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Posts posted by highclimb

  1. Office space,

    thats a good movie by the way....ok back the Topic. i aggree that the moment you wrote that you could lead 5.9 at Si and that you were up for the north ridge of Stuart. you opened yourself up for some bashing. i can lead 5.9 sport too, but that is sport climbing. it is sOOOO much diferent from trad. i get really pumped leading 5.8+ trad and leading trad at a crag and leading trad in the mountains is also diferent. i cant get the never up to lead hard stuff in the mountains. also you did not mention whether you knew much about trad climbing because all you said was that you can clip bolts at 5.9. maybe be more specific next time.


  2. the direct east buttress of SEWS is done free at 5.11

    the direct east buttress of NEWS is 10a i think

    Tooth and Claw on the east face of Lexington Tower 5.11/12 i think

    And the east face of lexington is 5.9




  3. I Work the most out of everyone here....long grueling hours of slaving away, going to friedns houses, watching tv, climbing when i feel up to it, checking out girls at the local market and i might i add that today there were some fine looking ladies out there. wink.gif also during work i sit on my ass and just do nothing sometimes. also theres the basketball practice twice a week that my bose lets me go to. so stop winning about how work sucks because you don tknow the half of it. wink.gif


  4. DOnt beleive pencil.......i was up on prusik last friday and i could very well see it. yeah as the captin said they are suppose to be is great shape. good luck and have fn on the appraoch....i hear it sucks shocked.gif


  5. Billy,

    they bivied on the top of the 17th pitch. brought one sleeping bag and draped it over them, slept of the foam pad from their backpacks and the rope. that is second hand knowledge so colin or scott can confirm it for you.


  6. Dru,

    Actually i will be going into high school french. wink.gif


    Although it might be from the root word Tit it still doesnt mean big breast/tit it mean big nipple. it you want i cant help tutor you in french. i dont know any of that grammer crap but i do know a couple cuss words.

    and thanks for putting that mental image of a three breasted guy in my mind. shocked.gif


  7. have not done the route but,

    the south face route which is the route you will be doing right?

    according to Jim Nelson it offers about 300 feet of mid fith class climbing. with two short awkward 5.7 moves. bring a small rack to about 3 inches. and an ice axe for the approach.

    good luck and have fun!



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