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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. hee hee.


    The other thing I've noticed is that people in general and children in specific have an amazing ability to adjust and thrive under a wide variety of circumstances.


    that's funny, the thing I've noticed is how people who are majorly fucked up can trace it right back to something that happened to them in childhood.


    ...By their hetero parents.

  2. True, and our parents aren't the only male and female role models in our lives.

    And not only that, just b/c a person is in a heterosexual relationship doesn't automatically make them a better parent or a better role model.


    Oh, yeah? Just ask my bible-belt, christan-nazi, midwest relatives about that. They'll set you straight (no pun intended).

  3. It's not like he's the only one. 208 people so far have been freed by DNA evidence by the Innocence Project.

    "The Innocence Project was established in the wake of a landmark study by the United States Department of Justice and the United States Senate, in conjunction with Columbia Law School. Among the study's estimates are a 5% failure rate in the U.S. justice system, which suggests as many as 100,000 falsely convicted prisoners. Other reports place the estimate as high as 10%. 75% of wrongful convictions are caused by eyewitness misidentification."





  4. They look like they're ready to invade Poland.


    You watched "The Departed" recently, eh?


    Okay, maybe I should have put that line in quotes. I didn't see it recently, but that was one of my favorite lines from it... "Why don't you buy a suit... "



  5. Purchasing.


    I said I was in purchasing - I've talked with two vendors today that told me they couldn't get their orders to me because the items I was ordering were in their San Diego warehouses, and they were closed. I just wondered if they were even still there.


    Got an email from another vendor saying don't count on your order coming on time from California...


    Then the lab technicians come yell at ME when they don't get things... "What do you MEAN the warehouse and the employees homes burned to the ground? I need these tubes!"




  6. Purchasing.


    I said I was in purchasing - I've talked with two vendors today that told me they couldn't get their orders to me because the items I was ordering were in their San Diego warehouses, and they were closed. I just wondered if they were even still there.


    Got an email from another vendor saying don't count on your order coming on time from California...


    I hate to sound hardened to people in the face of a disaster, but this sort of thing pisses me off:



    President Bush on Wednesday boosted federal aid to the fire-ravaged area by signing a major disaster declaration. The move will speed federal dollars to people whose property losses aren't covered by insurance.






    Why should the rest of us have to pay not only for our own insurance, but also for your shit that you didn't consider worthwhile enough to insure? Pisses me off--it penalizes the people who play by the rules and excuses those who decided that the 52" screen TV was more important than an insurance bill.


    Like the Katrina victims? Or anyone else living in a hurricane zone or a flood plain?


    Or spent the money on Cheetos instead of a health club membership?

  7. Wouldn't fatties make better belayers? And when you get lost, don't you eat the fat guy first?
    This is a good question. How many people are in the lost party? Are they all equally scrawny that they would need some chubby fucker pretty early in the game? Or, do you save the fat guy b/c he has the best chance of living w/o food? Don't you want someone to tell your story? Plus, he'll finally get all normal-sized and stuff. Tough one...


    Who cares!





  8. One thing I find is that after a multi-day trip in the mountains, after we get back and go to the nearest town to find something to eat, we go walking down the street, and I find I am asking myself 'What are all of these FAT people doing here?' EVERYONE looks fat in these towns after a few days climbing with some reasonably healthy friends.

    This is my selling point to get people to take me with them. I make re-entry into the regular world of fat people much easier.


    Hey, I'm here to help.



    what the fuck are you laughing at, scrawny?


    A co-worker called me 'skinny'. I told her "No, this is 'normal'. 'Skinny' is underweight." I left it at fat that.

  9. health food stores sell a program to get rid of it.it is milder on your system and wont affect your immune system the way antibiotics do.very effective.

    Tell us more.



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