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Posts posted by leejams

  1. This is a no-brainer! Me and every partner I have ever climmbed with, upon reaching the summit took a piss on the warm sun baked south side. Therefore, more erosion on that side. Vice versa for the southern hemisphere (I think)

  2. [laf] I didn't miss nuthin by the sounds except getting soaked. It was a miserable day here and worse up there I could only imagine? Glad ya found some practice area's though. Supposed to be picking up a bunch of cam's Saturday and will be anxious to try em out. Weather looks much better this week after Tuesday. Lets plan on it.
  3. Sounds like a plan, I am in as well. Just checked the weather forecast, could someone explain to me what the difference is between periods of rain (saturday) and showers (Sunday)? Is this so the forecaster's are not to redundant?? This is Seattle in November why don't they just give up and say this months forecast is possibly wet on a daily basis?

  4. Toast, seems like we may be losing our instructors for the day. I am still in though as like you say "practice makes perfect". I think the key though is not having a big enough rack? I have a few pieces and may pick up a couple more if needed. Let me know if you are still interested, otherwise I may try an alpine like ingalls, or argonaut depending on the weather.


  5. Looks like Index wins?? And by the looks of the weather forecast (so far)looks like a cold front coming through on Saturday which would mean sunday around noon sounds like a good bet? Who is all up for that? Carpooling? I live in the north end if anyone wants a lift and knows where we are going PM me. Any other Idea's?

  6. I would be up for either place. Been to spire rock, slippery as snot when wet. Never been to index as of yet. From seattle I would guess about the same drive to each area. Both places have beer that us newbies could pitch in and buy the guys with the rack and experience. Lets see I wonder if it counts that I have a cordelette and know how to use it, at least standing on the ground??

  7. Course my fever is cut a bit short to buy the rest of my rack. Damn that stuff is expensive. I am leaning towards the tricam's as they are light and not to pricey. However, can be a chore to clean I have noticed. Climbing over on castle rock I noted 2 booty pieces and both tricams and are there as a permanent fixture.

  8. Jay thanx for the info and looks like we may just ante up.


    Lawgodess, Sorry bout the court drama I had just watched law and order. And I would lead you anywhere and wouldn't cost ya nuthin. Speaking of fat green things with little red hairs where is that route located? sunshine wall?

  9. Jayb, thanx that was the one I was thinking of. So it is $11 for an annual? Is there one of those places I can stop at on I-90 to vantage?


    Lawgoddess, Okay no free legal advice but do you know how much the ticket might be? And would you represent me in a court of law in case I wanted to FIGHT it? All paid for of course.

  10. Yes random sucks the big one [HORSECOCK] I was nailed about 5 weeks ago but figured what the hell I milked it and didn't have to work that day, just hung around reading with my legs crossed. I would much rather be twisting up a fatty but what ya gonna do. [Mad][Mad][Mad]

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