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Everything posted by wormfighter6

  1. Tele nut, When you talk about action, or rather lack thereof. Don’t forget to include George H.W. Bush and Reagan. (yes) Bombing in Beirut – no action- actually turn and run. Pan Am bombed, Libya harbors terrorists still no action. If Jr Bush REALLY wanted to after threats to America (and get oil) Libya would have been a much better argument. Libya harbored terrorists, even admitted it, had an ongoing nuclear weapons program. If you want to complain about a Presidents lack of action please be consistent.
  2. Quick question murray why should the people who collected cheques from their parents not be able to collect SS. Not trying to stir the pot just curious?
  3. The fact that Social Security going broke in no new news. This had been talked about for over a decade now. The “fix” is not that difficult, because people are living longer and longer, you need to push back the retirement age. Alan Greenspan has already hinted at it, besides there is already something similar in place. For instance, if you start to collect SS at age 62 you will collect less per month that you would if you waited till you were 65 or 67 those ages will just be continued to be pushed back, 20 years from now it will most likely be 65 will be the earliest you can withdraw dollars from your SS. With full payment not being till 70. Besides SS was NEVER indented to support you once you retire is was indented to keep people from starving. Besides there’re excellent devices out there that allow you to save for your retirement. For example IRA’s 401K’s 403B’s etc if you don’t save for retirement you will have your plan when your 65, work till you die.
  4. Thats the goal I'm trying to make this an "expedition" for the kids. This winter the group spent a weekend at Paradise snow caving. I talked w/ the rangers and they have no prob w/ having a group up there. I've got extra 4 season tents Im lending the kids and Dad's. I hoping I can give some of the kids ( and Dads) an experience they will never forget.
  5. I am taking a Boy Scout group up Hood in late May. I wanted to spend some time w/ them on the mountain teaching them self arrest, rescue etc. Going to take the hogsback route. How much time does it shave off if you stay just above the ski area.
  6. Thanks for the info was kinds curoius because it an hour shorter drive to there than to Leavenworth. Sounds like we would be the only ones there if we did that.
  7. Has anyone been climbing in Swauk. I understand it's sand stone there. If so how's the approach, is is sport, or trad. Also is any camping close to it? Any Beta wold be gratly appreciated. Finally, is their a guide book for the area.
  8. Thnx for the tips guys sounds like I'll be doing some slab for a while.
  9. I am finally able to climb after being forced to take an entire year off from climbing due to an accident. I took a 30 ft whipper last year and tore up my shoulder. I still do not have full range of motion and still have a fair amount of pain when I raise my hand above my shoulder. Any tips on climbing with limited use of one arm. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Thnx for the info I'll be there this weekend.
  11. Would like some info on Leavenworth. Is icicle road open? if so how far? How much snow is up there? (if any) Is it worth heading to this time of year or do I still have to wait another month?
  12. My wife and I are both intrested in making a summit attempt of Mt Rainier. We have been to Camp Muir but have not summitted Mt Rainier. If intrested Email at ibrunning4x4@yahoo.com
  13. My Wife and I are lookig for other people to go climbing with we bolth lead 10's aport and trad. We usually go camping when we climb and are always looking for other people to enjoy camping and climbing. We work during the week and can only climb on the weekends. ------------------ Mark W
  14. If you looking for some one to go climbing w/ My wife and I both climb every weekend. We are going to Levenworth Labor day week end we are leaving Thursday night and will climb through monday. We lead 10's sport and trad. Let us know if you want to come.
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