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Posts posted by sk

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by erik:


    Originally posted by sk:

    It's a problem of weastern thaught. More, Bigger, Better. I have been stuggeling to learn to be unatached to the outcome of anything. If I hit the top great, if not, hopefuly i learned something along the way. If people like me, great, If not... oh well. It works in any circumstance. I believe that the idea is to enjoy the experience. Because that is all this life realy is, is a bunch of expeirences." nothing is good or bad, as thinking makes it so" I don't remember who said that.




    [Wink][Razz][laf][big Drink][Cool][Wazzup]
    Actualy it is TOAIST... Read up on you anciant chinese philosophy


  2. It's a problem of weastern thaught. More, Bigger, Better. I have been stuggeling to learn to be unatached to the outcome of anything. If I hit the top great, if not, hopefuly i learned something along the way. If people like me, great, If not... oh well. It works in any circumstance. I believe that the idea is to enjoy the experience. Because that is all this life realy is, is a bunch of expeirences." nothing is good or bad, as thinking makes it so" I don't remember who said that. [Wink]

  3. similare problems... I don't have hard core boots, but it seems like everything that i have tried so far still causes bilsters on my heal. Big boots small boots. thanks for the tips [big Grin]

  4. Am I suposed to be impressed? My point was that from the sound of your bull shit, you may be next, fucker [big Grin] We all are born, and we all die, it is the amount of insain life altering moments in between that realy matter. I think you need to go have a [big Drink] If you would have READ what I wrote to start with you would see that to a certin extent I agree with you. We all climb because it is RISKY. I don't know a single soul that has taken up climbing or alpine becuse they think it is safe and mundane...Pull your head out of your ass and learn to read [Wink]


    P.S. Karma is older than Christ [Wink]


    [ 06-02-2002, 06:40 PM: Message edited by: sk ]

  5. I agree as well. It is difficult to say what happens in any situation unless you are there. This is a tragic event. All of us would like to believe that WE are beyound reproach, that something like this would never happen to us, but the truth is that it could. I climb to touch that place in my soul between life and death. Just like anyone else who does any other risk activity. I think the idea is to be as prepared as possible, but you have to face that everytime you go out, you take your life, and often those arround you, in to your own hands. It is well and good, and we should because it makes us who we are. But it is RISK, sometimes you loose no matter what you do.

  6. To that all I can say is "amen". I am so sorry for your loss of your little girl. You did what you were supposed to be doing in getting yourself off the mountain and home to your family. You seem to me to be a gallant and wise man. May all these experiences bring the climbing community closer together for we are brothers (& sisters) in what we love.

  7. It could but I'm not realy sure what you mean by knobs [Wink] I thaught I answered all questions directed my way. Anna climbs because she loves it. We all felt proud to be with her on her momentous occasion [big Grin] That is the simple truth. Dude I don't hate you, I don't even dislike you. I was just havin some fun with you. As Alpine K said earlier on this thread california bashing is a nothwestern past time, but it is all in fun [big Grin] we are realy just jelous of all the sun you all get. Take it easy.


    peace bro [Wink] P.S. were you at smith over memorial??? if so why not come to pub club it was fun and you could have met some of us freaks [big Grin]

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