.


    Now am I the only person who noticed that this Verbal WAR about Israel/Palistine started out as a mild discussion about Idi Amin?


    OK, I'm done, please pick up your weapons again and have it. It's about time somebody took this conflict on and fixed it, you all sound so smart, it should be easy for you all to get ahold of this issue and "poof" for ya know it, "FIXED" the Lion will be sleeping with the Lamb.



    About time:



  12. Re-Read Eriks list! Hamster'stoo. The line, ahhhhh.


    If you have a fat ass like me, getting it stuck in the travelers butters squeeze chimney is a very ..cough...cough.. real possibility!! I thought that 5.9 way underrated and quite a grunt. I was getting up 5.11 at the time and worked that 5.9? F*er hard (finally got up it with some minor skin removal!) Surrealistic piller WAS rated 5.10B then and seemed easier to me at the time.


    Although tb is in the 50 classics, corregation corner may be the best 5.7 I've ever done, and certainly better than getting your ass stuck in a squeeze chimney IMO. The rock is topnotch (granite), and pro..whew, imagine that almost any piece - from a small wired nut to a large hex fitting the same placement and all of them being bomber. It's unique in that way.


    Mostly just enjoy.



  13. Hiiiii Wayne!!!!


    Dude, 20 years? I think time has been flying for you! You were and unbelivabley strong 14 years old then and kicking ass as a lad! Are you now only 34? Seems longer to me.


    Concerning Tif: If your rock climbing is any guide, I bet you're a better craftsman:-) (Ohhhh, and shes good BTW, no slam on Tiff, I've done some slumlording and could never get as close to perfect craftsmanship as her, haven't seen her since though, hope everything is OK)





    R - o - b: Thank you, I will now sit down and spend the rest of the evening checking that I am still spelling my own name correctly. It's age I'm sure.





    B - i - l - l

  14. DUDES: Sorry to break up an uninteresting slam fest with some facts or anything unothodox like that. (Catch that pun?-Ortodox?) Not withstanding Dwayners off topic diatribe of attempted facts. What the F routes did Amin ever do? That pig was fatter than me! I bet he never got up 5.11 even. Probably just another sport climber who could spray.


    And by the way, that whole "supported by Isreal" thing should be changed to "sponsered by Isreal". I think I've heard of them, what do they make? Yisrealli brand climbing shoes isn't it? I think I heard of them, they suck worse than Boreals. Not my old Fires, the new ones.


    Man, I'd sure like someone to sponsor me. Who wants to pony up some money for a fat/middle-aged/no-talent?


    Thats not a retorical question.....


    Really.. Who? Give me the names. I'll even wear those shitty Yisrealli shoes if they pay, I'm not above being a whore.



    Don't make me beg....



    OK, now back to our regularly scheduled hate-fest, go for it.

  15. Well I tried to join Moss and Choss" but was rejected. The e-mail said, "The moderator of the mossandchoss group has denied

    your request for membership." At least I know it wasn't a computer glitch, it was the moderator. Evidently the moss and choss moderator must know of me personally or something.


    Probably just as well, now I can't spill my guts on all the secret and forgotten areas I know of. But hey, I may not know too much as I've only been climbing for 30 years.


    BTW, why can't people post "secret and forgotten climbing areas" here. Is there some rule against it?

    Sorry, I'm still sort of new here, just asking and glad I didn't get my ass kicked off of cc.com.....yet.


    Bet they let Wayne join. blush.gif


    Wayne, if you're the mod at moss and choss, just so you know, I was only teasing you and kidding about your ex-wife. I've always enjoyed your company and just wanted you to know in a humorous way that she worked on turnig our attic into a master suite thing whilst you were battling K2. So my PM crack to you which you never responded too about the "time we spent in the bedrom together" was only so she could slap drywall mud and I could say "Fantastic Job Tiff". She really kicks ass as a worker, and really did a great job.

    Nice lady IMO. It was only light hearted jest, no need to take a wall hammer to me or anything severe like that.

  16. " are in a watershed that supplies 2,500 Hood River County residents. Several groups have criticized plans to develop the site, saying the resort, especially a proposed 18-hole golf course, would pollute groundwater.


    "We've heard loud and clear that the community wants the watershed protected," said Dave Riley, Meadows general manager.



    Rod......What?!!! Does this mean I can't piss next to the trail anymore.


    Damn-it. Just when I get comfortable....



    PS, you asked me if I knew Andrew the other day and I said no. I met him Thursday, he had moved to Colo but came back to go climbing and is at Beacon for 4 days, he'll be there or at Opdykes house for the weekend. Seems he knew all about me somehow."Couchmaster" he says when we're intoduced. Seemed like a great guy, I'd tie in with him.


  17. Trying to get a visual with that....are you grabbing your crotch and waving your hands menacingly like a drug -addled rap artist while you chant this? Yo Yo Yo.


    Actually, the words are very good, except the the crotch grabbing part. yo yo


    Now about your name..is that implying sex with dead people, if so - may I suggest you trade up to a sheep-like moniker as it would be less disgusting to think about?




  18. Looks like you have already taken care of it and the debate is closed for now. Nice crack restored, great looking granite.


    But you guys are not yet in the "pipe swinger" hall of fame. http://www.mindspring.com/~bjfaber/


    BTW: last night I was listening to a guy get pissed at somebody who put chains on a rap station out at Beacon Rock. Seems this fella was OK with webbing but not chains.......well, I don't have much to say on that.... but there ya go. It amazes me the divergance of views on the bolt issues. New people do not seem to have ethics, and then tend to be upset when somebody else does have ethics.

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