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Fairweather last won the day on June 18

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About Fairweather

  • Birthday 01/01/1962

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Choss Jockey

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  2. I've never had a social media account. No FaceBook, no Twitter, no blogs. Not then, not now, not ever. Spent a few months on NW Hikers back in the day--before they banned me. 😁 Used my real name too. Lo, my years in the wilderness were spent mostly in the wilderness. Forward, why the drip drip echoes here? Why all the empty row houses, wind-blown papers and climbing ivy like one of those syfy shows? Where'd everyone go? Ivan the stormtrooper? The fat goatee light bulb guy? The chocolate commie? The Seattle ambulance chaser? Minx? The 8-year Greener grad? RBW66? That hairy Canadian guy. The dope-smokin' arborist? Was it really age? Are their testicles mummified at the bottom of some unnamed couloir? or trapped in some woman's purse? Hopefully they're running rivers, at least. Times change, I guess. Both here and in the mountains. But what the hell happened? Was it Covid? All the Woke bullshit? Declining sperm counts? (It's a national crisis.) A final surrender to PNW groupthink? I don't like it. But my wife hasn't left me, my dog is still kind of happy to see me. I think. I still wake up hard and my vote still counts. For now. Cheers.
  3. I don't want to talk If it makes you feel sad I've been gone the better part of a decade--and return only to find Spray has gone silent; gentrified. Forty eight pages--flapping in the wind. Is this a NW devolution? Where's the mojo? The spirit that once drove Spray also drove us into the hills--and back here to tell our tales. And brawl. The mountains look different in the PRWA these days, for sure. Bureaucrat weekends, full of rules. Little white squares. Feministas and cucks. Not the way it used to be. Libtards on Parade.
  4. Wow, the Sitkum Glacier is almost gone. Good memories there.
  5. Fairweather


    Your dog loves you more than your wife! Proof: Lock them both in the trunk of your car for 1 hour. Then open the trunk. Which one is happy to see you?😂
  6. Musk fired thousands of liberal censors at Twitter. And rightfully so. The only "alternative viewpoints" that were being censored at Twitter were conservatives. They even banned a presidential candidate in 2020. Famous Musk quote: "turns out you don't need a lot of employees when you're not busy censoring everyone." What X has become is a virtual free-for-all, true. But that's the price. I see plenty of crazy stuff both left and right. It's just amusing that mid-wit Democrats somehow think they're the smartest kids in any room they enter. This whole free speech and democracy thing isn't working for them. Arrogance. The FBI? Comey? McCabe? Strock/Paige? Sheesh, they've been political since J Edgar Hoover. We did just fine without them for the first 150 years of the Republic. We'll do just fine when they're gone.
  7. Nonsense. When you hear Democrats say "misinformation' or "disinformation" what they really mean is "anything we disagree with or doesn't fit our worldview." The solution to bad information is good information. Unfortunately, New Left Democrats and "progressives" see regulation and censorship as their preferred solution. It's a big reveal. And when they claim "Russian bots," again, they're just seeing a bogey man or walking away for an argument they just lost. As for the billionaires, well, do you mean George Soros? He's buying up hundreds of radio stations across America. Not to mention local prosecutors. Bill Gates? Or the other billionaires who financed Kamala's campaign? Mark Cuban? Oprah? They raised almost double what Republicans did. And still lost. Because, it turns out, voters understood they were the real threat.
  8. Democrats: "This whole free speech thing could get out of hand."
  9. His free speech beliefs and anti-censorship efforts. The horror! You were right in 2015--don't go soft now, amigo!
  10. Now THIS actually aged pretty well.
  11. This was a topic worthy of discussion. Your dismissive reply makes such a discussion much less likely.
  12. This thread did not age well...
  13. The trip's high point was 4100' and the total elevation gain/loss was about 7600'. The coolest part was crossing the two large icefields--knowing we were on an island. Lots of fog and mist added to the mysteriousness of it all. On day two, we climbed the "Bear-case"--big bucket steps up a cliff-side forest made by brown bears over thousands of years. The biggest surprise was traversing the north side of Mount Bassie. USGS maps show no permanent ice--but we crossed two large, very active alpine glaciers. The last day involved a 2600' bushwack/cliff descent from the alpine down to Baranof Lake. hanging from cedar branches and huckleberry boot-tapping for a flat spot. Warm Springs, at the end of the route, is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.
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