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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. Spray Park. 6 mi. RT., 1300' gain. Plus you have the option of scrambling Hessong Rock for more views, if you feel up to it. Make sure to catch Spray Falls on the way back - go beyond the end of the little spur trail - just a few hundred more yards up and beyond the end of the trail - for the REAL falls. Nice place.


    Hessong Rock from Spray Park:



    Rainier from Hessong Rock:



    Spray Falls:


  2. From CNN:


    "In 2005, the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Bridge Inventory database concluded the bridge was "structurally deficient."


    (The whole article is here.)

    Tom Everett of the Federal Highway Administration's National Bridge Inspection Program said the structurally deficient rating was a "programatic classification rather than an indication of safety."


    "It does not indicate a bridge is dangerous or that that bridge must be replaced,"


    Okaaaaaayyyy... This bridge isn't unsafe, it's just 'structurally deficient'. Say that just before it collapses.



  3. From CNN:


    "In 2005, the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Bridge Inventory database concluded the bridge was "structurally deficient."


    (The whole article is here.)

  4. It's about halfway up the summit pyramid - I'll get a better description from my partner. It was right near the top of a ridge before the route drops one last time before it traverses easily then goes straight up the last pitch or two. I think he scrambled up that ridge a few extra feet to take a couple of pictures, and left it there.

  5. Would one of you who was recently up there mind marking this elusive "non-slab" descent to save us some time? :) I'm going next weekend but have only been up there in the snow.


    Also, how is the creek for crossing on our way to Long's Pass?





    I would just say cross over the ridge to the Cascadian just below the false summit, stay off the snow, and as you head down, stay to the right of the big black pillar. The route in the lower couloir is crappier than usual, probably due to washouts. Creek crossing is not an issue.

  6. I lived in Walla Walla during high school, and during one summer I worked nights driving pea combines. I worked 12-hour shifts, 6pm to 6am. Just drove back and forth 3-4 miles an hour all night. Sun went down, stars came out, sun came up. Brought a few joints and maps of the constellations to keep occupied.

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