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Posts posted by ChrisT

  1. well I was in favor of removing the feeding tube until I saw video of Ms. Schiavo sitting up in bed talking and laughing. While she appeared to be brain damaged she was certainly not comatose. How do you kill a person like that? I'm not sure when the video was made or what her current condition is.

  2. It sounds like Canseco introduced it to alot of other players (including McGwire) and got them hooked. It's funny because I remember when I first saw Canseco with the A's and thinking how gigantic he looked - all the other players around him looked like dwarfs by comparison.

  3. From what I have read so far it sounds like a small but high profile group of offenders led by Jose Canseco, the self appointed proselytizer of steroid use (who once reached 255 hellno3d.gif). Makes me appreciate players like Ichiro (5'9" - 172) and leads me to wonder: Is this a uniquely American problem?

  4. From an op-ed piece by Thomas Friedman in today's NYTimes:



    "I am sure China will be thrilled with the Bush decision to drill in Alaska," said the noted energy economist Philip Verleger Jr. "Oil in Alaska cannot easily or efficiently be shipped to our Gulf Coast refineries. The logical markets are on the West Coast of the United States and in Asia. Consumers in China and Japan, not the U.S., will be the real beneficiaries of any big Alaska find.


    "With a big find, China and Japan will be able to increase imports from a dependable supplier - the U.S. - while consumers in the U.S. will still be at the mercy of unreliable suppliers, such as Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. It is simple geography. [Also], a big find will lead to lower prices in the short term, promoting more emissions and more warming."

  5. I saw a film once (in a class?) where they performed brain surgery and just by touching certain parts of the brain, the patient would instantly be "transported" back in time, even talking like a baby if that's how far back they went - talking as if they were actually in a place from 10 years earlier instead of flat on their back on the operating table.


    or talk about old sitcoms...although that might make me look old tongue.gif




    Well the subject of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" came up the other day and it got me thinking of "My Favorite Martian" because Ray Walston also played the teacher in FTRH and how people don't realize that Bill Bixby was more than the Amazing Hulk...he was also the "Courtship of Eddie's Father" and well they're both dead anyway. Did you hear that Dru? DEAD!


    nah - I'd rather have a nice, mind numbing political debate...or talk about old sitcoms...although that might make me look old tongue.gif

  6. Not to ruin this thread with personal feelings, cuz yous guys is on a roll laugh.gif, but here goes.


    I worked in restaurants for (waaay too many) years, and it kinda bothered me every time I had to drop a lobster into the pot. Even cooking crayfish kind of bothered me.

    I'm a BIG PUSSY!! cry.gif


    We already knew that rolleyes.gif

  7. I have the Nike watch and I've been up to 14K with it. Needless to say it did not work in a pressurized air cabin (duh!) so I can't really tell you how high it goes. However I do not recommend this watch because of the rubber/plastic wrist band. It broke due to normal (not heavy wear) and the only way to replace it is to send it to Nike and pay prob $50 and wait six weeks, blah blah blah. Right now it serves as my alarm (it has six alarms which is pretty cool). Oh the scale is 10' increments.

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