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Fairweather last won the day on March 14

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About Fairweather

  • Birthday 01/01/1962

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Choss Jockey

Choss Jockey (6/14)

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  1. My wife, 63yo, bought an ebike a couple years ago and I spent a year trying to keep up with her on my Yeti ARC--but finally gave up and bought a Specialized (yes, I know) Turbo Levo. I've been going back and forth, but the logic of the non-ebike is starting to escape me. Riding my human-powered hard tail after a day on the emtb feels like running with a 100 pound pack on. I'm not tracking any of my elevation gain while on the ebike; it's not my effort. Not sure where this is heading. But it's a good time to be getting old.
  2. Your complaint sounds like MSNBC script. Or a scowl on the face of a crowd refusing to celebrate a 13 year old boy stricken with cancer. How did Democrats become so utterly awful? Ok, you used Nazi allusions, so let's start there. The only folks I see spewing anti-Semitic bile these days are Democrats and progressives. Columbia, anyone? Not Republicans, who, in fact, are united in their support for the Jewish state. Certainly not Trump who, likewise, has attempted to cut off funding to universities who tolerate the physical harassment of Jewish students and violence generally. Who are the Nazis in America these days? Ask a Jewish friend--if you have any. Putin. Yes, I understand Rachel Maddow says you can't be against unchecked financial and weapons support for Ukraine and against Putin at the same time. But do you really think this? It's just, well, a very limited view of the world. Finally, yes, we just had an election and America chose Trump. I didn't like it when they chose Biden--but, hey, that's democracy. And Trump won because of the dripping arrogance and utter contempt white liberals hold for pretty much everyone who lives outside their city limits or a university campus--or the national parks. (Full circle.) Leftists, Democrats, progressives, have become weird and generally disgusting. A cadre of white liberal women and their cucks. A masquerade ballroom full of elites and intelligentsia dancing into the night while The Red Death ravages the countryside. Trump is President because of the thoughts, ideas and actions of the people you surround yourself with.
  3. Exactly. We do not have, nor did we ever have a "treaty" to protect Ukraine as you claim. You should do a better job reading the links you post. Semantics aside, I think it's a good thing that an American President finally wants to stop wholesale slaughter and war--and not feed endless war and corruption. Progressives are sounding more and more like neocons nowadays.
  4. Snowshoed up Star Peak (formerly Squaw Peak) above Hwy 200 this last Tuesday with my neighbor and his 12 year old son. Cold and windy and one of the coolest outhouses I've ever seen.
      • 1
      • Rawk on!
  5. Spoken like a true "public servant."👍 Remember, you work for us. And we elected this administration. For too long, NPS staff have acted like the public lands they manage belong to them alone. Looking forward--learn to code? Trampling free speech? No, that was you and your Biden/D buddies who, at one point, even tried creating a Ministry of Truth. Corrupt? It's looking like your USAID buddies and their D bosses take the blue ribbon. More to come. Go Elon! Curious, which "treaty bound" country did we abandon?
  6. That's incredible! Some great stories. I never did climb Liberty Ridge--but managed eight other Rainier routes. I'll probably stick to the Emmons or Furher Finger if I make it to a 50 year anniversary climb. I never made it over to the Tahoma Glacier either. That would be nice. My first Olympus summit was in 1980 and I remember looking over to Glacier Pass as we crossed the Blue on the way down thinking that I'd like to find out what's on the other side. I never have been back to do the traverse to Queets Basin, but I did return to Olympus's summit in 2005 with my 14 year old son--and again in 2019 in the pouring rain. If I make it, I'd like to go back in 2030. Maybe combine the climb with the traverse. 1980 2005 2019
  7. Top of Mount Hood, 1977. My first volcano.
  8. I still hike in my Levis sometimes! At least you're not wearing shorts over polypro, haha. Great picture.
  9. I'm coming up on fifty years of climbing in the PNW and, God willing, might be able to repeat a trip or two from the late 1970s. Hiked up my first summit, Bearhead Mountain, in 1975 and will do it again this summer with my grandkids. A couple more years until my Rainier jubilee--and I'd love to repeat Adams Glacier in 2029. I stood on my first glacier in 1974--but, sadly, Anderson Glacier is no more. Anyone here have climbs they've repeated 50 years later? 40 years later? Then & now photos?
  10. Now that's a cool bike! Our dog rides in a trailer--but your dog is getting much better views. Titanium? Love the center stand too.How does the front wheel track? Much skidding off pavement?
  11. Good news, the private sector awaits their arrival.
  12. Dissent is the right of citizens to protest their government. Here we have government protesting its citizens. Not gonna turn out well for them.
  13. From the Superintendent down to the seasonal ticket taker. Keep a list.
  14. But there's enough manpower to station a patrol car at the gate? Makes no sense.
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