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Posts posted by sk

  1. Me, I wouldn't do that!! I think that people should say whatever they want to say. Sometimes I think things are moderated too much. This is after all a "free" country. Free speach is important. I personaly try to not go out of my way to be crule... but realy, just because someone says or thinks something about a person, DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUTH.


    sk [big Grin]

  2. I find it sad that two adult men can not find it in themselves to agree to disagree. differances make the world go arround.It is the sharing of ideas and the exchange of thought that I would hope would make us all better more rounded people. acceptance is a good thing. You will both be missed.

  3. I'm still climbing in the sportivia enduros I booght when I first started climbing. Mythos will mostlikely be my next shoe. But I find that I complain less about my feet in my enduros than anyone I climb with in their mythos, or aces or anything else. I jam harder for longer and come off the rock still smiling [big Grin] I climb every week and just finaly trashed those wonderful shoes. I will be sad to see them go. but I do need something a little more sensitive [Wink] now that I am cranking so much harder [laf]

  4. easy for you to say PUNK! ever had an alien in your belly for 9 months and then birth 9 pounds of satin spawn that don't sleep for the first year... NOT A GOOD OPTION! once they are old enough to walk they are much better. NO STARTING OVER [Wink][geek][geek]

  5. quote:

    Originally posted by Off White:


    Originally posted by sk:

    hey dennis- did a little dinner recon this evening, got some info that I wanted to share with you. The man that bolted the routes that I hate at flagstone, is in his 40's. Is that gen X?

    Oh, and those bold leads by the lions of yesteryear? Mostly, done when they were young.


    Typically, in a bolt war, the real loser is the rock you purport to revere. Put 'em in, pull 'em out, put 'em back in, pull 'em back out, ad nauseum. I guess in all the hyperbole and posture (both sides of course), I'm not clear on what bolts you propose to pull. Are you just going after egregiously placed bolts adjacent to natural pro, or are you out to remove bolt protected face climbs? One might be an effective statement, but the other is likely to get brickbats from both camps.


    But alas, even I tire of this flapdoodle. Do what you want, but post a TR after the fact. If you want to be bold visionaries, don't sneak around like a terrorist, take responsibility for your actions, and real names too if you please...

    Off white- The bolts have been placed on an infieror route on a face between two steller routes. It was bolted on a grid and done in the past year and a half some time, by a man who is 45ish and has been climbing for 5 or so years. I will not pull the bolts. how ever I would realy love to see them pulled. The route is a total pain in the ass. to climb 30 feet you pass about 15 bolts.


    I am not a terrorist. I am not 'earth first', what I would love is for the man who made the obviouse mistake to pull his own route, and fill it. Like that will ever happen!


    michelle(shelly)krueger [Wink]


    [ 06-19-2002, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: sk ]

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