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Posts posted by leejams

  1. allison said:

    Hi, thinking of putting this on my list for '03. Anyone done it as a summer trip? Wondering how skilled one needs to be with an ice axe and how much roped climbing it involves. Thanks for any information you can pass on.


    Allison, try a google search. They have a ton of good info.

  2. Attitude said:

    NEWSTIPS said:

    How much would you estimate the average climber (is there such a thing) spends each year on climbing fees?


    In Washington:


    SnoPark Permit: $20

    Groomed Trails Permit: $20

    NW Forest Pass: $30

    Washington Fish and Wildlife Parking Permit: $12

    Mt. Rainier Annual Pass: $30

    Mt. Rainier Annual Climbers Permit: $ 25

    Mt. St. Helens & Mt. Adams Annual Climbing Permit: $30

    Olympic National Park Annual Pass: $ 30

    Olympic National Park Wilderness Use Fee: $ $5


    Good list, and would like to add:

    $70 annual permit for state park's

    $50 annual for marymoor park/climbing wall

    While these are not specific to climbing the list seems to go on and on. It's almost like you couldn't keep up even it you wanted to. Sometimes I pay, most times I don't. It would seem to me if the higher up's got it together they would do better by combining it all into one modest fee!


  3. iain said:

    anyone catch that recent Enquirer w/ Saddam in a dress smoking a cigar? priceless.


    I saw that standing in the checkout line thinking if that was written in his country he would cut off there hands or worse. What a hoot. thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif

  4. Alpine_Tom said:

    Way to go, Lee. Glad to see you didn't get cheated out of an after-dark descent after all!

    yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif Tom, we didn't get shortchanged on this one in any shape or form. But not a bad thing, as I will never forget coming up the last pitch to the summit. It was like a 2 dimensional world. The world below our feet as all the ski area's at this point were lighted up with skiier's skiing, cars and trucks up and down I-90 etc... And the world we were in above which was a stunning sunset and alpenglow over Kendall,red,and lundin peaks and Rainier looming south. Hey, what the hell sometimes it is nice to get to stay out after dark. But that day on Whitehorse I know I didn't want to descend in the dark through that shwack!

  5. CBS, great trip report bigdrink.gif I just was soaking in the hot tub at the rec center, closed my eyes and kept getting flash backs hahaha.gif wonder how long those last after a climb like that. I am sore but mostly area's that I don't usually train (calves/forearms).


    Just some extra beta for anyone doing this in the winter. Bring rack up to 2", a good assortment of slings, 1-2 ice screws just in case, 1 picket, we used a 9.9 60M rope and fine but 2 50's would have given us that little bit of extra we needed on some of those rap's into the inky black abyss. Expect crappy rock in areas, example was the small ledge I was belaying Catbirdseat up on one pitch seemed fine and just as he was getting near half the ledge just fell away leaving my heels in air and just my toes touching. Now that was scary. What a great time though. For such a small Mt. it is a tough one. thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif

  6. Off_White said:

    While browsing though some discarded Pack and Paddle magazines that my wife brought home from the Library I came across a long trip report of just this outing in the July 2001 issue, and I could scan and send the article along if anyone needs it.


    I would like to read that if you have scanned it. thumbs_up.gif Interested in redoubt this year.

  7. Peter_Puget said:

    I would suggest that you consider purchasing several forged Friends. They are inexpensive, last forever and are quality. Wired Bliss sale


    PP bigdrink.gif


    And the best part they are lighter than most cams for the longer hauls. Camalot #.75 =5 oz/ similar forged friend #1.75=3.5 oz doesn't seem like much but all the little oz's adds up.

  8. Yes, I was talking about technical ice tools. Just bought a set and they had a knot that I was not familiar with. Definately not a water knot though. Thanks for the info though. bigdrink.gif

  9. danielpatricksmith said:

    The mountains you mentioned can all be climbed with a pack no heavier than 20 pounds if you pack carefully.


    Not doubting you but wondering what you are carrying on a volcano slog to keep the weight below 20 #? Could you post your gear list. I am in the process of replacing all my heavier gear and could use any suggestions.

  10. yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif Tom, just read this and brought back painful reminders of that shwack. Definately, the way to go this year is that trail to lone tree pass. Watching the avvie conditions for a repeat this weekend possibly?
  11. That chart got me to thinking about the sports section in USA today. They started a 10 day series today with the top 10 hardest sports. Today (#10) was downhill skiing like the 80 mph kind. I wonder if anything on that chart will pop up in the next 10 days? Good job Wayne.

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