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Everything posted by Groundfall_Crater

  1. allison wrote- "I roll my eyes in the general direction of anyone who might think me a dilletante. Give me a freaking break. Oh, and a beer, while you're up. " We pee on you from great heights.
  2. Islam is short for terrorist in case you didn't know.
  3. Bee-otch!!! Swingin frum dees nuts....
  4. What it be yo? Smoove up indis mutha fucka!! Yo Halling- Oh mutha fuckin Gee, yous gots sum dem fine assed crack hos? Straight up aight... Yo what it be dis'n on dis Larson homey? Yeah Dan Larson sucks...mutha fucka be all up dees nuts...
  5. Who be jivin up en dis mutha...you muthas been tokin' on da swisher...bizounce yo...
  6. One time 9 pitches up on El Caps Zodiac with my partner Jimi from Venezuela we had some British dude 4 pitches up toss his shit down and nail our portaledge. Good thing nobody was on lead at the time as we were setting up our bivy! What a fucking mess and it almost made me puke on the spot! The guy that tossed it immediately realized his mistake and shouted his "sincere apology" as if it were to settle our anger somehow. He even offered food and beer. I yelled up how we were going to brutalize him at the summit! The ledge smelled for the rest of the climb and we ended up passing the two boneheads on the route as the culprit was extremely apologetic knowing full well that our ledge had been hit. We topped out the 4th day and then waited for the crew of Brits to finish their climb as they were 2 pitches below. They knew the fate that awaited them at the top. I think they were scared we might toss them off the wall or something. This thought crossed our minds. When Ian followed the final pitch he reached his summit without glory or happiness. I gave him some time to reorganize his gear as he anticipated his beating. He approached with his "please don't kill me" face apologizing for the thousandth time in the past 2 days. I immediately gut punched him and kicked him in the nuts in full force! Yeah payback is a mother fucker I thought with glee. Dude was bent over for at least 45 minutes as I kicked dirt in his face. Jimi and I left the balling Ian on the ground in disgust as he was crying out that he might suffer sterilization. I felt no pity on his pain. Back at Sunnyside we sold our tainted ledge to a group of Autrians for a nice bag and 200$. Anyone else have any cool stories out there to match?
  7. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: Several have said until you've climbed like Twight how can you criticize? I say "how can you judge if somebody hasn't already climbed beyond Twight!" Have you scaled up the North Side of Mount Hunter establishing new routes? or soloed Slipstream in under 3 hours? Or are you just jealous?
  8. Nobody cares about this guy Lambone. Hey Dan Larson is he (Lambone) now on a poster in you bedroom or does his face adorn the wallpaper in your bathroom so you can get off when nobody is looking?
  9. This Lambone guy is annoying.
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