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Posts posted by richard_noggin

  1. Brown is the color of your shirt.


    Thanks to Watts and climbers like him that put up routes ,putting in the work and money to leave a legacy of classic climbs for the rest of us to enjoy.




    Now we're in an appropriate forum!


    Dang he will just not stop! That is why you sir are in spray. Your like a little kid, you throw sand in our face and wonder why we won’t let you play in the sand box with the rest of us. No sir you are free to spray sand all you want in the spray box where you belong, blah! ba! blah! ba! blah! it must suck to be soooo annoying.

  3. YO POOP! :fahq:


    The reason it was not taken to the rock climbing forum was as stevetimetravir said that would be where you get your rocks off, and his post was sooo right on about you and to me would include raindawg, for that matter you don’t like to be put in spray because you don’t want to discuss your BS where it belongs, real climbers that actually still climb might miss your chest beating use'ta climb rants and raves.

    POPE you sir belong in spray You sir bring nothing to the table as far as climbing in the NW goes.

    You sir and raindawg, actually cost the free flow of beta on this site and any climber pull’n down in the NW knows this to be true.

    To rant about your personal agenda on Watt’s tread was just wrong!

    It would seem that Offwhite is the only one around here that has a pair!


  4. Brown is the color of your shirt.


    Thanks to Watts and climbers like him that put up routes ,putting in the work and money to leave a legacy of classic for the rest of us to enjoy.

  5. It seems we have reached a general concensus overall in our sport where the type of crag and public opinion rules as to what crags are sport, what are trad, what are mixed trad and sport, etc. Some crags are just so much more suitable for trad then many other places, while some places don't offer trad placements at all. There will and should always be discussion and banter back and forth on developement but it seems to me a happy medium has been struck for a number of years now. However there always be a couple people that come along and piss in the soup in order to bring attention to themselves. Small minded and extremist, they lurk at both ends of the spectrum in all walks of life. There is no meaninful dialogue or bridging gaps and opinions, but simply a blind insistence that their way is the only way. They have no sense of community, common sense, or the overall picture and to engage them is simply to allow them to spew and get their rocks off.


    :tup: Well said !!

  6. I agree with billcoe Why do you let two crotchety old has beens pump there ego by bringing attention to themselves. Just send their lame ass posts to spray and mine also, mine are just a knee jerk reaction response to a couple of never ending attention getting wankers


    Watt’s a great name in NW climbing posts here and you let his tread get trashed

    raindawg and pope bring nothing to the table as far as climbing in the NW goes, do we have to do this over and over :yawn:



  7. Listen pal, YOU are participating in an activity in which YOU can control YOUR impacts. Pointing to a road and excusing your bullshit because a greater impact was made by somebody else is weaksauce and I think you know it. You're not free to steal a bicycle just because a guy across the street is stealing a car.


    Such as mountainbike'n just cause someone tore up the trail before you doesn't mean you should keep doing it, control your impact :rolleyes:, if you can't walk or hike stay out of the great outdoors!!!

    Just being facetious :poke: I mountain bike also, but do you get the point there POOP!

    I mean how would you like it if I went whining about the impact of mountain biking, stir’n up shit and scew’n with access to your favorite hobby, the trails I ride are not in any guide, I am a purist, So your style is unacceptable.

  8. YO POPE

    Speaking of natural resource and impact could you stop tearing up the outdoors with that mountain bike! GET IT! Share the road, share the outdoors, share the trail, the key word here is share …just be willing to share and pope could you please just STFU


    Hard to believe there are still a bunch of crotchety old phuks out there that don’t climb any more whining on the internet about bolts


    Yo Alan thanks sooo much for all you have done for climbing and thanks for the new guide, most don't realize how much goes into a guide especially for Smith were the routes are still going up as you are putting together the guide



    Been out climbing Idaho limestone in a tee shirt for the past couple days, just got back...


    It didn't happen if there's no pictures......:-)



    Than I would be give'n up the location...all the plums have not been picked yet!!!Huge area!!


    Been out climbing Idaho limestone in a tee shirt for the past couple days, just got back... thanks for the links :tup:, I picked through them and nabed a few.


    Ahhh Yes !!! Much like Sarah Palin CC.com'ers when ask what they look at for the news they balk and stammer and avoid the subject :rolleyes:

    I started this topic to gain some new news sites.

    I take it for most of you Cc.com'ers CC.com is your soap box :yawn:



    So what do you left wing bleeding heart liberals and right wing neo-concretives look at for the news?

    Myself I watch king 5 and read the daily Olympian page to page for local news.

    For the right I watch fox news …yes even Glen Beck and the internet site Fox nation.

    For the left I use the internet site Talking Point Minutes TPM, for the middle I use the internet sites CNN and my favorite Time Magazine

  9. Only in the United States of America could a black man be elected by an overwhelming majority to the president of the United States

    Only in America could a person stand on the side walk and have a poster of the president and commander and chief with a Hitler mustache and spout conspiracy lies

    Get a grip you had 8 years of bush and you still have abortion, you had 8 years of Clinton and you still have your guns

    To say the least it enraged me to see the president and commander and chief disgraced in public like that.

    Due to the latest bungle by the secret service and letting an unscreened couple close to the president I am afraid of the right wing nuts and afraid for my country.. If anything was to happens to him it could tear our country apart.

    From a patriot and believer of freedom and the ideals of the United States of America

  10. IMGP0712.jpg

    I really feel sorry for you guys that have inside jobs, a few years ago I took a job work’n inside the state capital doing seismic upgrades for the winter ….I thought cool inside for the winter, you know I hated it and I was sicker that winter than any of the years I worked outside, I just am not an inside person, even when I am home you can find me hiking the timber land around my house or just about anything outside.

    So when I get a little riled up from what is being said on CC.com I have to remember most of you are outside people like me stuck inside pull’n your hair out and waiting to get off work and go outside.

    The ones I really feel sorry for, are the guys with girl’s jobs, you know like teachers or nurses and the like, than they start spray’n climbing ethic BS thinking they have a pair of brass balls. :poke:


  11. Boulder gym in Tacoma=boondoggle

    Edgeworks is a bouldering gym :rolleyes: and all the Tacoma boulders go there already, Bremerton is the same drive as vertical world Seattle and a better gym, like me people will seek out the best gym.

    I am not trying to stir you up or bum you out, just speak'n the obvious

    Good luck you'll need it.

  12. I’m sorry and I don’t want to sound disrespectful, BUT DO WE NEED ANOTHER BOULDER GYM! :rolleyes: What the south end needs is a decent climbing gym, like 30 feet plus top ropes and lead routes, the older crowd with the money to climb in gyms can’t take ground falls or drop offs and we all need training on longer routes for climbing in the great outdoors.In the winter I have been known to drive 2 hours from the south end to climb at vertical world in Seattle and would buy a membership if there was a decent gym like Seattle's in Tacoma or olympia

  13. Matt Warfield you’re trying to bring intelligent option to a bunch of CC sprayers with like thousands of posts, that take their blog lesions from Glen Beck ..ie: take unrelated topics and somehow join them into a conspiracy theory, somehow they think if they don’t get crotchety and loudly demonstrate there minority option outerspace and the planet will be grid bolted.

  14. While belaying at nevermind at exit 38 I overheard two climbers talk’n, one said to the other I think all these climbs are my friend’s Garth Bruce :rolleyes:

    I guess now I know why Garth leaves out FA information in his guides books :tdown:

    He has a few mank climbs in the area and none at nevermind, leavening out FA info is just mank and BTW all the climbs on the black slab we did rock left are not 5.9 dumb fuck, why change the old rateings? does he not climb the routes :anger:

    Pretty lame when BB and LW among others did most of the development in the area and BB helped with the access and had the first guide, than he gets shanked out of notoriety and a guide book,WTF everone else puts in FA information :wazup:


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