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Posts posted by billcoe

  1. in that case, iain, i'd put you on the trail of a particularly rewarding brown steamer i unleashed last winter, about 300 feet uphill and towards illum gap from the palmer lift top. i had every green-hearted intention of making it down to t-line, but amidst the howling wind and blowing snow there was simply no reasoning w/ the devil...archealogical evidence likely remains...i suspect it was frozen solid and covered within 5 minutes of my paper-less deproach smile.gif



    I sure as hell wouldn't want some monster like that rolling down on me from up on high, damn.


    You asked me if I Mt. climbed any more Ivan, I said very little after I had my kids. Re-reading your report confirms my previous judgement.


    Thanks for sharing! Well spoken.



  2. On the other subject, Ashcroft is a flaming pile of shit. The sooner that man is out of power, the better the world will be. he is the biggest single threat to civil liberties any person in power has been for a long while.


    Hey, wouldn't want to argue that one. smile.gif

  3. "The school district disciplined him, but district officials declined to say what the punishment was. Tolcacher said the boy was not suspended. Tolcacher insisted it was not a freedom-of-speech issue but a concern over the depiction of violence.


    "From what I saw, (school officials) were right to be concerned," Prosser Police Chief Win Taylor said.


    "If this 15-year-old kid in Prosser is perceived as a threat to the president, then we are living in '1984.' " Cravens said.


    Not to try and re-align the spin you all have on this, but it has nothing to do with Ashcroft or Bush's policies. It is clearly about pysco-over the line violence depicted by a student. The school even diciplined him. Students can and have acted out violent fantacies. It is the job of the secret service to investigate these people. Like John Hinkley. Hey, occasionally they miss a few. I thank them for making my world safer.


    Seems like Cravens never of the area just south of here where some young little pissant-asshole-shithead-fuckstain killed his parents and a bunch of classmates before being apprehended. I won't speak the little pricks name, but his initials are Kip Kinkel.


    As a reminder, millions of regular kids have access and even outright ownership of guns and weapons of every sort on a daily basis. They do not abuse the right, it is, as a percentage of ownership, rare that accidents happen, but they do. The media blows these up bigger than they are in an attempt to sensationalise and make money on your fear. They are successful in doing this.


    Having access to weapons it is one of the things which makes this country free. Investigating the occasional out of control asshole is mandatory. Please don't think I'm supporting government controls over the regular population, but having worked in a VA hospital for 4 years - with many mental patients in addition to the guys with legs blown off etc etc, I can assure you that not everybody out there is like you-all, some (and its a tiny percentage) need to be watched and controlled. If you have a better way to identify those folks, and ideas on what we should do to remain a free people, let me know. I'm curious what that would be.


    Please note that they only talked to the kid. He's not under arrest, restricted or controlled in any manner. He apparently threatened violence on the President and yet he is still as free as a bird, able to go anywhere or do anything. This is as it should be as well IMO. If my son did this, I would want to hear about it as well.


    I don't see a dark sinister plot from the government behind this: I see a good process, where individual rights of all (the Kids, the Preidents and others) are respected: sorry.


    If it was you or a loved one, instead of the Pres, that this kid was focusing on, would you want the police to tell you to mind your own business and that the kid has the "freedom" to threaten your's or someone you loves life whenever he wanted and they wouldn't even talk to him about it??



  4. billcoe, what part of town do you live in?



    Hi Ursula:


    The spot where Kendra James was recently shot is within rifle range (I'm not that good of a shot anymore, as my son repeatedly drones on to me about, so maybe not within rifle range for me, I used to shoot very well, now I can't hit shit as the eyes are going!).


    We have remarkably little crime around here in the houses - really.

  5. Cluck, I think they deleted your post sir!!


    Must have been the wine talking. That or the fowl-mouthed chicken you call friend.


    Fav pic for me was in fact Cluck Jr on top: sir, thats on TOP after the crux moooves of Rabbit ears.


    BTW, was that a big assed wall back up in the hills behind rabbitt ears or what? I'll tell you about it later after I recoinoiter it and crank some moves with the choss posse.



  6. RBW, maybe next time - went climbing instead at the Butte with a couple of Pauls from the Bible temple worship domes.


    Hope you had a good time and the hangovers are not too severe.



  7. Oregonian says hiker.

    I don't have the full schizzel but I'll add some distand 2nd hand info.


    B-Rock: Hiker often = climber in the news. I do not know if he was a climber or hiker in actuality. I suspect that the news really doesn't know either.


    This guy slipped and peeled off of somewhere around near silver Bullet, wet.


    Other guy (27 year old blonde guy, second hand info sorry its so oblique) was further down, and the actual count of "pitch off the cliff contestants" I believe for the month (last 30 days) now stands at 3. The Oregonian is only counting Firefighter responses. Evidently an ambulance without the fire dept being called out is not to be counted.


    So the count down starts, area gets popular, folks get hurt, how long until this hits the radar screens and the city's lawyers pull the plug and close the area?



  8. Doolittle, why even waste your time, just bring a ladder and climb right past the hard shit.



    Then bolt the ladder to the wall if you think you might come back for a 2nd try should the first one fail cause the ladder was too steep. You could bash the aluminum directly into the crack it's leaning on.




    The you could claim "first ladder ascents" of lots of new stuff. It would open up all kinds of possibilities. You could even do a guide book.

  9. rbw,

    I am going to try to be there but what's your address again. My memory is fuzzy from the last TG hazed outing there.


    Yeah, what he said: not sure I can hit it, but want to try.



  10. Hi Ruben:


    Mine are Beacon Rock. It has magic and power, the resting place of many many former local souls are there, peacefully and joyfully - I can feel it. Closing it to climbing has caused some pain, which I alieviate by swinging by just to sit and hang by myself at the base occasionally (last Sunday for instance).


    Anywhere 200' outside of the buildings in Yosemite "City" where 60,000 temporary visiting people exist and yet the trees are still swaying.



  11. I could have been in an Eddie Bauers except the last time I was in Eddie Bauers they had FREE wine and I knocked back 3 or 4 glasses till my wife came over and made me stop. No kidding: FREE. Free marichino cherrys too......ahhhhh wine and cherries.


    Note to self, shop without wife.





    Dohhh, meant Norm Thompsons, the yuppie clothing/outdoor clothing store: yup, must have been the wine talkin there.


    Yeah, I bellied up to the bar and my 12 year old bellied up to the cherries and we proceeded to monopolise and download the freebies as the wife shopped.


    All was going well till she looked over, and in what was a horrifing embarrassing moment for her, realized that the other shoppers were observing us in shock and awe much like you would watch a couple of starving hampsters in a vegtable bin as the wine and cherries flew. He kept asking for pulls on the wine but I told him no way, people were watching.


    At least she didn't grab our ears or nothin. Norm Thompson............ ahhhhhhh free wine.


    No wine at REI, just yuppie clothes. They have a small wall, but little kids are on it and they charge.

  12. Look, REI sucks, go check out the new one in PDX. Oh great place to go buy psydo-climbing style CLOTHING. Or the 1 brand of wired nut they carry. End of selection.


    I walk in there and say, were's the friggan ski boots man, I want to use my divided and get my 20 percent off too. There wasn't a ski boot to be had in the whole store.


    I could have been in an Eddie Bauers except the last time I was in Eddie Bauers they had FREE wine and I knocked back 3 or 4 glasses till my wife came over and made me stop. No kidding: FREE. Free marichino cherrys too......ahhhhh wine and cherries.


    Note to self, shop without wife.

  13. BillA, if I ever see that kind of crap you can bet it'll be "batter up" time and I promise to swing a home run for ya. I used to park my Prowler up at the Butte and always expected to see the convertable roof slit and the stereo jacked when I got back.


    One time- about 1978-I was up on top bouldering - my back to my motorcycle with my backpack on it, right there on the road. I didn't see anybody but lo and behold if I don't turn around an see my backpack gone. MF Sons of B's. They got a gore-tex coat (this was when you could buy the gore-tex material but nobody was commercially producing any gore-tex finished products) which a friend had custom sewn for me.


    Still, I've heard plenty of others have had it worse, maybe we should count ourselves lucky. The stuff is just that, Stuff. You can replace it, even though it sucks.



    While ago I found a fired (rifling grooves on it) 9mm bullet on my back deck. Sometimes I hear the pop pop pop at night from unfinished discussions which members of "the community" are having with each other.





  14. Justin: it is a valid question, which I think unfortunatly more than likely has no one answer.



    Interesting story happened to some friends of mine though: they were approx 150 straight up, on a stance big enough for 2.


    Smoking a doobie.


    Up free-solos another guy I know, says hi to them, and to their astonishment asks if they would mind if he puffed some. They fork over the smoke, long drag and a couple of healthy coughs later, up he goes past the easy 10a crux. Directly above them. Unroped.


    Moral of the story:

    Sometimes it's better not to ask or think about it. Just take another drag and let it go.



  15. madgo_ron.gif dammit man! i have never spent so much time on a download. not even for free porn. madgo_ron.gif



    COUGH *bullshit* COUGH *bullshit* COUGH *bullshit*


    PLLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEEEEE, Lummux, everybody spends more time than that on free porn, you might save that for your wife. If you'd just pony up the money, a broadband connection will have this playing in less than 30 sec. Not only that, but the huge side benefit is that the free porn comes in faster as well.


    Distle, thanks man, great stuff, really appreciate the sharing. Triangle traverse (maybe the one before, the wide crack) was playing horizontal though. Much better than just sitting watching the rain coming down outside like it is right now.


    Thanks again:



  16. I heard of a guy who found a shi*t load of Northface Dome Tents and all kind of awesome sleeping backs, packs, gear and food at Camp 4 in Yosemite once. Evidently all these people just went off and left the schizzel.



    One of my best booties was coming on an old old friend who had moved up to Seattle and came back with some of his buddies to repeat some favs. They got a #2 cam stuck about 20" up, and were lamenting the loss (up there stuck in the rock laughing in thier faces in full view) as they were coiling their ropes preparing for the hike out when I bumped into them.



    I freesolo up, IT COMES RIGHT OUT! ( a little wiggling) I get down and give the cam back to my friend. Best bootie is happy bootie.



    Also, most of the times I will try to come back the next day if I see some bootie (if I can), figuring the owner may come back first. Found a Smith guidebook that must have fallen out of a pack that way on the back side of Smith Group. Saw it Saturday, look to see if it had a name in the cover somewhere (it didn't). Put it right back down and left. Climbed all day Sunday, on the way out I walked over and the book was right where I had left it next to the trail in full view apperntly as yet untouched. Slipped it in my backpack.


    I got into quite an arguement with a friend over this once in Yosemite. Someone had left some Fires (when they were the hot shoe) near the Devils Kitchen area. Late in the day, we are the last naked climbers lounging stoned in the water, my friend tries them on and they fit him. He's thinking "bootie", and certainly a major upgrade over the ratty EB's he had. I'm thinking somebody will be looking for the shoes the next day and counsel leaving them. Strong discussion ensues for at least 10 min.


    The arguement got resolved when he agreed to leave a "found shoes" notes at camp 4 bulliton board. boxing_smiley.gif Guess we could have thought of that before we argued it out. Dohhhh.


    Hard to say what bootie is sometimes. I still feel somewhat guilty using a locker which was obviously an abandoned bail biner I found at the top of boardwalk rappel out at Beacon a couple of years ago. Shouldn't but I do.

  17. I’m beginning to suspect that chalk belongs in the category of largely useless gear along with titanium spoons, pink Lexan® bottles and special helmet stickers.


    Hardly use chalk anymore. Sorry, can't give up the spoon or the pink bottle either. cantfocus.gif

  18. I dislike the posturing, when someone chimes in to say a particular hard route is "sweet" simply to say, yes, I have climbed it, behold me in all my glory. Route name-dropping. smirk.gif


    That Asterick pass climb (5.5) at Smith is SWEET but a little runout. Behold me in all my glory cause I only placed three pieces of gear.




    Oh Asterick is "SWWWEEEEEEET", no question about it. I'm not gonna dog it next time I follow it either like last time.


    I used to hear that complaint about elite climbers spraying. I think it is due to the fact that most of them which I have been around, really- really focus on their climbing. To the exclusion of damn near everything else typically. They don't talk about bowel movements, their kids, the local sports teams or all the rest of the trash us mortals discuss, cause they are so focused on climbing. So when you are around them, that's what gets discussed. It's not usually spray per-see, just the main thing in their life so it gets talked about, read about, and dream't about near 24/7. If they have a success on a hard route it gets shared, as it should be.


    On the first part of the thread: I too noticed folks are climbing harder. It's good to see. It surprises me we don't see more accidents from folks getting in over their heads as part of the learning process.






    Still striving for moderate in my advancing age..........

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