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Posts posted by slaphappy

  1. Hmmm, I guess it's starting to make sense. Clearly I need to get the updated version of the Beckey bible cantfocus.gif my old one has no photo. He refers to a hollow on the West Face route, I assume this is what you mean. I was only aware of the "giant chockstone" between The Mole and The Duolith not of the other further west. Either way nice work! Sounds like a fun way to extend the already entertaining NF routes. bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif

  2. classic crack!!! drive to the top and walk downhill to the tr anchor


    Or you can drive to the bottom and have your cooler of beer handy.


    sure if you want to run the risk of ruining access for all... madgo_ron.gif


    Park on the street and walk the 1 minute downhill! I'm sure you can carry your cooler that far.

  3. Maybe I'm really confused but isn't the large chockstone on the East side of The Mole between it and the Duolith? How did you circumnavigate the whole formation, that west side is STEEP?


    There are 3 variations I know of on the N face. Two are 5.7/8 and are almost exactly 400' long. The other is perhaps 500' and is a bit harder at 9+ish.


    Way to get at it! bigdrink.gif

  4. First I flailed and failed thumbs_down.gif then I cracked out the bigdrink.gif (Bushmills) then I sent! thumbs_up.gif Then the crack petered out and I failed thumbs_down.gif Day 2: retry and failed thumbs_down.gif break out red wine, tried an alternate and failed thumbs_down.gif went for obvious gully and still failed thumbs_down.gif


    All in all a failure. boxing_smiley.gif


    lesson learned: bring stirrups, more kb's, bolts and whiskey bigdrink.gif


    * and damn do I hate goats! madgo_ron.gif

  5. I feel your pain, sister. But the criteria above does not exist in the climbing community either. Anyone who fits that billing is already hitched. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. hahaha.gif


    Your chance of getting a nice stable single late 20-30 something guy is probably higher on Match.com and then you can maybe teach him how to climb.


    funny, I was thinkin a similar thing about the selection of ladies that would qualify... bigdrink.gif

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