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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. Yeah, I work next door to the immunology lab here. And across the hall from the blood and poop lab. All I can say is I'm glad I work in administrtion and not in the labs.


    And I know it's boring but, I chose the name at random when I came to this board, shortly after a dicussion about evolution, and someone had made a reference to the brainstem as the 'lizard brain'. I was amused by the reference - what he meant was the reptilian complex. I knew what he meant, but thought it was a funny reference and it stuck with me.



  2. A freind of mine teaches kindergarten - he constantly has colds from those little germ incubators. Worst hygene habits around, little kids - picking their noses, sneezing in his face, nice of them to share...

  3. At the hospital they tell us the dirtiest surfaces there are:


    -Our keyboards (They claim the toilet seats are cleaner, because they get sanitized every night, and most people use ass-gaskets),


    -The currency in the cash register in the cafeteria,








  4. a little scary if you have to go to the hospital


    Even more scary when you WORK in a hospital - even just in administration. I run for the can and wash my hands every time I have to go to one of the labs, especially the microbiology lab (the 'blood and poop lab', as it is so aptly called), and I keep a jar of hand sanitizer on my desk.

  5. A man walks into his bedroom with a goat under his arm. His wife is lying in bed.


    The man says "This is the pig I've been fucking behind your back."


    His wife says "That's not a pig, it's a goat."


    The man says "I wasn't talking to you."




  6. No, I'm saying I bet some people will see this as a rescue transponder, and there will be some that will take more chances because of it, thinking "I don't need to worry, I have this trasnponder to take care of me if things go wrong." I'm not saying everyone will use it this way - I'm not planning on running out and buying one. But I'm saying I bet you'll see some people snuff it from reliance on external rescue than their own abilities.


    I see my point was entirely over your lizard brain. Everytime some new bit of rescue tech, or even tech that could be used for a rescue like a cellphone, comes along some feeble minded soul bitches about it and claims some induced rescue effect. To date I've never seen any study substantiate this effect.


    P.S. Einstein, you did notice that my original post about this was a question, not 'bitching', as you put it. I don't know why you women take every post so personally.

  7. No, I'm saying I bet some people will see this as a rescue transponder, and there will be some that will take more chances because of it, thinking "I don't need to worry, I have this trasnponder to take care of me if things go wrong." I'm not saying everyone will use it this way - I'm not planning on running out and buying one. But I'm saying I bet you'll see some people snuff it from reliance on external rescue than their own abilities.


    I see my point was entirely over your lizard brain. Everytime some new bit of rescue tech, or even tech that could be used for a rescue like a cellphone, comes along some feeble minded soul bitches about it and claims some induced rescue effect. To date I've never seen any study substantiate this effect.


    I see you missed my point entirely, and my explanation just got you started name-calling. I give up.

  8. Yeah, but the purpose of running shoes is not to get you rescued. The purpose of this unit is. I'm sorry if that point was over your head.




    Thats not the entire purpose of the unit, but I guess your point is that it is still a rescue transponder.


    But then again, so is an Avalanche Beacon. Do you also think that carrying a beacon causes more deaths from Avalanches?


    No, I'm saying I bet some people will see this as a rescue transponder, and there will be some that will take more chances because of it, thinking "I don't need to worry, I have this trasnponder to take care of me if things go wrong." I'm not saying everyone will use it this way - I'm not planning on running out and buying one. But I'm saying I bet you'll see some people snuff it from reliance on external rescue than their own abilities.

  9. So are these things going to kill more people than they save? Who wants to bet that more people push on when they should turn back because they have one of these in their packs, thinking "It's okay, all I have to do is push a button, and the cavalry will come save me!" Are these going to wind up being "body locators"?


    How many people are going to die because of that new pair of running shoes? Going out, getting hit by cars, killing themselves all because those shoes let them push themselves :lmao:


    Yeah, but the purpose of running shoes is not to get you rescued. The purpose of this unit is. I'm sorry if that point was over your head.



  10. So are these things going to kill more people than they save? Who wants to bet that more people push on when they should turn back because they have one of these in their packs, thinking "It's okay, all I have to do is push a button, and the cavalry will come save me!" Are these going to wind up being "body locators"?

  11. Exactly. Liz, we're looking for a little hand-holding here as thre KUOW beggars have disrupted our delicate lives with thei begging.


    Speaking of which, there's a tell-all piece in The Stranger this week about how much cash KUOW has in the bank that will make you not want to pledge.



  12. 2. wood nymphs and gay climbing partners: I can see how wives could start getting uneasy feelings like this. For the wife/husband of a committed climber they probably feel a lot of the negative parts of being the "other woman" due to all the attention and time climbing takes away from the relationship. But how it's different from someone being, say, a "football widow", is that the climber is often far away, incommunicado for days (and night!) at a time, instead of being kept tabs on, comatose on the couch.


    Yes, and this is what makes one day climbs more appealing... and easier to get away with.


    And coming home bloody and exhausted - just like some parties I've been to...



  13. I guess I should point out that my wife does all of the above shit in jest. She just jokes with me about it.


    She's doesn't really think I'm meeting up with some hot mountain woman.


    Probably in good part because I'm pretty much oblivious to what other women are doing - a gal would have to pretty much strip and unzip me before i noticed she was flirting!


    I was a bit quicker on the uptake when I was single!


    Heh! I read your last post and was about to respond - "Are you saying your wife's not hot?"

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