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Posts posted by leejams

  1. Rodchester said:

    Few places on earth offer the conditions of Mt. Washington NH in winter.




    Or spring,summer or fall for that matter. I have seen it pretty harsh up there in the middle of summer.



    Josh, my vote for what you are looking for would be up towards terror basin. Fairly good trail and cool wanderings higher up. All peaks are low enough so you could prolly catch some cool views with the wind and clouds.

  2. Bug said:

    I tried but I still have not figured out how to post a pic in a thread. It seems to be priviledged information as no one will explain it to me. So just imagine the south face of Stuart with alpinegloe on the top half and pretty green trees on the bottom third of the frame. moon.gif


    Ditto that Bug. My imaginary shot is the southern Pickets in B&W. wazzup.gif

  3. Those are some great TR and pic's. Had a great time and cool to meet a bunch of the other dad's. Tyler had a great time as well and was out like a light before we even hit US 2. Some highlights.


    Walking across the bridge in the semi dark. Kid jumps out at me from under the bridge. "I am a troll" hmmm I think a true cc.com JR.


    Kid's playing with light sticks, neika walks up (curly tail) Kid says, and attempts "lets put this light stick in her butt. pitty.gif


    Three year old wakes up from first night out in a tent. "I wanna go home" 10 minutes later I saw him running through the woods and saw very little of him the next 2 hours. wazzup.gif


    Little guy slightly sketched out up on the rock. "dad I think my knot is coming untied". yeah, now who is sketched out" yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif That was the quickest bug climb I ever did see.


    Great time by all. can't wait till next year.


    Oh yeah and wondering what all the mom's had to say. Mine took one look and said bathtime. YOU THINK??





  4. Got thinking about those biners last night. I think I would wing and fling em. Reflecting on the big guy that took a fatal fall at vantage last year. If I remember correctly there was some suspect biner or something at the top. Could be wrong???

  5. Yeah and fiddle with that jammed little cam while yer at it. Story:slight finger locked off, found the perfect cam on thinker's rack to get in first try. Pulled the trigger and the thing went boing and pretty much folded up on itself??? Tried a few more times and no way. Tried another piece,wrong fit and nothing else. Had to suck it up and go. It's all good and made it interesting.

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