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Posts posted by Greg_W

  1. Interesting, I tried to keep an open mind for impressions. I was left not really having much belief in Kerry's plan in Iraq. I just don't believe him. I think he'll tuck tail and run over to the UN for sanction.

  2. One of the radioheads brought up an interesting point the other day: A large number of Floridians are without television and are forced to listen to the debates on radio. What, if any, impact will the radio-impression have over the television-impression. Without the visual, I missed any body-language stuff and focused on voice; but, I think voice inflections communicate a lot.

  3. whilst all of a sudden diverting our resources away from the REAL theater of the war on terror (read: Afghanistan)


    According to General Tommy Franks, CIC of that theater, there was no significant "diversion" as people claim.


    I thought the debate was good. My girlfriend and I listened to it on the radio (no tv). I think it would be interesting to analyze the effect on "listeners" versus "watchers". KK made the point that she didn't think that Bush was a very good debater because he didn't have a well-polished speaking voice. She's right, he doesn't, but Kerry's sounded a little too "slick" for my taste. Then I realized that Bush speaks like me, and many Americans I know. In short, like the common man and I think that this resonates with people. I sensed emotion and struggle in his voice when talking about the hard decision to send troops to war. I didn't sense as much emotion in Kerry's voice. I'd say the debate was a tie, if scored; however, some pundits asserted that a tie was as good as a loss for Kerry as he's supposed to be the practiced speaker (being Senator, and all). I think Bush communicated (to me, anyway) resolve and strength, whereas Kerry communicated arrogance and a "I've got all the answers" image. My opinions only.

  4. moore is one of the few public national voices that progressives have


    Now you've got Dan Rather, too. yellaf.gif What about James Carville, Terry McCauliffe, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter (a grown man named 'Jimmy'?), and Al Gore? They all spew your brand of sewage.

  5. j_b, you make me laugh. You're so fucking tense, I'm sure your ass could shoot diamonds. I'd love to meet you just to see what a sadsack socialist freedom-hater like you looks like. If it's any consolation, most die-hard communist/socialists are unhappy deep inside.



  6. greg: if you ever thought that you could tell me in a private message: "[snip]" and not suffer any repercutions, you need to reassess your mode of participation to this board (to put it mildly}


    What repercussions have I suffered? Your blathering on is definitely annoying. Are you some internet cop or something? Now who is attempting to suppress speech? You have a problem, deal with me. Don't cry to the hall monitors or the masses that "the big bad bully pushed me down!" That is why you are weak - you cannot stand on your own or stand up for yourself. You must invoke the crowd. I would posit that a discussion of this matter would have gone vastly different if handled privately. Yet, you do not have the ability to do that, do you? You are weak, ineffectual, and crying wolf.


    Tell me what repercussions I have suffered? What authority has come down on me for what I wrote? Tell us all, j_b, since you aired this publicly. Even the moderators who are your political and ideological allies won't touch this - there's nothing to touch. Give it a rest. I'm done here. Wanna talk? See me at Rope Up, which I doubt you will do. Don't say on Monday that you couldn't find me; plenty of people know what I look like.



  7. Okay, a little point-counterpoint. I can hang with that.


    A. So, j_b is making the rules for cascadeclimbers.com? Do you have sanction from jon and timmy to make such rules with abandon? Or are you just living by your own rules? If that is the case, why can't I live by my rules? The root of this, I am sure, is your liberal ideology that says that you, as an "enlightened" elitist, know what is best for said "society". This is where we differ. I believe that each individual knows what is best for their situation and each person should have a voice. The caveat being that what someone thinks "is best" shouldn't violate the individual rights of another. So, by making this rule you have violated jon's rights to control how information is transferred on HIS website, of which we are simply participants. You have also violated my rights to privacy in publishing a correspondence which I believed was between you and I. Without my sanction, you had no right to do that. It seems that you are perfectly okay violating the rights of others to accomodate your own personal desires. Very telling.


    B. You are, by implication, calling me an abuser. Abuser of what? Are you attempting to defame my character? I will tell you that this constitutes a highly offensive personal attack. The mistake you make is to use a vast generalization without knowledge of the specific person you are dealing with. Not that it matters, but those who know me know how foolish your assertion is. What is disgusting is your use of ridicule to supress the message of others. Further, I would like to state that it seems that many people have lost the ability to communicate in simile and metaphor in our current time. I don't know why that is; maybe because people are so paranoid about being overheard as "politically incorrect" or offensive. People have lost the ability to laugh - at themselves, at society, at the perceived problems in society. My final note is to say that your attempt to label me as an 'abuser' is weak.


    C. You are wrong. What I am is vastly important - to me. You attempt to label me as an 'abuser', yet you do not acknowledge my counter-argument of what I really am. You, who does not know me, are able to pigeonhole me, but I cannot respond? Pretty one-sided, allowing only your message to be heard. Are you afraid of allowing both sides to be heard? Again you are attempting to build your base of "everyone" that will bolster your argument. If your argument had any basis it would stand on its own. Pray tell, j_b, do you have a handle on "how [my] words and actions affect this forum"? Have you taken polls of the many posters here? Are you again invoking "everyone"? This ethereal mass of humanity that no one can touch, but you seem to have your fingers on the pulse of their opinion. Apparently, my words are within the guidelines of acceptance on this board, as they have not been deleted nor have I been censured. Your attempts to isolate me seem to ignore this fact. You do not speak for everyone and you certainly don't speak for me. Speak for yourself and leave it at that. Another note, you have not seen me take action yet so this point is a baseless attempt to muddy waters that are, to date, pretty calm.

  8. Bring it on, fuck-o. Bring it on.


    i think it's obvious to everyone that threatening individuals for holding differing views is what extremists do.


    It's obvious to ME that your invocation of "everyone" proves that you lack the confidence in your self and your belief system to stand on your own. Instead you rely on an ethereal "everyone" to lend some amount of credence to your statement and to bolster your anemic view of your self. Since you have decided to violate the standard rule of this "society", namely publicizing private messages, I will respond. I understand that, since you couldn't obtain a consensus among several other of your peers, you didn't really understand the metaphor I employed in my private message. I in no way threatened you, bodily or otherwise. To use small words, I was communicating to you that I look forward to having a face-to-face discussion with you at Rope Up this weekend. I enjoy spirited debate, especially with those who's views are so opposed to mine. You seem to get very emotional and irrational when you debate on-line and I was looking forward to spinning you into a dither at the Rope Up. I know, as a knee-jerk liberal, that you consider any seeming allusion to violence or violation as a threat of violence and immediately seek the cover of your collective. Worry not, scared little socialist, no harm will come to you that you do not bring on yourself.


    Greg_W, a peaceful man really.

  9. And by the way, they are both extremists (literal definition: "those who would advocate or resort to measures beyond the norm").


    since when is it in the norm to "preemptively" invade and lay waste to another country for reasons that have turned out to be pure fabrications?


    Neither Sean Hannity nor Michael Moore have invaded anywhere that I've heard of (although Moore looks like he's laid siege to his share of all-you-can-eat buffets). So, could you stay on topic please? Or simply shut the fuck up. See you this weekend... evils3d.gif

  10. Slayer...always.


    Hell Awaits? Reign In Blood? South of Heaven? Seasons in the Abyss? They don't make it like that any more...


    You might like Mastadon if you haven't heard them yet. That's what I've been listening to for most of the last 3 months. thumbs_up.gif


    Reign in Blood...the seminal album. I've heard some Mastadon, I think.

  11. Don't bother Squid... Greg is merely dating himself... soon he will be hiking his pants up to his saggy man boobs and talking about how much this country has gone down hill... oh wait... he already does that...


    Keep talking, fucker. We'll see how mouthy you are this weekend.



    Actually Greg my dear friend, I believe you and myself have fallen victim to the same hateful discrimination, and I hope you and I together can transcend the social constructs of indentity theft and help make the internet a kinder and friendlier place, not just for us, but for our children.


    Yer not gonna try and hug me, or nothing, are you?

  13. I've received two PM's from individuals commenting on posts I presumably made on rockclimbing.com. I am not registered on rockclimbing.com, and have never been. Whoever is posting as 'Gregw', isn't me, nor do they speak for me; I don't have contact with Fred Beckey (met him once or twice), so I couldn't comment difinitively on the subject.


    Moderators: I placed this post in this Forum as it is not a joke for Spray. Please leave it here. Thank you.


    Greg _W

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