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F*ed up fee otherturned (starting the process)


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Rec'd from the Western Slope no fee co-coalition today.


"We received word today that Senators Max Baucus of Montana and Mike Crapo of Idaho are set to re-introduce their bill to repeal the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act.


The introduction is anticipated for tomorrow, April 23, 2009. You can read the first press story in Bill Schneider's column at www.NewWest.net.


It will take a few days for the introduction process to be completed and a bill number assigned, so don't start writing Congress quite yet, but get your pencils sharpened and your keyboards dusted off!


It will take a full effort from all of us, but we WILL get this bill passed and signed into law!


Stay tuned for more soon."




These fees are F*ed up big tie. I'm speaking as someone who paid more than most people made in income in income taxes this year, it ain't the money. I make a lot and pay a lot. big deal. Its the idea that a poor widow with 3 kids is forced to pay the same amount as a rich dude is just friggan wrong. These are public lands already. Either reduce your expenses or close the cost part of them down and make it free for all citizens and not discriminating against poor people. So screwed up to institute a NEW fee that will have to have NEW COSTS TO COLLECT AND ADMINISTER just to screw the poor people who want to spend a day out in the woods.


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Max is a sheep farmer ya know?

This may be the first right thing he has done.

Damn Montana Democrats are really rebuplicons in lighter colored suits.


I would think that democrats would be naturally more inclined to toss these regressive fees out. Wheres Ron Wyden and Earl Blumenhouer on this issue I wonder?

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