There has been some discourse, dare I say debate, from time to time about the merits of owning guns purely for self protection. I have traditionally sided with the view that owning a gun does not necessarily make one safer.
A recent news story i have been following has made me feel at least partially otherwise:
It's a horribly sad story all around, but it makes it very easy to imagine the unthinkable, and begin to understand the need to own a gun to defend one's self and family. If Gina Marie Gonzalez had not had a gun to defend herself she would not be alive for her surviving daughter, and to bring her husband's and Brisenia's killers to justice.
That Gina Marie Gonzalez was able to defend herself makes a strong case for the 2nd Amendment - the right of US citizens to own guns for self defense. The NRA should be hailing her as a hero right now.
Please accept my apologies for living in a la-la land where these things don't happen.