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Posts posted by slaphappy

  1. At Static Point or anywhere, I would also suggest that anyone replacing bolts take the extra time to remove the old ones so new bolts can go in the same holes wherever possible. Also, I think it is worthwhile to spend the extra money for high quality stainless steel bolts and hangers. I like powder coated hangers because the baked on finish lasts longer than any paint job you could do at home. For belay stations, I prefer the Fixe stations (again, powder coated) but there are good arguments for the more standard sport-crag setup. I don't advocate setting up crag climbs with belay (rappel) stations requiring webbing, because the resulting heaps of old webbing make it impossible to clip directly into a bolt hanger, they can be downright scary, and these belay stations are ugly from afar.


    Well said.

  2. Sure hope that 24 hour thing is true, the little bitch that I yanked off my forearm has left me with a 2cm circle of deep red, no white center though. I have been bitten many times in the past but this is the first time I have had the red circle. madgo_ron.gif Bastard!

  3. usually i go to thjat mexi place on the second story, whatever its called gustav's ios full of posers, and the service sucked last 2 times i was there.

    So true about the posers! Better service at the bar. Mexican is decent but spendy. Try the Renaissance for brkfast.


    you can score carharrts off of sierra trading post for like half price




  4. Uncle Ulis rocks for breakfast! Dont be dissin it. They gave me a deal once just cause i was wearing Carhartts


    I must admit, I'm not much of a breakfast guy. At that time of day a bigdrink.gif seems much more appealing than food. However, Uli's still sucks. The portions are small and the prices are high. Taco night is a joke. Bunch of slimy wanna-be hippies always stinkin up the place. rolleyes.gif Besides "Tony" K. is always there and who wants to listen to his "5.11c this... blah blah. 5.12 that... blah blah.", absolute b.s. I'll be belly-up to the bar at Gustav's drinkin a Rogue Yellow Snow and wolfin down a Gustav Burger for $6.95. Mmm mmm good!


    I know nothing about fancy brand name tech clothing for cragging. Aren't Carhartt's like $40-$50 a pair? Yipes! I'll stick to the cheap Old Navy close outs for $15-$20.



  5. Tim-

    Bring your wire brush for Raft Rock-You'll need it. Although I certainly haven't led Mastadon Roof I am confident a #5 is not required.



    A burger at Gustav's is only $10 if you include a pint. Where can you get a better/cheaper burger in town? bigdrink.gifcheeburga_ron.gif Uli's? sucks, Duck Boys? Yipes!


    There are no tick free crags in L-town.

  6. I'm sure ice is possible, but I just haven't encountered it. I'm curious who has seen ice on this route, and at what time of year.

    I did the route the day the road opened in 98 (early April). It was in the 20's and there was a short stretch of water ice (50') high on the route where it bottle necks down. The rest of it was good "styrofoam". An outstanding outing in these conditions.

  7. catbirdseat said:

    slaphappy said:

    This might help:


    There is one exception to the general "no liability" rule under the statute. If a recreational user is injured as the result of a "known dangerous artificial latent condition" on the property, liability can occur. In order to meet this exception, the condition creating injury must meet each and every one of the four qualifying terms: 1) it must be inherently dangerous; 2) it must be latent (something that is not readily apparent); 3) it must be artificial (something that is not natural); and 4) perhaps most importantly, it must be known to the landowner, who then fails to warn of the condition.

    So an example of such a condition would be an old water well that had a bad cover over it that someone could step on and fall through. A large loose boulder wouldn't qualify because it was natural.
    To my understanding that would be correct. It would also apply to fixed installations (bolts, pins, chains, etc.) that the landowner knew were faulty.
  8. I'm not advocating pins on the Lime Lizard, not in the summer to be sure. I'm just saying that whatever you do to save your ass in a snow storm while LEADING a climb is perhaps more justifiable.

    Never thought I would say this but I agree with Pope's above statement. (although his attempts at comparing it to rap-bolting are, as usual , pathetic) I would have no problem tappin in a pin if conditions and terrain warrant it, although I highly doubt a hammer would be part of my arsenal on a clean trade route at a crag.


    He put in a pin or two on the easy section.

    Hmmm... I wonder about that. If we are truly talking about pitch 1 of Green Drag-on and my memory is correct, the freeclimbing crux is at about 2/3 height after the angle eases back and immediately below the 4th class finish. Since the 11- crux is laying back small pin scars on a slabby seam, additional scarring would dramatically affect the freeclimbing and the ease of placing protection.


    I challenge you to show me the pin scar Collins left up there. If you can, chances are it's now a good nut placement. More than likely, the pin scars left by one guy having a snowy adventure aren't even evident. Can you say the same for rap bolting?

    Multiple "snowy adventures" = permanently altered and unrepairable climbing. Correctly placed fixed hardware = permanent unaltered climbing and removable/repairable damage. Your right Pope, it's not the "same" thing. moon.gif

  9. Hmmmm, I don't really agree with you. From the tarn directly below (east of) Mesa Lake it takes about 30-45 minutes to reach The Mole. I would consider that "passing by" if I was connecting a Toketie/Prusik outing. Not exactly a "detour" on a multi day trip. Whatever.

  10. Also curious as to if anyone has been to Ed Mesa via the drainage slumping to the E of said mesa, unnamed and has no named creek. It appears to be the way up, both from the road and from the top. Please respond or PM. Otherwise I will be forced to endure the heinous bushwhack.


    Have you really been up there and looked at it from the top, or just sittin on your ass staring at a map? I've been to the Eastern edge of the mesa and am pretty damn sure it cliffs out. If your goal is the mesa or The Hook Creek Crags, why anyone would hike up there any other way than Hook Creek is beyond me.


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