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Posts posted by allthumbs

  1. I always stuck up for Dwayner. For those fuckers that say just get another avatar, they're clueless crackheads. Our main avy, like trask, or cavey, or dru, or dwayner, pope, gregW, those are the avys that we really want to be associated with. If you don't understand that, you're a dumb fuck that doesn't understand shit in the first place.

  2. Those cats are sneaky fuckers for sure. Even with a gun a person is not assured the time to draw and fire. A more likely scenario is the draw and fire after the bastard has jumped you. A big-ass K-Bar ain't a bad idea either. Some of you pussys that post here at cc deserve to be "cat food".

  3. I was thinking about you trail runners and mtn. bikers. In 1994 I was attacked by a pitbull mix. Things were happening damn fast but I was able to get 2 shots into him. A cat is different than a pitbull but I think you will be surprized how fast you can get down to business when your adrenaline is up. Bring a piece and practice, practice, practice.

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