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Posts posted by richard_noggin

  1. Guidebooks for bouldering is stoopid.

    Not really there is sooo much around bishop a guide really helps you hook up with what your look'n for. Who would have Thunk bouldering would have got'n so Popular. Bishop is way cool it can be snowing at Owens river Gorge and people will be walk’n around bishop in shorts and tee shirts, The happy boulders is way cool this time of year warm dry rock and thats some way cool stone, wish my old body could take those ground falls.

  2. I got one from 10 years ago prob not much use now. Got it in bishop, if your going cant you pick one up there? Don't miss the happy's dude if you like steep jugs.you can have my guide if you want

  3. In the end, Its with yourself that you have to live.

    Why would you worry about what others think ?


    Because of what You leave behind others will judge you as a Climber, be it good or bad.


    Be able to stand up for your actions. and dont let others tell You how to act or what to do.


    Now that says it all ...good post Bro :tup:

  4. I think the queestion of natural pro was not ask because ALL THE GOOD CRACKS ARE ALREADY DONE That is why climbing has moved to bolted sport, as with most sports climbing had to evolve, who would have thunk bouldering would be so popular now, real climbers want new stone and new routes think how clogged up the classic cracks would be if there were not any sport climbing to spread thing out, just try getting on a good crack on the weekend …you better get up early.

  5. Naw Dick, the Bug's okay. He holds forth on what matters to him, but he usually doesn't loudly proclaim that whatever he doesn't do is invalid.


    Photobombing, the subject of this thread, is not so cool. I really liked the photo Choada Boy posted in that thread, and the implication of comparing that vast open pit to the horrors of bolting is pretty valid, but pictures that large are inserted with the intent of making a thread unreadable, and that's not so cool. Bill's big sun (also adopted by others) is not quite so massive, but its still intended to mess with page formatting and load times...

    Your right OFF!!


    Sorry!! After climbing yesterday I feel much better now.

    I suppose I have stooped to the level of those that want to kick a dead horse and promote others to chop another climbers years of hard work for their personal agenda when they don’t climb anymore or don’t get out to climbs as committing as IB, I will try to keep my emotions in check from now on cuz some posters intensions are to stir up needless shit and those that should say something just sit back cover their ass.

  6. Scrub it, TR it, pre-protect it if you need to, and then invite a good friend to come out and onsight FA it while you belay and cheer them on because it's not about you, it's about the routes you leave behind.

    Soo True

    You can always tell a climber that has put up routes :tup: and appreciates a good route put up by someone else.

    The style of the FA is nothing compared to what is left, that is if it’s not all about you and your ego.


  7. A coworker one time was brag'n about his gross income that year and since we were making the same hourly wage I just looked at him and said sounds like a lot of lost weekends to me.Oh and BTW he blew all his money day trade'n :mistat:

    Personaly I think that retirement thing is a carot dangling, I take off as much time as I can afford now when I have the body to do what I want.

    What!!! you think your going to be bang'n hot chicks and climb'n hard when your 65 :rolleyes:

  8. PM Bug, he's the Infinite Bliss guardian

    Wilderness actually.

    I don't care much for Infinite Bliss.

    Looks like I O billco some beer.... a day crank'n some of those overbolted sport routes and a case of beer around the fire sounds like fun what do you say old hardman?

    I finnaly figgered why his name is BUG...it's cuz he eats shit and BUGS people :lmao:

    DICKHEAD :wave:

  9. we already had this discussion. more than once. no one has changed their mind. So my contribution is to ask all of you to consider this in the context of the universe. Here's a pic of the sun to further that.




    :tup:please make this topic go away

  10. The perception that internet sprayers are not putting up routes or climbing at the very highest standards being done in the cascades is simply a falacy. Even if Infinite Bliss never gets cleaned up (rap retro-bolts removed), I'm sure that the dialogue about this route and several other trash piles that have been done by the same route developer will trickle over to the developers of such routes. Perhaps the dialogue has already spread. All I want is for anyone that ever rap bolts with a gas or battery drill to think about the line for a few minutes before they drill away. Think about the clips, the falls, the rests, the wildnerness zones, the history, the style of other adjacent climbs and for the record I sport climb and open new sport routes a ton. Yes it is true, some of the folks that are good friends of mine that have put up the many of routes at rock areas like Vantage and exit 38 don't really care about this issue, but that is not the point.


    The saddest part of this thread is that it doesn't say "Infinite Bliss" in the title and thus will get little internet traffic.



  11. Risking their ass? It is more like work than Omaha Beach. And as far as $$$$$$$$$, then are we going to compare dick size and only allow those who have donated to the Index Fund to climb there, and give a free pass to the larger contributes so they do not have to wait in line on popular routes?

    I think at this time most relize you are talk'n out your ass :fahq:

  12. No. The vast majority of climbers are reliant on the creativity and hardwork of a few


    And the masses have no say or control in how these selfless elite alter a public resource?


    Public resource :rolleyes: have you even stood at the base, would you even know it was there if not for the internet , most of the climbing I have done I would not even know of the area if there was not climbing there, I suppose that is why most of us climb , just to get out and see new places.

  13. The next time you climb a route you might think what went into that route, like how did those anchors get there or that 2 ton block you ass is belay’n off of was on the route or the fact that the route took a week to put up so your ass could climb it in less than an hour.

    The first accent team of Ib spent two summers of their life, untold danger and money to put up that route for the rest of us than you set back on the computer and talk shit



  14. No. The vast majority of climbers are reliant on the creativity and hardwork of a few


    And the masses have no say or control in how these selfless elite alter a public resource?


    Yeah!!! Don't climb and talk shit on the internet like rainpuss and poop

    That in contex for you :fahq:

    Selfless elite you mean the ones, risk’n their ass, spending time, money and hard work putting up FA’s

  15. Nice job editing your previous post Richard, so Bug's rejoiner to you loses it context.


    Your actions were and are very disingenous


    For the record



    I think you are wrong here, I see one of the developers of IB regularly, mostly because I am in the loop of climber’s put’n up first accents, new crags and new routes in the NW ... he does take feedback from those that climb, but not from non climbing jerks spray’n shit on the internet.

    Drag'n this topic up is just mank and spray’n shit just keeps the climbers on this site from free floating beta, so just keep talk’n smack, the route has become a NW classic and is here to stay.



    Once again proving,


    It's all about you.



    No I rewrote it to put it more in context, same post.

  16. IB has created a hell of a shit storm, no one likes a shit storm, therefore, no one will put up another rap bolted route inside of a wilderness boundry.


    Sadly this may not hold true in the future. It is my understanding that the developers of Infinite Bliss have historically not taken constructive feedback from others(even sport climbers) in regards to their route development choices.... whether at the the high routes OR at some of our local sport crags.

    Ultimately, we all want the same things out of climbing. Only by working together and listening to even the minority voices, can we create routest for climbers of all styles to enjoy. This dialogue is totally different than the trad vs. sport panels of the 80's. This is about route quality. Yes a lot of us are getting our panties in a bunch, but if even one young climber reads all this banter about how Infinite Bliss should not ever be spoken of let alone climbed again, perhaps someday 10 years from now when they buy their first power drill (I love mine) they will put in great routes at the sport crag AND great adventure routes in the remote reaches of the Cascades.


    I think you are wrong here, I see one of the developers of IB regularly, mostly because I am in the loop of climber’s put’n up first accents, new crags and new routes in the NW ... he does take feedback from those that climb, but not from non climbing jerks spray’n shit on the internet.

    Drag'n this topic up is just mank and spray’n shit just keeps the climbers on this site from free floating beta, so just keep talk’n smack, the route has become a NW classic and is here to stay.



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