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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. While climbing at vantage yesterday, I was in the middle of a short lie-back section, when I heard this strange shrieking sound. I leaned foward to look in the crack and saw a bat next to my hand, exposing his teeth and squeeling at me. I've never down-climbed so fast! Another time on Zebra-zion, I stepped off the belay and headed up the crack- before I could put a peace in, a bird flew out of the crack, right toward my face. Anyone have any varmint/climbing stories? Met the ring-tail on dinner ledge(s face, washington column)?

  2. I don't believe this was a statement against bolting routes- why were the anchors taken off of george and martha and steel grill? I don't know what this is about. After I replaced the anchors on 3 routes, someone took the slings and rap rings, leaving the brand new hangers I put on there. So is this saying this is neither about scoring hangers or trashing sport routes? Could it be the work of some nut who is mad at the climbing community in general, one who only free solos now (saying no names)? Who knows

  3. quote:

    Originally posted by kevin page:
    My ex and I used to use a double bivy bag that she'd made. She also sewed a zipper onto a sheet that matched up to a down sleeping bag. The sleeping bag was then a blanket for us both. I don't know how much weight this saved but it sure made bivy's fun.

    yeah, she's still got that bag- it works pretty nice

  4. Anyone been following the stock market? Its looks like Amazon.com has seen the last of its burst of success. General Electric and Wall-mart are still good choices, rising slowly but surely. I got the new Abercrombie and Fitch catalog in the mail- I really like their new spring swimsuit line.Anybody get their REI dividend yet? How about the commercials during the superbowl- which was your favorite?

  5. Pope- I see what you're up to here- you're a sicko! A double bivi sack would wiegh the same as two singles. I'm sure you are aware of this fact as you are a math teacher. I suggest you take this topic to http://www.gay.com !

    [ 02-08-2002: Message edited by: Charlie ]

  6. quote:

    Originally posted by brody0:
    I'm writing, or rather bitching, about the amount of chatroom style messages I see on this site. I use this site from time to time to check on ice conditions and route reports, and more than half the messages I see are crap. I think the people on cascade who work on a computer all day long and have nothing better to do should fire up there own chatroom and bullshit to each other. I hear messenger is good for this. I have a slow computer at home 28.8 and it takes me a while to download a page, and then i still have to sift through all the off topic messages to find what I want. I doubt this will affect the "spray" seen on cascade, I just wish people would use this site for it's intended use. For climbers, ABOUT CLIMBING!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. I just checked out the website de la chuck- very nice job! Awesome topo of outer space, great photos and tr's. Chuck, did you climb eichorn as well as catherdral? I climbed cathedral last summer and wish we would have knocked off eichorn while we were up there...nice exposure eh?

  8. quote:

    Originally posted by pope:
    When free parking is outlawed, only outlaws will park for free. Yo Charlie, it's cheaper to pay the ticket (though perhaps less satisfying) than to rent a Ryder truck and buy all of that fertilizer....don't do anything rash!

    I meant I was going to enlarge the the summons (you know, with a zerox) Great, the CIA is going to be kicking in my door any minute now!

  9. yeah, I agree with not focusing so much on gear. I took me a while to get past always searching for your next piece- I find I climb better when I focus on the next move- If you're climbing a popular route, the placements will be there.

  10. For me, it depends on the type of rock I'm on. If I'm climbing granite, it's plug and go- when on basalt or sandstone, I don't fall, the pro is "just in case". I'm actually more nervous about falling on bolted routes (my own mind f&*ck) on a crack, you can put in 2 or 3 pieces before heading through the crux with confidence- on a bolted route, you only have one one chance to keep your dome off the deck ( I know bolts rarely fail, but what if?)

  11. I just recieved a summons to appear in federal court for not having a Pass at a trailhead in the Cle elum dist. They say i can avoid this if I send them $50- has anyone else experienced this? So much for ignoring the "reminder" left on the windshield. I feel like a serious criminal- watch for me on Amerikas most wanted...... [Wazzup]

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