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Posts posted by Retrosaurus

  1. I've got a 1/2 mile private road and it drifted shut about 9am today. The neighbor 1/2 mile further down the road burried his 4x4 in the drift in front of my place and I spent 3hrs getting the both of us stuck and unstuck and back home where we belong. The wife is gonna get to park at the main road and walk the last half mile home. Not what I had planned for the first day of spring.

    So quit ya whinin'!

  2. quote:

    Originally posted by klar404:
    Favorite shot ever at smith : some climbing chika leaning on a clip stick talkin on a cell phone!

    Exactly!! And the whole, who's lookin' at who, lookin at who, thing.


  3. quote:

    Originally posted by Dru:
    i found that once, climbing with a partner with prosthetic limbs, you could leave limbs detached behind you as pro points. those artificial hands can be used in many spots - fist jam or finger jam in cracks or crimpin on a small edge. im surprised wild country, BD and split'her gear do not make lines of prosthetic hands for pro....

    OK, OK. But I am NOT giving up my erotic plastic novelties.

  4. I have my own version of a cheater, oops, stick clip. My television remote control. I just sit on the couch swill beer and click. Don't have to experience danger, get cold, dirty, sweaty or scared. virtual climbing.

  5. quote:

    Originally posted by Dru:
    why would you girth hitch to a biner when you could clip??????????????????????????

    To hold nuts in opposition.To shorten a runner.I am sure there are other uses, but these come to mind quickly.

    I knew Freeclimb was an academician. Hopefully he will post his climbing schedule with the mountaineers on their website so that we can avoid being involved in the rescue/recovery/clusterfuck. [laf][Moon]

  6. Freeclimb9 is obviously one of those stupid engineers. Maybe he should move to Virginia too. Maybe they are related; cousins or brothers or both.

    Honestly, the most dangerous shit I've ever seen done on crags and in the mountains was done by engineers. Of course they were also graduates of the Mountaineers Course.

  7. Ivan,I am glad that you and your "engineer" buddy are climbing in Virginia and not around here. Please get your shit figured out before you start climbing around here so that I can avoid being involved in your body recovery.

    Slinging wire is obviously stupid.

    Girth hitching slings is acceptable if it is not to be subjected to high impact forces (leader falls). The heat generated when girth-hitched slings tighten suddenly against one another in a fall can overheat and seriously weaken them.

  8. quote:

    Originally posted by Peter Puget:
    Has anyone ever found Pivotal Moment? If so is it worth doing?

    In the winter it can ice up thick enough to be fun and much easier than when it is a rock climb and you have to get horizontal under the roof off a viscious biter fingerlock.

    The water streaked rock with a roof at the bottom, not far up the hill above Air Roof.

  9. In the large basalt cliffs where multiple flows can be visualized, there is usually a broken up area where the top of a lower flow interfaces with the bottom of the next overlying flow. This is what I was referring to as "entablature" earlier. This structure where succeeding layers meet often forms a system of ledges or overhangs or both at once, often providiing access to upper tiers, especially when a talus slope reaches up to the ledge system.

    Zenolith,R U HI? O jus dupid?

  10. quote:

    Originally posted by MysticNacho:

    Whatever happened to Sexual Nympho anyway?

    Hey ButtTacoMuncher,

    This is not a Singles BB: "GWM looking for companionship". Please use another bulletin board to make your connections.

    -Alpine A-hole

  11. Peter, you are so right.

    I now see the error of my ways. What we need is more access, easier access. Hell, the road should be paved, and plowed, kept open all winter. Hell, the road shouuld go all the way in to the Stuart-Colchuck trail junction. And a tram to the top of Aasgard. And up the North ridge of Stuart! Build steps on the trails! Hand rails! Handicapped access! Via Ferrata! An IMMENSE parking lot! A Mickey D's! Don't be selfish and think of YOUR WEEKEND TRIP. Think big. I want to share it with everyone. FUCK WILDERNESS. WE NEED HUMANITY. And we need it in The Enchantments. Thanks Peter.

  12. quote:

    Originally posted by David Parker:
    ...not allow foot traffic up that dirt road is #$@$$@% ludicrous!!!! Hell, we should be able to ford the stream if the bridge was gone. This is one stinky RAT with a hidden agenda. And to think they can (try to) charge us for NON-ACCESS!!!! Not for a mili-second would I let this stop me from walking up that road if I really wanted. ...if conditions are right, up that road I will go. FUCK 'EM!!!!

    Right on, David.

    (Hidden agenda? It's always about the money.)

  13. You can access the top pitch of Zenith from the right via an entablature ledge and then rappelling from the top of the route. This pitch forms some of the best ice I have climbed on in Washington. Beware the ice hanging above. Last year My partner nearly got blasted off that pitch when an immense whistling-missle pulverized on impact 30 feet from me and avalanched on top of him half way up the pitch shocked.gif" border="0 .

  14. quote:

    Originally posted by TIMM@Y:
    ...let them get washed out and never repair them...

    This is exactly what I would like to see happen. Nothing like geographical barriers to protect an already over-used, abused, over-regulated, fragile alpine environment. I can walk the few extra miles. Think of all the people who wouldn't. If access took a little more physical effort, maybe permits would be unnecessary.

  15. quote:

    Originally posted by kevin page:
    Oh yeah, what's with that belay station above the roof and between Devil's Delight and Fright. New route, not in the guide

    Satanic Verses. Not so new, just never made the guide book.

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