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Posts posted by scot'teryx

  1. Im gonna head up on Tuesday, where can we start skinning? At mile 2.25?

    The direct approach wont work?


    Would bikes be a good idea for the 2 mile approach?

    Is the summit pyramid snowfree?


    Does the Sahale Arm look like a good ski?


    Anyone wanna go with us on Tuesday?


    Will I win the lotto?


    What's my ss#'s?


    I know I know, way too many questions

  2. There was lots of mud above the Hot springs if you want to filter that shit cantfocus.gif


    There were a few streams that we crossed on the PCT before heading up to whatever that was, Fire Pass?


    Boulder Basin is still all snow with some streams running here and there in the drainage basins, but you won't be near Boulder Basin right?

  3. Stone gardens cracks me up:

    "Route Setters


    Stone Gardens is looking for men and women

    interested in becoming route-setters.


    You must meet the following requirements:


    Be able to climb 5.11 comfortably.


    Be able to climb V5 comfortably. "


    V5 comfortably? I must be a real gumby, but I can't climb V3 comfortably!

    Good luck to SG!




  4. Can someone grab my cam on Sonic Boom next time your up at Trundle Dome?


    It's stuck in the flake, as it got pushed way back somehow after I placed it, and then overcammed.


    I'll buy you a beer if you can get it out. But it's just a Trango Flexcam #3 (BD .5?)

  5. We did Sitkum Ridge........


    The snow did not start until Boulder Basin, around 5700 where we could start skinning. It really sucked carrying the gear in, especially up the root ridge where every single tree would grab your boots and skis. I will never do that again for sure.


    The ski down from the summit to the saddle was icy, but the upper Sitkum glacier was some of the best skiing I have done this year, and then the lower sitkum glacier sucked since it rained the night before.


    We ran into my friends on Saturday that did it in a day, something like 18 hours car to car on skis. That's the only way I would ever do that route again, and the wife expresses interest in it cry.gif



  6. Bronco said:

    Looks like good dirt/choss!

    Any pics of the truck?


    Pretty solid rock actually, the stuff is so grainy and sharp my fingers look like I've been in bishop for a week, almost bleeding from the fingertips.


    The sofa rock (The obelisk I think) almost felt like it was moving when I sat in it.


    There were some images of the truck, but my friend took these images and I should be getting the rest later this week. My new camera finally came in the mail to replace the one I lost on Hidden lakes Peak back in December.


    I guess the Whatcom Police Department said that a single female hiker had her car broken into the same way the week before. She ran into some punks sitting in a truck near the scene of the crime and asked them if they saw anything I guess.

  7. ExtremoMtDude said:

    but your HTML looks really good. don't hate on him guys, I don't see you guys making websites.


    Nice Code?

    Cmon EMD, they used freakin FrontPage. The code is all messed up, navigations is wacked, and layout is lame. A for effort I guess, as they are most likely a novice. (Not that I have good code either)

  8. Yeah, it made no sense. The tribal police were worthless, so my friend made a report with Whatcom Country Police.


    All the stuff inside is not covered, and would fall under my homeowners insurance. Somehow I believe all my stuff that I lost was not worth as much as our 500 deductible


    Someone's wearing my chacos though and that pisses me off!

  9. Did the West Ridge of the N Twin on Tuesday, and after riding our bikes down from the TH we found my friend Ryan's brand new truck torn apart. Both windows bashed in with big boulders, fuse box torn apart, everything inside was gone including chacos, cellphones, clothes, keys, etc etc.


    We had to crawl around on the ground in the dark to find fuses that they tore out to get the car to start, and then replace the rest of what we could find so it would run. No odometer, interior lights, or stereo for the ride home, but the heater worked so no windows on the ride home could have been much worse


    Police department said they can't do anything w/o a suspect.


    Be careful when parking your car there, I know I won't be heading back there at all. Last time we did this last year we had no problems, but you never know.......

  10. Paul_detrick said:

    I don't have the new book but we climbed up at sam hill and under hill, way kool. We warm up on sam n cams, than did groping for oprahs navel, great route. than can blue men sing the whites? ok. next went to under hill and did jaywalking for jesus, reminds me of outerspace only easyer, and finished on don't forget arete, a must do if your up there. Only saw two people, so it was a great day.


    Sam Hill and the Underhill is way kool that is for sure.

    I have yet to do that one long pitch that is up the hill and to the left of Sam Hill that goes at 10b or something, but is more than 130' I think. Gear and bolts.


    Trundle Dome is the shit too, since your up there it is alot of fun. April Mayhem can be great for some, but a real pain for others with big hands.


    I was at Index today and got my ass kicked and then spit out on Libra Crack.

    boxing_smiley.gifThat's one hard 10a crack!


  11. So what did you climb this weekend after the release of Viktor's new book?


    Went with some newbies on Saturday and we climbed at Mad Meadows (once we found it...trail?). Some fun stuff up there, especially "Birthday Boy", a great 5.7 that had a lot to offer.

    The upper crag was alot of fun as well. Some good 5.7's and 5.8's. Went to "Clem's Holler" after that and climbed a fun 2 pitch 5.8 sport that was a lot of fun. Started the 3 rd pitch that went at 10a, but after the 3rd bolt, it went to small gear that I did not have on me so I had to bail.


    Sunday we went up to "Planet of the Eights", and that area is worthless IMO. We did 2 routes, and they were not 1 star climbs. After that "Mystic Nacho" had to bail and I am very sorry for him as we did "Poison Ivy Crack" and that route rules the earth! It totally reminded me of a mini easy version of that route in Inertia 2 "Book of Hate" 12d or something.


    Hand jam dihedral, with stemming and some kick ass opposition moves. I loved that route!


    We then headed out to Clems Holler again, as I wanted to finish that 10a route on the 3rd pitch and get my bail biner. Unfortunately there were other groups there, some we did "Nettlesome", which was a 2 pitch 5.9/5.8. The 5.9 pitch was pretty kick ass, with some awkward moves at the sdtart, and then some real fun ones getting over a bulge to the belay. The last 5.8 pitch of slab was dirty, but fun nonetheless.


    Didn't get to place a single cam this weekend....kind of bummed about that.





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