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  1. I figured with all of the collective experience on this board I could troll for easy and tasty dinners that can be whipped up at basecamp. Since I rarely even cook at home I am a bit challenged in this area. I usually cave to apathy and bring Top Ramen and sandwiches. Maybe if we get enough recipes Martha Stewart will publish a cookbook to go with her new upcoming title: Penal Panache: Good Eats for those Doin' Hard Time.
  2. quote: Originally posted by jon: at Performance Bike in Bellevue. 24 pack of Gu $20, 3.5 pound can of Cytomax for $25. Didn't see any horsecock on sale sorry. But they do have the handy refillable horsecock dispenser [ 07-04-2002, 01:36 AM: Message edited by: jblakley ]
  3. quote: Originally posted by gapertimmy: quote:Originally posted by smutass: oh get over yourself. partners are for holding rope, not for your enjoyment. yes- i see your problem - maybe you suck ass? arrrrr, me arch nemisis agent orange crazy polish bob wankage is back! buh bye! What this BBS needs is an enema. Nah he might like that. Never mind.
  4. quote: Originally posted by Terminal Gravity: while I'm climbing with my friends. Hey bartender...some crampons, an axe and some fear. It's not that I don't like partners; I just feel better when they are not around. Seriously, My experience with partners has been either negative because we don't get along, or they punk out or we fail for other reasons or they are dangerious to themselves or me. My success rates lately are much better solo. But, solo is limiting. I'm frustrated. Do others have experience or sage advice on this subject. Gee I kinda feel the same way about sex.
  5. jblakley


    quote: Originally posted by Dennis Harmon: Dru, Where and when can I buy some of your Dirt Bolts? Will they be sold in Leavenworth? Maybe you could talk your distributers into re-soleing scuba climbing boots, as well. Just a thought. Dennis Lawn Darts work great. Just make sure you girth hitch the runner in close to the soil so as not to lever it out.
  6. jblakley


    Gee, all I got's to say is "Hmmmmmm" LOL
  7. Looking for someone to do a little sport cragging with today at either exit 32 or 38. Happy to do anything from 5.9 to 5.11. Call if interested. 425-761-5343. Let's yank! Jim
  8. -You buy a brand new 700 dollar portaledge and sleep on it with your dog while it is hung from your living room ceiling. -You use your brand new haul bag as luggage to impress your fellow airline passengers on your trip to Bali.
  9. Hey y'all, I'm meeting some friends in N Bend around 4:30 to climb at exit 32. If anyone is interested in joining us give me a ring at 425-761-5343. Jim
  10. Even seeing Jim in a coma at Wenatchee hospital on Sunday night I had a feeling he would be ok. I've lost 3 friends over the years to mountaineering accidents but never had someone this close to me hurt this seriously in a rock climbing accident. Jim is a fucking rock and a great human being and I am very happy and relieved that he is well on his way to recovery. I really want to thank all of you guys for all of the support you've shown over the week. I know everyone on here flips each other shit from time to time but I really believe that everyone truly cares for everyone else and I would trust my life to just about anyone on this board. Fuck the critics, this is a good climbing board and I'm proud to be a part of it! Here's to Jimbo and here's to all of you.
  11. One way to make lowering on a Gri-Gri smoother is to use the curled metal plate on the back of it as the main braking element by pulling the rope over it and down and have the lever as a back up. If most or all of the braking is done by the lever, jerkiness is unavoidable.
  12. I was a second responder in an accident last spring involving a woman I knew. I can remember being very upset as I was being lowered to her and saw all of the blood around her but upon landing next to her I went on autopilot, was able to stuff my need to control the situation and instead was able to be assisitant to the first responder who was actually very well trained in first aid. My climbing partners were very competent. No egos got in the way and we very quickly put someone in charge and let that person make the decisions with no protest from us. In this situation we had all been through some rescue methods training and I believe all of us at some point had had a MOFA course. I would have to say that training and humility are major ingredients of a good rescue. A rescue is a bad time for power tripping or egos to flare up. We all kind of went on autopilot and only afterwards did it hit me and I had a good cry. Doug will have some good stuff to say about this one.
  13. Talked to Jim's mom this morning. His condition is essentially unchanged. Still in a coma. On the plus side he is breathing on his own and cat scans have shown that he has 100% brain function. From what I gather the main questions are when he will wake up and when he does if there will be any lingering damage.
  14. That makes sense because I heard Rosanne Arnold peed in Ray Borbon once. That's kind of a beautiful cycle of life vibe eh?
  15. There was another stolen celebrity sphincter. As it turns out this one was very cleverly hidden. It turns out that Rosanne Arnolds anus-scape was actually Crater Lake. Arnolds legal team is currently in litigation with the Federal Parks people to have this so called "landmark" returned to the rightful owner. No word yet on how the feds plan to fill the "void".
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