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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. You can never go wrong with abs of steel!


    Anyone else on here think so?


    No, I think abs of steel are a waste of time. In fact, I'm thinking of trading in my washboard for something useful, like a huge blob of fat that I can use for training weight - something practical. Maybe use it to take a bullet at the downtown ATM, you know, self-defense.

  2. BTW, jon, timmay, and porter: thanks for all the hard work. The bitching is not at or about you.


    yeah I second that motion. may you have platonic internet man-kisses :kisss: :kisss: :kisss:





  3. For the administrators:


    My computer is not showing any pictures. Mostly just little red x’s. I open up my pictures and more red X’s. It is also showing about 40% of all avatars…..??????


    Yer not the only one.


    Now I have a cute little "moodie", but no avatar.



  4. For the administrators:


    My computer is not showing any pictures. Mostly just little red x’s. I open up my pictures and more red X’s. It is also showing about 40% of all avatars…..??????


    Yer not the only one.

  5. I ride the bus. I'm not going to begrudge people the right to talk to someone, next to them, or in New York.


    It can be annoying, but that's just the kind of thing you have to deal with if you decide to forgo the single-occupancy vehicle.


    You have to coexist with OTHER PEOPLE :shocked:



  6. Ever been to Northern Norway? There, fish oil is a way of life, consumed by the can (well, almost). A visit there will give you all the data you need to take fish oil, either in liquid or capsule form. Forget about the scientists!


    The trick to avoiding the 'fish burp' is to take your fish oil before you eat your breakfast in the morning. Works great for me.


    Hey! I used to live in Norway. Been to Northern Norway a few times. ...High suicide rate, raging alcoholism, extreme depression... What a place!



  7. I kinda sorta did it that way too, but not intentionally. I stopped drinking soft drinks, then later thought "What else can I change?" Cut out fast foods. Cut out salt and processed foods first, at my doc's suggestion - either that or go on blood pressure meds. That got the ball rolling for more changes. More organic foods, more fresh stuff, smaller meals, etc.


    I keep promising myself a pint of Hagen-Daas a month, but it's been longer than that now. I'm afraid I'll go crazy if I break this stretch without it. It's been almost a month since I've eaten meat, too, but I'll soon take care of that, I promise you, and whatever it is, it's gonna have bacon and cheese on it.


    Today is one month without meat or sugar. I'm gonna go buy a pint of Hagen-Daas chocolate-chocolate chip.






    [font:Arial Black]Love the new format. Greater navigability, sleeker graphics... I think they've come up with a winner![/font]


    :tup: :tup: :tup:


    :rawk: :rawk: :rawk:


    :moondance: :moondance: :moondance:


    :brew: :brew: :brew: :brew: :brew:

  8. I kinda sorta did it that way too, but not intentionally. I stopped drinking soft drinks, then later thought "What else can I change?" Cut out fast foods. Cut out salt and processed foods first, at my doc's suggestion - either that or go on blood pressure meds. That got the ball rolling for more changes. More organic foods, more fresh stuff, smaller meals, etc.


    I keep promising myself a pint of Hagen-Daas a month, but it's been longer than that now. I'm afraid I'll go crazy if I break this stretch without it. It's been almost a month since I've eaten meat, too, but I'll soon take care of that, I promise you, and whatever it is, it's gonna have bacon and cheese on it.

  9. my one vice is pepsi. it wouldnt be so bad if i only had it now and then, but i drink it ALL the time! i need to quit, but it is hard to do. id probably lose a lot of weight, and climb without getting tired so quick.

    good luck on quitting sugar! i hope it works out for you.


    I was reading an article on vending machines in schools, and it said that one study was saying that one can of regular Pepsi or Coke per day means almost 10 pounds after a year for the average adult male.

  10. the "go without for a while" is the whole premise of South Beach, which is one of the few "diets" that make good sense and work for a lifetime. you start with 2 weeks of zero sugar/carbs/etc. to lose your taste for it and change your appetite to a more stable, less sugar dependent one. then you slowly add in good carbs (fruits, whole grains, etc). it's more complicated than that, but may be worth getting a book to check it out.


    There you go. And I'm not on some trendy diet - I just stick to nutritious foods. Fresh veggies, grains, nuts, carbs, dairy, etc. I don't pay a publisher or a writer to figure out how to do that. I've read the chapters on nutrition in the marathon and other training books that I've read, and most of them agree with what I've been doing. Much of it is just common sense.

  11. I think the trick is to give up all sugar, and after a while you'll lose your taste for it. Eventually, you'll even say "What did I see in this crap?" (Just like quitting an old boyfriend.) Just go totally without for a few weeks and don't look back...


    I used to smoke 2 packs a day but quit years ago. I was never crazy about sugar, but briefly this year had a weakness for Hagen-Daas that started to increase until I just stopped before my waistline began to increase with it.


    My one remaining vice is coffee. Mmmmm... coffffeee...



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