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Posts posted by ChrisT

  1. you're right - it wasn't inside the muffler but inside the thingy attached to the muffler. The funny thing is that it didn't even occur to Joe Mechanic until I mentioned the words "catalytic converter" so I'm still not 100% convinced. I haven't done the repair yet as they referred me to "My Daddy's" to save some $.

  2. ...would make such a big deal out of the true identity of deep throat. To me it's a non-story and I can't help but think it was all carefully orchestrated to draw attention to some reporters who are facing jail time for not revealing their sources.

  3. ok so the whole underside of my car is rattling loudly esp. when I turn off the engine or shift at low speeds or idle at low speeds. Perhaps it's just a matter of tightening a few bolts? The vehicle in question is a 95 Jeep Cherokee - manual transmission.

  4. Is it more prescient to wait for the bubble to burst and then buy a house? Be patient with me - economics is not my strong suit. I'm actually looking for a fixer upper which I plan on taking my time to fix up.

  5. An old man turned ninety-eight

    He won the lottery and died the next day

    It's a black fly in your chardonnay

    It's a death row pardon two minutes too late

    Isn't it ironic... don't you think


    It's like rain on your wedding day

    It's a free ride when you've already paid

    It's the good advice that you just didn't take

    Who would've thought... it figures

    Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly

    He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids good-bye

    He waited his whole damn life to take that flight

    And as the plane crashed down he thought

    "Well, isn't this nice." And Isn't this ironic ... don't you


    Repeat Chorus

    Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you

    When you think everything's okay and everything's going right

    And life has a funny way of helping you out when

    You think evertyhing's gone wrong and everything blows up

    In your face

    A traffic jam when you're already late

    A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break

    It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife

    It's meeting the man of my dreams

    and then meeting his beautiful wife

    And isn't it ironic... don't you think

    A little too ironic.. and yeah I really do think...

    Repeat Chorus

    Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you

    And life has a funny funny way of helping you out

    helping you out

  6. I acquiesced to my daughter's pleading and saw it on Sunday morning at 9am tongue.gif and while I'm no big Star Wars fan (and a big film snob to start off with anyway) I have to say that it held my interest. I also saw the first (fourth?) Star Wars on opening day in 1977 and that's the only other one I ever saw in the theater.

  7. ChrisT you may be right, but the compromise is widely considered a victory by the Dems and a defection by the moderate Republicans from the hard line position of their party leaders.


    My hats off to Senators Byrd and Warner for spearheading the compromise (and invoking the writings of Hamilton in the process). I guess I just wanted to see a real fight and I don't want to see any of the activist judges that Bush is pushing to make it to the bench. I'd also like to see the dems have a stronger opposition voice but I suppose it's the moderates that really rule.


    Meanwhile, back at the Michael Jackson trial...

  8. In my son's HS paper they ran a big ad urging kids to get an "ATM" card (Abstinence til Marriage). However, in the same issue they ran an ad for Planned Parenthood...so as long as they offer both viewpoints, I'm ok with it. My attitude is this: I can't stop my kids from eventually having sex BUT hopefully I can help them make good choices concerning birth control, etc.

    Bush also thinks he can fight AIDs in Africa through this abstinence only policy. rolleyes.gif

  9. personally I would have loved to have seen a real showdown. The democrats have no balls IMO. Nuclear option? Bring it on. Let's see where these overpaid politicians really stand. Bush just keeps bringing these crazy judges up again and again until they get approved. Never mind that over 40 judges were blocked during the Clinton Administration. Frist himself used the filibuster to block one. Republicans quibble over 10 radical judges. Well there's my rant for the day.

  10. I think torture is unavoidable - -like it or not it’s a normal part of warfare. What irks me is when our leaders avoid responsibility for said military torture tactics leaving 19 year old photo snapping depraved privates to take the rap.

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